Take a Blank Piece of Paper
1. Write your Primary goal at the Top
2. Write as many ideas as you can for improving that which you now do
3. Think of 20 possible ways for improvement
Things to Remember
1. Spend at least 1 hour a day generating as many ideas as you can- to improve what you are now doing
2. Enhance your life- try to increase your mental abilities to at least 20% or more
3. Successful people are not without problems- they have learned to solve their problems
4. Don't waste time ad energy worrying about needless things
5. Use your mind effectively to achieve your goals
6. Do not worry about the ideas you write down as most of them will not be any good, but to get just one good idea a day can change your life!
Monday, April 16, 2012
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living Longer
“Put a ‘stop-loss’ order on your worries. Decide just how much anxiety a thing may be worth—and refuse to give it any more.”
This timeless advice given from Dale Carnegie is not just good for your peace of mind; new research suggests it could help you age gracefully.
Previously, researchers at the University of California at San Francisco discovered that too much daily stress could speed up aging at the level of telomeres, those protective caps on chromosomes. Now, these same investigators have dug deeper into how anticipation of stress—in other words, worry, panic, or anxiety—affects telomeres in women.The researchers, led by Nobel laureate molecular biologist Elizabeth Blackburn, Ph.D.,* and psychologist Elissa Epel, Ph.D., found that women who responded to a “stressor” such as public speaking or solving a math problem with higher levels of perceived threat had significantly shorter telomeres in their white blood cells (leukocytes) in comparison to women who anticipated less of a perceived threat.
The study, to be published in the May issue of the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, evaluated telomere length and anticipation of stressful situations in 50 women, about half of whom suffer from chronic stress as caretakers for relatives with dementia. The results showed that women serving as caregivers felt more threat than the non-caregivers when asked to perform public speaking and solve math problems.
The study suggests people who are exposed to chronic stress are more likely to see small stressors as more threatening, such as losing keys, leading a meeting at work, or getting stuck in traffic. In addition, their greater perceived threat to constant stress can increase their risk for shorter telomeres.
“Psychological stress exposure leads to exaggerated threat sensitivity, which drives more frequent and prolonged threat perception in daily life, which in turn promotes activation of the biological stress responses that can drive telomere shortening,” the researchers wrote.
The scientists explain that a better understanding of how stress promotes biological aging, or telomere shortening, could lead to improved stress management methods for those with chronic stress and help to reduce the compounding effects of perceived stress.
A few tried-and true stress reduction techniques include meditation, exercise, getting adequate sleep, and supplementation with adaptogens. These can also be complemented by healthy diet and lifestyle behaviors that provide greatest support for telomeres.
To age gracefully without worry, however, the best advice may be from Carnegie: “If you have a worry problem, do these three things: 1. Ask yourself: ‘What is the worst that can possibly happen?’ 2. Prepare to accept it if you have to. 3. Then calmly proceed to improve on the worst.”
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Less Belly Fat and Healthier Telomeres by Reducing Stress and Eating Mindfully
Stress reduction techniques and mindful eating reduce belly fat, according to new study
If getting in shape and losing that belly are New Year’s resolutions—as they should be—then why not add reducing stress to the list? Unfortunately, eating sweet and fatty foods appears to be one of the preferred choices of Americans for managing chronic stress.
Aside from the mental strain caused by chronic stress, it results in higher concentrations of stress hormones such as cortisol and poor eating habits that are associated with increases in belly (visceral) fat. Belly fat is not just unsightly, but is also linked to oxidative stress, inflammation, shorter telomeres, and greater risk of chronic disease.
Take heed: new findings published in the Journal of Obesity (1) suggest that combining an easy technique called mindful eating with stress management can help reduce cortisol levels and the resulting belly fat. Interestingly, a substudy (2) also found that the reduction in cortisol was associated with increased activity of the enzyme telomerase needed to restore telomere length.
In the parent study, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, randomized 47 women categorized as chronically stressed, overweight, and obese to either a mindful eating training group or a control group. They found that the women who received the training had greater body awareness and reduced cortisol secretion, chronic stress, and abdominal fat. The researchers also found that the women with the greatest reductions in cortisol or stress had the greatest decreases in abdominal fat.
The mindful eating training group also showed significant drops in cortisol after wakening, generally when the hormone reaches peak levels in people suffering from chronic stress. The group’s subjects maintained their body weight while those in the control group did not have a drop in cortisol and continued gaining weight.
Mindful Eating
Instead of prescribing any diet, all of the women attended one session on the basics of a healthy diet and exercise. The training group consisted of teaching the women mindful eating practices such as paying attention to the physical feelings of hunger, cravings, fullness, and taste satisfaction as well as stress-reduction techniques.
The women in the training group attended classes once a week for nine weeks and a seven-hour intensive silent meditation retreat during the sixth week. Throughout the trial, the women were asked to do daily meditation exercises for 30 minutes and to apply mindful eating at meals.
The researchers gauged psychological stress before and after the study by using established survey methods combined with cortisol and fat measurements. What the researchers were looking for was a change in the amount of overall weight and deep abdominal fat as well as a change in cortisol secretion shortly after wakening.
Cortisol Causes Belly Fat, Shortens Telomeres
For the substudy, published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, some of the same researchers took the same women and trial, but just measured their telomerase activity before and after the mindfulness training treatment. Women who received the training and who decreased their stress and belly fat also showed a greater increase in telomerase activity. A link between improved telomere function and reduced fasting blood glucose was also found.
“Improvements in stress, eating, and metabolic regulation may increase telomerase activity over time,” the study authors concluded.
The culprit in the deleterious effects that chronic stress has on the body looks to be the hormone cortisol, which increases as levels of stress increase. Though shorter bouts of cortisol secretion are normal and can have a stimulating effect on the body—as when the ability to run from danger is needed—the opposite is true of having continuously elevated levels of cortisol. This results in a chain reaction where fatty acids from outlying areas move into the abdominal regions and build up belly fat. Chronically elevated levels of cortisol also suppress telomerase, which can lead to shortened telomeres and accelerated cellular aging.
Isagenix and Stress
An Isagenix system is demonstrated as an effective way of reducing harmful belly fat through its application of Cleanse Days and Shake Days. The few calories eaten on Cleanse Days along with Cleanse for Life helps to stimulate fat burning and detoxification while Shake Days combine high-protein meal replacement shakes with healthy eating to maximize nutrition and muscle maintenance.
Additionally, Ionix Supreme, a unique tonic with adaptogens, increases the body’s ability to deal with stress and come out on top. Adaptogens are botanicals that mitigate the stress response, lessening the harmful effects of stress hormones like cortisol on several body systems like the nervous and immune systems.
Lastly, Isagenix products including SlimCakes and FiberSnacks! assist people with healthy snacking—helping them avoid high-calorie junk foods when stressed—and obtaining soluble fiber, which is strongly associated with reduced belly fat.
This year, don’t let stress take over and unleash its havoc on the body. Instead, learn about mindful eating techniques and other stress-beaters—exercise, plenty of sleep, and a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables, as well as Isagenix products—to help stay calm and cool.
If getting in shape and losing that belly are New Year’s resolutions—as they should be—then why not add reducing stress to the list? Unfortunately, eating sweet and fatty foods appears to be one of the preferred choices of Americans for managing chronic stress.
Aside from the mental strain caused by chronic stress, it results in higher concentrations of stress hormones such as cortisol and poor eating habits that are associated with increases in belly (visceral) fat. Belly fat is not just unsightly, but is also linked to oxidative stress, inflammation, shorter telomeres, and greater risk of chronic disease.
Take heed: new findings published in the Journal of Obesity (1) suggest that combining an easy technique called mindful eating with stress management can help reduce cortisol levels and the resulting belly fat. Interestingly, a substudy (2) also found that the reduction in cortisol was associated with increased activity of the enzyme telomerase needed to restore telomere length.
In the parent study, researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, randomized 47 women categorized as chronically stressed, overweight, and obese to either a mindful eating training group or a control group. They found that the women who received the training had greater body awareness and reduced cortisol secretion, chronic stress, and abdominal fat. The researchers also found that the women with the greatest reductions in cortisol or stress had the greatest decreases in abdominal fat.
The mindful eating training group also showed significant drops in cortisol after wakening, generally when the hormone reaches peak levels in people suffering from chronic stress. The group’s subjects maintained their body weight while those in the control group did not have a drop in cortisol and continued gaining weight.
Mindful Eating
Instead of prescribing any diet, all of the women attended one session on the basics of a healthy diet and exercise. The training group consisted of teaching the women mindful eating practices such as paying attention to the physical feelings of hunger, cravings, fullness, and taste satisfaction as well as stress-reduction techniques.
The women in the training group attended classes once a week for nine weeks and a seven-hour intensive silent meditation retreat during the sixth week. Throughout the trial, the women were asked to do daily meditation exercises for 30 minutes and to apply mindful eating at meals.
The researchers gauged psychological stress before and after the study by using established survey methods combined with cortisol and fat measurements. What the researchers were looking for was a change in the amount of overall weight and deep abdominal fat as well as a change in cortisol secretion shortly after wakening.
Cortisol Causes Belly Fat, Shortens Telomeres
For the substudy, published in the journal Psychoneuroendocrinology, some of the same researchers took the same women and trial, but just measured their telomerase activity before and after the mindfulness training treatment. Women who received the training and who decreased their stress and belly fat also showed a greater increase in telomerase activity. A link between improved telomere function and reduced fasting blood glucose was also found.
“Improvements in stress, eating, and metabolic regulation may increase telomerase activity over time,” the study authors concluded.
The culprit in the deleterious effects that chronic stress has on the body looks to be the hormone cortisol, which increases as levels of stress increase. Though shorter bouts of cortisol secretion are normal and can have a stimulating effect on the body—as when the ability to run from danger is needed—the opposite is true of having continuously elevated levels of cortisol. This results in a chain reaction where fatty acids from outlying areas move into the abdominal regions and build up belly fat. Chronically elevated levels of cortisol also suppress telomerase, which can lead to shortened telomeres and accelerated cellular aging.
Isagenix and Stress
An Isagenix system is demonstrated as an effective way of reducing harmful belly fat through its application of Cleanse Days and Shake Days. The few calories eaten on Cleanse Days along with Cleanse for Life helps to stimulate fat burning and detoxification while Shake Days combine high-protein meal replacement shakes with healthy eating to maximize nutrition and muscle maintenance.
Additionally, Ionix Supreme, a unique tonic with adaptogens, increases the body’s ability to deal with stress and come out on top. Adaptogens are botanicals that mitigate the stress response, lessening the harmful effects of stress hormones like cortisol on several body systems like the nervous and immune systems.
Lastly, Isagenix products including SlimCakes and FiberSnacks! assist people with healthy snacking—helping them avoid high-calorie junk foods when stressed—and obtaining soluble fiber, which is strongly associated with reduced belly fat.
This year, don’t let stress take over and unleash its havoc on the body. Instead, learn about mindful eating techniques and other stress-beaters—exercise, plenty of sleep, and a diet rich in nutrient-dense foods such as fruits and vegetables, as well as Isagenix products—to help stay calm and cool.
Whey in Large Doses After Exercise Brings Bigger Gains in Muscle and Strengt
Whey protein in higher doses after training is better for muscle and strength gains, two studies suggest.
Athletes who consume large doses of whey protein or a leucine-enriched drink directly after training increase their gains in muscle and strength, according to two independent studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
One study from McMaster University in Canada (1) found that recreational athletes who consume 25 grams of whey protein after exercise increased muscle protein synthesis more than when smaller doses are given over time. Another study, performed by U.S. Army researchers and colleagues from other universities (2), found that an essential amino acid drink supplement containing higher concentrations of leucine increases protein synthesis up to 33 percent more than one with lower amounts of leucine.
The McMaster University researchers compared the effects of consuming 25 grams of whey protein versus 10 smaller doses every 20 minutes over 200 minutes in eight athletic men immediately after resistance training. They found that whey protein in the large single dose delivered a greater increase in plasma amino acids (including leucine) to trigger muscle protein synthesis compared with protein in smaller doses over time.
The US Army researchers and their colleagues evaluated muscle protein synthesis and whole body protein metabolism in eight adults who cycled for 60 minutes. Immediately after the workout, the subjects consumed a drink containing 10 grams of essential amino acids; the first drink contained 1.87 grams leucine and the second contained 3.5 grams leucine. The researchers observed 33 percent more protein synthesis in the subjects who consumed more leucine.
“These findings suggest that increasing the concentration of leucine in an [essential amino acids] supplement consumed during steady state exercise elicits a greater [muscle protein synthesis] response during recovery,” the researchers wrote.
Earlier studies have similarly noted the muscle-building potential of whey protein, leucine and other branched chain amino acids. Whey protein is a protein source with a higher concentration of branched-chain amino acids including leucine.
Both studies suggest that athletes should take advantage of consuming single large doses of high-quality whey protein after training. This is easily achieved by consuming 1½ scoops of IsaLean Shake mixed with 1 scoop of IsaPro (containing about 4 grams of leucine). The result could mean more quality gains after each workout, stronger muscles and a greater competitive edge.
Athletes who consume large doses of whey protein or a leucine-enriched drink directly after training increase their gains in muscle and strength, according to two independent studies published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
One study from McMaster University in Canada (1) found that recreational athletes who consume 25 grams of whey protein after exercise increased muscle protein synthesis more than when smaller doses are given over time. Another study, performed by U.S. Army researchers and colleagues from other universities (2), found that an essential amino acid drink supplement containing higher concentrations of leucine increases protein synthesis up to 33 percent more than one with lower amounts of leucine.
The McMaster University researchers compared the effects of consuming 25 grams of whey protein versus 10 smaller doses every 20 minutes over 200 minutes in eight athletic men immediately after resistance training. They found that whey protein in the large single dose delivered a greater increase in plasma amino acids (including leucine) to trigger muscle protein synthesis compared with protein in smaller doses over time.
The US Army researchers and their colleagues evaluated muscle protein synthesis and whole body protein metabolism in eight adults who cycled for 60 minutes. Immediately after the workout, the subjects consumed a drink containing 10 grams of essential amino acids; the first drink contained 1.87 grams leucine and the second contained 3.5 grams leucine. The researchers observed 33 percent more protein synthesis in the subjects who consumed more leucine.
“These findings suggest that increasing the concentration of leucine in an [essential amino acids] supplement consumed during steady state exercise elicits a greater [muscle protein synthesis] response during recovery,” the researchers wrote.
Earlier studies have similarly noted the muscle-building potential of whey protein, leucine and other branched chain amino acids. Whey protein is a protein source with a higher concentration of branched-chain amino acids including leucine.
Both studies suggest that athletes should take advantage of consuming single large doses of high-quality whey protein after training. This is easily achieved by consuming 1½ scoops of IsaLean Shake mixed with 1 scoop of IsaPro (containing about 4 grams of leucine). The result could mean more quality gains after each workout, stronger muscles and a greater competitive edge.
Top 25 Questions About Isagenix and Nutritional Cleansing
Based on two years of giving advice, Dr. Ina Nozek answers top frequently asked questions about Isagenix
by Ina Nozek, DC, MS, CCN
Looking for a one-stop shop for answers to the most frequently asked questions about Isagenix products?
Over the last two years, I’ve answered hundreds if not thousands of questions about Isagenix products on the IsaProduct Coaching Call. The 30-minute call available twice daily during the week (Monday to Friday 8 a.m. PT and Monday to Thursday at 6:30 p.m. PT) continues to be popular as a “go-to” resource for helpful advice. Now, based on my experience, I’ve compiled the top 25 most frequently asked questions and answers for you. Here they are:
Q. I take a prescription medication. Do I need to check with my doctor before starting Isagenix? After all, it’s just food and supplements!
A. Anyone taking medication and/or under the care of a medical doctor for any medical condition should check with his/her doctor before starting Isagenix or any other nutritional program. Just bring the ingredients of all the products you plan to take to your doctor. Tell the doctor you are about to start a low-calorie healthy eating program and that it involves periodic fasting and incorporates some nutritional supplements. Ask him or her to make sure all the ingredients are okay for your health situation. And then state that you would like him or her to monitor your results. The reason this is important is that sometimes medications need to be adjusted as a result of your increasing health, and only your doctor can do that. (To learn more about the most frequently asked questions from health professionals, listen to this podcast.)
Q. I have diabetes. Can I still use your shakes and can I still perform Deep Cleansing days in my Isagenix program?
A. We have many people with diabetes who are very successful at improving their health with our various systems. It is very important that you have your doctor monitor your blood sugar levels and medication. For some people with diabetes, daily cleansing is more appropriate than deep cleansing, and for some, half an IsaLean Shake at a time may work better than a whole shake at once. However, many people with diabetes have had great results with deep cleansing programs, and most do fine with full shakes or half shakes with added IsaPro.
Q. I am pregnant or breast feeding. Can I use Isagenix for weight loss?
A. Pregnancy and/or lactation are not the time to focus on weight loss. You’ll need calories to gain healthy amounts of weight for your baby, so it is not the time to cut down. You may incorporate IsaLean Shake, Bars, Soups, FiberSnacks!, and SlimCakes; however, these should not be used to replace meals. The IsaFruits, IsaPro, IsaCrunch, FiberPro, and Want More Energy? can also be great additions to your diet. At the same time, you should of course be “cleaning up” what you eat—avoiding excess sugar, fatty foods, etc. Cleanse for Life is not appropriate for pregnant or lactating women, nor are the following products: Ionix Supreme, Natural Accelerator, or IsaFlush!. What you ingest goes right to your baby, and some of the botanicals used in these products have just not been studied well enough in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Finally, you should be aware that our Essentials for Women is not a substitute for a prenatal multivitamin. Once you have weaned your baby, it will be a perfect time to begin an Isagenix program. (For more information, click here.)
Q. I am vegetarian. How do I know which of your products are suitable for me?
A. Isagenix has a table listing what products are suitable for strict vegetarians and lacto-vegetarians. The lists are actually part of the Isagenix Allergens Table.
Q. I am gluten-intolerant. Which Isagenix products do I need to avoid?
A. The most important product to avoid is the SlimCakes. Isagenix Greens also contains wheat grass and barley grass; if you have a strong gluten intolerance or Celiac disease, you should avoid Isagenix Greens, but many people with less gluten sensitivity have no trouble with Isagenix Greens. All of the other Isagenix products are completely gluten free.
Q. Can children or teenagers use the Isagenix products?
A. Yes; many, but not all, of the Isagenix products are appropriate for children and teenagers. Isagenix has a table showing which products are appropriate for which age groups. You can find out which products are appropriate for what age group here.
Q. I have a food allergy. How do I know which of your products are safe for me?
A. Many of the common allergens are found on the Isagenix Allergens Table. For allergens not listed, we suggest you go to the Isagenix Product Catalog; all product ingredients are listed in an appendix at the back of the catalog.
Q. My friend won’t use Isagenix because he/she says the shakes are too high in sugar. What do I tell him/her?
A. First, the sugars contained in IsaLean Shake and Bars are all from natural sources. There are no artificial sweeteners. They are designed to be low glycemic, which means they shouldn’t spike blood sugar. A sufficient amount of healthy carbohydrates is a good thing in a complete meal replacement. IsaLean Shake is scientifically formulated to have an ideal ratio of low-glycemic carbohydrates, quality proteins, and healthy fats to create balance in the body. This is a meal replacement, and your body needs these healthy carbohydrates for energy (especially the brain). For the large majority of people, IsaLean Shakes are definitely not “too high” in sugar.
Q. Why do I need to take my measurements? What’s wrong with weighing myself every day?
A. Since many changes are taking place in your body as you cleanse and replenish, ones that are not reflected on the scale, the scale will often show fluctuations that might make you feel frustrated if that’s all you look at. Remember, the scale only measures net weight, not the amount of fat lost or the amount of muscle you may have gained. The quality of the whey protein in our shakes supports the growth of lean muscle mass while you are burning off fat. This is one reason people who have lost weight on Isagenix don’t tend to have sagging skin. (For instance, look at the “success stories” photos under the “People” tab of Isagenix.com website.) For all these reasons, we recommend that you weigh yourself only once a week, preferably first thing in the morning, after you use the bathroom, on the same scale each time. But you will often see and feel a difference in your clothes. And by taking your measurements, you will be able to see that your body is releasing fat, even if the scale is not showing weight loss.
Q. Why do I need to drink so much water? How do I know how much water is enough? Can I put anything into my water to give it flavor?
A. The products do a great job of supporting the body at releasing impurities, and it’s our job to flush them out of the body by drinking plenty of pure, plain water. We recommend drinking approximately half of your body weight in ounces of pure, plain water whether you are on a cleansing program or not. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, it is suggested that you drink 75 ounces of water each day. We don’t recommend that you add anything to flavor your water. You can use as much herbal or green tea as you want, or put flavored stevia in your water.
Q. I’ve hit a plateau (or my weight loss is slower than expected). What should I do?
A. If you have hit a weight-loss plateau, make sure you are continuing to drink enough water each day, and that you are moving your bowels well every single day. In addition, make sure that you are eating enough calories and that your meal is healthy and balanced. For some people, it is better that they split their one meal into two smaller meals. Often, adding IsaPro to your shake can help break a plateau. We recommend that you add 1 scoop of IsaPro to 1 1/2 scoops of IsaLean Shake. The additional protein can help boost metabolism, fat burning, and satiety. In addition, getting enough fiber in your diet can help lead to better results. If none of this seems to help, you may need to increase your activity level and/or do something to reduce your level of stress.
Q. Why shouldn’t I have coffee on the Isagenix program? Is there anything I can substitute?
A. Because coffee can potentially interfere with goals of detoxification while on Cleanse Days, we recommend that people take a break from it, at least while they are on the initial phase of their program. Many people voluntarily give up coffee afterwards since they are no longer dependent on it and find that they feel natural energy from the nutritional products. We recommend substituting green tea (not black tea), and any natural herbal teas. Consuming Ionix Supreme, Want More Energy?, and IsaDelights can also provide a little energy boost. If you decide to resume coffee consumption, we recommend that you drink low-acid, low-temperature roasted, low-acrylamide, certified organic coffee, and only consume 1 cup per day.
Q. Why shouldn’t I have diet soda on the Isagenix program? Is there anything I can substitute?
A. Diet soda is not recommended as it contains artificial sweeteners. Regular soda is no better because it still contains lots of chemicals and refined sugars. Plain, pure water is really your best bet or Want More Energy? for during or after exercise.
Q. I find myself getting very hungry on Shake Days. What am I doing wrong?
A. Make sure that you are drinking enough water. Sometimes we think we are hungry but we are actually thirsty, and drinking more water can satisfy our hunger. Also, it is important to have your IsaLean Shake within one hour of waking in the morning. Don’t let too much time go by during the day without having your meal or shake. The Isagenix Snacks, or other suitable snacks, are very important to consume between meals and shakes, to balance your blood sugar, and ward off hunger. For some people, splitting the one meal into two smaller meals can be very helpful for warding off hunger too.
Q. I find myself getting very hungry on Cleanse Days. Why can’t I eat an egg, a salad, or some nuts?
A. The ideal way to do a Cleanse Day is to not consume anything other than the Cleanse for Life, Natural Accelerator, and Isagenix Snacks spread throughout the day and maybe a couple of IsaDelights. This will produce the most effective cleansing and fat-burning results. Cleansing involves giving the body (especially the liver) a break from digestion. When we eat food on Cleanse days such as an egg or some nuts, it will slow down or stop the cleansing process so the digestive system can break down those foods. Optimally, if you can avoid snacking on anything other than the Isagenix Snacks and IsaDelights, you will have better results. Again, make sure to be hydrating enough, distract yourself from food as much as possible, and if absolutely necessary or to manage blood sugar, eat some apple slices (preferably organic).
Q. Can I use Isagenix if I’m lactose intolerant? What about if I have an actual milk allergy?
A. There is an extremely small amount of lactose in the IsaLean Shake. As a result, most lactose intolerant people do very well with our shakes. A dairy allergy is different. Depending on the severity of your allergy, the shake and other dairy containing products may or may not be appropriate for you. However, we find that most people are surprised at how well they can tolerate our products. If extremely intolerant, you may wish to consider just trying half a shake with added IsaPro—this limits the lactose and adds more of the enzyme lactase for easier digestion.
Q. Are the Isagenix products considered organic, or not?
A. Our products are considered all-natural using only non-GMO ingredients. They also contain organic ingredients wherever possible, and some ingredients that even exceed USDA organic standards. However, some of our ingredients are sourced from parts of the world that do not have organic certification systems.
Q. I’ve been getting terrible headaches during the first few days of my program. Should I quit?
A. It is not unusual to feel some “cleansing symptoms” during the first few days of the program. Your body is starting to withdraw from certain substances such as caffeine, sugar, etc., and the detoxification process has begun. The headaches can also be caused from lack of hydration, so make sure to be drinking enough water. Low blood sugar can also cause headaches. Don’t quit! Make sure to keep your blood sugar stabilized by using the Isagenix Snack wafers and IsaDelight chocolates throughout the day. Usually within a few days, the headaches are gone. You will start to feel better with each passing day, and before you know it, you’re going to feel fantastic.
Q. Should I stop taking my other supplements and medications while I’m doing Isagenix?
A. Anything that has been recommended by your medical doctor or health professional should be continued while you are doing Isagenix. As for any other supplements you may be taking, you might want to give yourself a break during the initial phase of the program. See what the Isagenix products can do for your body. After your initial program, you may wish to consider switching over to our Ageless Essentials Daily Pak or some of our other superior supplements. The formulas, ingredient quality, and bioavailability of these supplements are extremely hard to beat.
Q. Is Isagenix a good product line for people who have had gastric bypass surgery?
A. Yes. Many people who have had bariatric surgery find themselves becoming malnourished, since it is very challenging to eat enough nutritious food and absorb the nutrients contained in them. The IsaLean Shake for example, is extremely nutrient dense, and is a fantastic way to nourish your body with the right protein and other nutrients for a strong and healthy body. Depending on how soon it is after your surgery and how much volume you can accommodate, you may need to start with only half a shake at a time. For more information, see this article.
Q. Do I have to stay on Isagenix forever if I want to maintain my results?
A. We suggest that once you reach your health and /or weight loss goals, you stay on a maintenance program for long-term health and wellness. Although there are no “have to’s”, it’s hard to imagine why anybody wouldn’t want to continue feeling fabulous. We are constantly being bombarded by toxins in our environment, and our food supply continues to be depleted of the nutrients our bodies need. So it makes sense to continue to stay on some sort of continual cleansing and nutritional supplementation. This can include daily and/or deep cleansing, IsaLean Shakes, Ionix Supreme, Ageless Essentials Daily Pak, and Product B.
Q. My face, chest and arms are blotchy red. My skin feels hot and itchy, almost like a sunburn. Am I having an allergic reaction? What should I do?
A. More than likely, what you are experiencing is known as a niacin flush. Since the Cleanse for Life, Ionix Supreme, and Natural Accelerator all contain niacin (vitamin B3), it is possible to have a niacin flush after consuming these products. Niacin acts as a vasodilator and will dilate the blood vessels closest to the skin’s surface. This can cause a “flush,” which looks and feels like a sunburn. The skin can become hot, itchy, and red. It typically won’t last more than a half hour or so, and the most important thing to realize is that there is nothing unsafe about it. It’s a completely natural reaction to niacin. If this happens, drink plenty of water and know that it’s nothing to be afraid of. If you are not sure whether you are experiencing a niacin flush as opposed to an actual allergic reaction (which may include symptoms such as hives, skin redness, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, nausea, or palpitations), be sure to check with your doctor. If you experience an allergic reaction to any Isagenix product, please discontinue the product.
Q. I don’t need to lose weight, but I still want to take advantage of the benefits of Cleanse Days. How do I adapt the program so I don’t end up losing weight?
A. Although not everybody is overweight, every single one of us is toxic. Since Cleanse Days have the side benefit of safe yet dramatic weight/fat loss, those who do not want to lose weight will need to make some minor modifications. Cleanse Days should be the same no matter what. However, your Shake Days should be different: Instead of enjoying two shakes and one meal consisting of 400 to 600 calories, add more calories into your day. For example, you could have two shakes, two meals, plus lots of healthy, nutrient-dense snacks in between. Each shake can include fresh or frozen fruit, natural nut butters, etc., to add extra nutrient-dense (not empty) calories. The meals should include lean protein, lots of fresh vegetables, healthy fats, and a generous amount of low-glycemic carbohydrates such as from brown rice, baked sweet potatoes, or whole-grain pasta.
Q. I am experiencing constipation. What should I do?
A. First of all, make sure that you are drinking enough water. Remember to drink half of your body weight in ounces of pure, plain water each and every day. Also, make sure that you are taking enough IsaFlush! You can safely take up to six IsaFlush! capsules per day. If you do increase your dose to four or more, you may want to split the quantity into morning and evening doses. In addition, include more fiber in your diet. FiberPro can be added to one or both of your shakes (one scoop per shake). You can also take advantage of FiberSnacks! and SlimCakes. If constipation persists, try having one or two servings of Isagenix Greens each day on an empty stomach. (For more information on common gastrointestinal problems, see this article by Dr. Nicole Kafka.)
Q. How do I know if I should add IsaPro to my program?
A. There are a number of reasons a person might want to add additional protein to their shakes. For example, for those who have a challenged metabolism, adding IsaPro to your shake could help to optimize your weight-loss results. In addition, if after a few days on the program, you are still feeling tired and/or hungry, we suggest adding 1 scoop of IsaPro to 1 ½ scoops of the IsaLean Shake. Also, if you are an athlete who consumes large amounts of protein to support your fitness regime, I suggest adding 1 scoop of IsaPro to 2 scoops of IsaLean Shake for each shake you consume.
About the Author
Dr. Ina Nozek
Dr. Ina S. Nozek is a clinical nutritionist; was in private practice from 1987 until 2009; specializing in stubborn weight loss and detoxification. She holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College. She and her husband, Dr. Glenn Nozek owned and directed the Lifeline Center for Holistic Health. They were also the co-hosts of a cable TV series entitled, Lifeline; and a radio show entitled, Listen for your health. She and her husband live in Toms River, New Jersey, with their three children, Max, Arielle, and Jake.
by Ina Nozek, DC, MS, CCN
Looking for a one-stop shop for answers to the most frequently asked questions about Isagenix products?
Over the last two years, I’ve answered hundreds if not thousands of questions about Isagenix products on the IsaProduct Coaching Call. The 30-minute call available twice daily during the week (Monday to Friday 8 a.m. PT and Monday to Thursday at 6:30 p.m. PT) continues to be popular as a “go-to” resource for helpful advice. Now, based on my experience, I’ve compiled the top 25 most frequently asked questions and answers for you. Here they are:
Q. I take a prescription medication. Do I need to check with my doctor before starting Isagenix? After all, it’s just food and supplements!
A. Anyone taking medication and/or under the care of a medical doctor for any medical condition should check with his/her doctor before starting Isagenix or any other nutritional program. Just bring the ingredients of all the products you plan to take to your doctor. Tell the doctor you are about to start a low-calorie healthy eating program and that it involves periodic fasting and incorporates some nutritional supplements. Ask him or her to make sure all the ingredients are okay for your health situation. And then state that you would like him or her to monitor your results. The reason this is important is that sometimes medications need to be adjusted as a result of your increasing health, and only your doctor can do that. (To learn more about the most frequently asked questions from health professionals, listen to this podcast.)
Q. I have diabetes. Can I still use your shakes and can I still perform Deep Cleansing days in my Isagenix program?
A. We have many people with diabetes who are very successful at improving their health with our various systems. It is very important that you have your doctor monitor your blood sugar levels and medication. For some people with diabetes, daily cleansing is more appropriate than deep cleansing, and for some, half an IsaLean Shake at a time may work better than a whole shake at once. However, many people with diabetes have had great results with deep cleansing programs, and most do fine with full shakes or half shakes with added IsaPro.
Q. I am pregnant or breast feeding. Can I use Isagenix for weight loss?
A. Pregnancy and/or lactation are not the time to focus on weight loss. You’ll need calories to gain healthy amounts of weight for your baby, so it is not the time to cut down. You may incorporate IsaLean Shake, Bars, Soups, FiberSnacks!, and SlimCakes; however, these should not be used to replace meals. The IsaFruits, IsaPro, IsaCrunch, FiberPro, and Want More Energy? can also be great additions to your diet. At the same time, you should of course be “cleaning up” what you eat—avoiding excess sugar, fatty foods, etc. Cleanse for Life is not appropriate for pregnant or lactating women, nor are the following products: Ionix Supreme, Natural Accelerator, or IsaFlush!. What you ingest goes right to your baby, and some of the botanicals used in these products have just not been studied well enough in pregnant or breastfeeding women. Finally, you should be aware that our Essentials for Women is not a substitute for a prenatal multivitamin. Once you have weaned your baby, it will be a perfect time to begin an Isagenix program. (For more information, click here.)
Q. I am vegetarian. How do I know which of your products are suitable for me?
A. Isagenix has a table listing what products are suitable for strict vegetarians and lacto-vegetarians. The lists are actually part of the Isagenix Allergens Table.
Q. I am gluten-intolerant. Which Isagenix products do I need to avoid?
A. The most important product to avoid is the SlimCakes. Isagenix Greens also contains wheat grass and barley grass; if you have a strong gluten intolerance or Celiac disease, you should avoid Isagenix Greens, but many people with less gluten sensitivity have no trouble with Isagenix Greens. All of the other Isagenix products are completely gluten free.
Q. Can children or teenagers use the Isagenix products?
A. Yes; many, but not all, of the Isagenix products are appropriate for children and teenagers. Isagenix has a table showing which products are appropriate for which age groups. You can find out which products are appropriate for what age group here.
Q. I have a food allergy. How do I know which of your products are safe for me?
A. Many of the common allergens are found on the Isagenix Allergens Table. For allergens not listed, we suggest you go to the Isagenix Product Catalog; all product ingredients are listed in an appendix at the back of the catalog.
Q. My friend won’t use Isagenix because he/she says the shakes are too high in sugar. What do I tell him/her?
A. First, the sugars contained in IsaLean Shake and Bars are all from natural sources. There are no artificial sweeteners. They are designed to be low glycemic, which means they shouldn’t spike blood sugar. A sufficient amount of healthy carbohydrates is a good thing in a complete meal replacement. IsaLean Shake is scientifically formulated to have an ideal ratio of low-glycemic carbohydrates, quality proteins, and healthy fats to create balance in the body. This is a meal replacement, and your body needs these healthy carbohydrates for energy (especially the brain). For the large majority of people, IsaLean Shakes are definitely not “too high” in sugar.
Q. Why do I need to take my measurements? What’s wrong with weighing myself every day?
A. Since many changes are taking place in your body as you cleanse and replenish, ones that are not reflected on the scale, the scale will often show fluctuations that might make you feel frustrated if that’s all you look at. Remember, the scale only measures net weight, not the amount of fat lost or the amount of muscle you may have gained. The quality of the whey protein in our shakes supports the growth of lean muscle mass while you are burning off fat. This is one reason people who have lost weight on Isagenix don’t tend to have sagging skin. (For instance, look at the “success stories” photos under the “People” tab of Isagenix.com website.) For all these reasons, we recommend that you weigh yourself only once a week, preferably first thing in the morning, after you use the bathroom, on the same scale each time. But you will often see and feel a difference in your clothes. And by taking your measurements, you will be able to see that your body is releasing fat, even if the scale is not showing weight loss.
Q. Why do I need to drink so much water? How do I know how much water is enough? Can I put anything into my water to give it flavor?
A. The products do a great job of supporting the body at releasing impurities, and it’s our job to flush them out of the body by drinking plenty of pure, plain water. We recommend drinking approximately half of your body weight in ounces of pure, plain water whether you are on a cleansing program or not. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, it is suggested that you drink 75 ounces of water each day. We don’t recommend that you add anything to flavor your water. You can use as much herbal or green tea as you want, or put flavored stevia in your water.
Q. I’ve hit a plateau (or my weight loss is slower than expected). What should I do?
A. If you have hit a weight-loss plateau, make sure you are continuing to drink enough water each day, and that you are moving your bowels well every single day. In addition, make sure that you are eating enough calories and that your meal is healthy and balanced. For some people, it is better that they split their one meal into two smaller meals. Often, adding IsaPro to your shake can help break a plateau. We recommend that you add 1 scoop of IsaPro to 1 1/2 scoops of IsaLean Shake. The additional protein can help boost metabolism, fat burning, and satiety. In addition, getting enough fiber in your diet can help lead to better results. If none of this seems to help, you may need to increase your activity level and/or do something to reduce your level of stress.
Q. Why shouldn’t I have coffee on the Isagenix program? Is there anything I can substitute?
A. Because coffee can potentially interfere with goals of detoxification while on Cleanse Days, we recommend that people take a break from it, at least while they are on the initial phase of their program. Many people voluntarily give up coffee afterwards since they are no longer dependent on it and find that they feel natural energy from the nutritional products. We recommend substituting green tea (not black tea), and any natural herbal teas. Consuming Ionix Supreme, Want More Energy?, and IsaDelights can also provide a little energy boost. If you decide to resume coffee consumption, we recommend that you drink low-acid, low-temperature roasted, low-acrylamide, certified organic coffee, and only consume 1 cup per day.
Q. Why shouldn’t I have diet soda on the Isagenix program? Is there anything I can substitute?
A. Diet soda is not recommended as it contains artificial sweeteners. Regular soda is no better because it still contains lots of chemicals and refined sugars. Plain, pure water is really your best bet or Want More Energy? for during or after exercise.
Q. I find myself getting very hungry on Shake Days. What am I doing wrong?
A. Make sure that you are drinking enough water. Sometimes we think we are hungry but we are actually thirsty, and drinking more water can satisfy our hunger. Also, it is important to have your IsaLean Shake within one hour of waking in the morning. Don’t let too much time go by during the day without having your meal or shake. The Isagenix Snacks, or other suitable snacks, are very important to consume between meals and shakes, to balance your blood sugar, and ward off hunger. For some people, splitting the one meal into two smaller meals can be very helpful for warding off hunger too.
Q. I find myself getting very hungry on Cleanse Days. Why can’t I eat an egg, a salad, or some nuts?
A. The ideal way to do a Cleanse Day is to not consume anything other than the Cleanse for Life, Natural Accelerator, and Isagenix Snacks spread throughout the day and maybe a couple of IsaDelights. This will produce the most effective cleansing and fat-burning results. Cleansing involves giving the body (especially the liver) a break from digestion. When we eat food on Cleanse days such as an egg or some nuts, it will slow down or stop the cleansing process so the digestive system can break down those foods. Optimally, if you can avoid snacking on anything other than the Isagenix Snacks and IsaDelights, you will have better results. Again, make sure to be hydrating enough, distract yourself from food as much as possible, and if absolutely necessary or to manage blood sugar, eat some apple slices (preferably organic).
Q. Can I use Isagenix if I’m lactose intolerant? What about if I have an actual milk allergy?
A. There is an extremely small amount of lactose in the IsaLean Shake. As a result, most lactose intolerant people do very well with our shakes. A dairy allergy is different. Depending on the severity of your allergy, the shake and other dairy containing products may or may not be appropriate for you. However, we find that most people are surprised at how well they can tolerate our products. If extremely intolerant, you may wish to consider just trying half a shake with added IsaPro—this limits the lactose and adds more of the enzyme lactase for easier digestion.
Q. Are the Isagenix products considered organic, or not?
A. Our products are considered all-natural using only non-GMO ingredients. They also contain organic ingredients wherever possible, and some ingredients that even exceed USDA organic standards. However, some of our ingredients are sourced from parts of the world that do not have organic certification systems.
Q. I’ve been getting terrible headaches during the first few days of my program. Should I quit?
A. It is not unusual to feel some “cleansing symptoms” during the first few days of the program. Your body is starting to withdraw from certain substances such as caffeine, sugar, etc., and the detoxification process has begun. The headaches can also be caused from lack of hydration, so make sure to be drinking enough water. Low blood sugar can also cause headaches. Don’t quit! Make sure to keep your blood sugar stabilized by using the Isagenix Snack wafers and IsaDelight chocolates throughout the day. Usually within a few days, the headaches are gone. You will start to feel better with each passing day, and before you know it, you’re going to feel fantastic.
Q. Should I stop taking my other supplements and medications while I’m doing Isagenix?
A. Anything that has been recommended by your medical doctor or health professional should be continued while you are doing Isagenix. As for any other supplements you may be taking, you might want to give yourself a break during the initial phase of the program. See what the Isagenix products can do for your body. After your initial program, you may wish to consider switching over to our Ageless Essentials Daily Pak or some of our other superior supplements. The formulas, ingredient quality, and bioavailability of these supplements are extremely hard to beat.
Q. Is Isagenix a good product line for people who have had gastric bypass surgery?
A. Yes. Many people who have had bariatric surgery find themselves becoming malnourished, since it is very challenging to eat enough nutritious food and absorb the nutrients contained in them. The IsaLean Shake for example, is extremely nutrient dense, and is a fantastic way to nourish your body with the right protein and other nutrients for a strong and healthy body. Depending on how soon it is after your surgery and how much volume you can accommodate, you may need to start with only half a shake at a time. For more information, see this article.
Q. Do I have to stay on Isagenix forever if I want to maintain my results?
A. We suggest that once you reach your health and /or weight loss goals, you stay on a maintenance program for long-term health and wellness. Although there are no “have to’s”, it’s hard to imagine why anybody wouldn’t want to continue feeling fabulous. We are constantly being bombarded by toxins in our environment, and our food supply continues to be depleted of the nutrients our bodies need. So it makes sense to continue to stay on some sort of continual cleansing and nutritional supplementation. This can include daily and/or deep cleansing, IsaLean Shakes, Ionix Supreme, Ageless Essentials Daily Pak, and Product B.
Q. My face, chest and arms are blotchy red. My skin feels hot and itchy, almost like a sunburn. Am I having an allergic reaction? What should I do?
A. More than likely, what you are experiencing is known as a niacin flush. Since the Cleanse for Life, Ionix Supreme, and Natural Accelerator all contain niacin (vitamin B3), it is possible to have a niacin flush after consuming these products. Niacin acts as a vasodilator and will dilate the blood vessels closest to the skin’s surface. This can cause a “flush,” which looks and feels like a sunburn. The skin can become hot, itchy, and red. It typically won’t last more than a half hour or so, and the most important thing to realize is that there is nothing unsafe about it. It’s a completely natural reaction to niacin. If this happens, drink plenty of water and know that it’s nothing to be afraid of. If you are not sure whether you are experiencing a niacin flush as opposed to an actual allergic reaction (which may include symptoms such as hives, skin redness, difficulty breathing, difficulty swallowing, nausea, or palpitations), be sure to check with your doctor. If you experience an allergic reaction to any Isagenix product, please discontinue the product.
Q. I don’t need to lose weight, but I still want to take advantage of the benefits of Cleanse Days. How do I adapt the program so I don’t end up losing weight?
A. Although not everybody is overweight, every single one of us is toxic. Since Cleanse Days have the side benefit of safe yet dramatic weight/fat loss, those who do not want to lose weight will need to make some minor modifications. Cleanse Days should be the same no matter what. However, your Shake Days should be different: Instead of enjoying two shakes and one meal consisting of 400 to 600 calories, add more calories into your day. For example, you could have two shakes, two meals, plus lots of healthy, nutrient-dense snacks in between. Each shake can include fresh or frozen fruit, natural nut butters, etc., to add extra nutrient-dense (not empty) calories. The meals should include lean protein, lots of fresh vegetables, healthy fats, and a generous amount of low-glycemic carbohydrates such as from brown rice, baked sweet potatoes, or whole-grain pasta.
Q. I am experiencing constipation. What should I do?
A. First of all, make sure that you are drinking enough water. Remember to drink half of your body weight in ounces of pure, plain water each and every day. Also, make sure that you are taking enough IsaFlush! You can safely take up to six IsaFlush! capsules per day. If you do increase your dose to four or more, you may want to split the quantity into morning and evening doses. In addition, include more fiber in your diet. FiberPro can be added to one or both of your shakes (one scoop per shake). You can also take advantage of FiberSnacks! and SlimCakes. If constipation persists, try having one or two servings of Isagenix Greens each day on an empty stomach. (For more information on common gastrointestinal problems, see this article by Dr. Nicole Kafka.)
Q. How do I know if I should add IsaPro to my program?
A. There are a number of reasons a person might want to add additional protein to their shakes. For example, for those who have a challenged metabolism, adding IsaPro to your shake could help to optimize your weight-loss results. In addition, if after a few days on the program, you are still feeling tired and/or hungry, we suggest adding 1 scoop of IsaPro to 1 ½ scoops of the IsaLean Shake. Also, if you are an athlete who consumes large amounts of protein to support your fitness regime, I suggest adding 1 scoop of IsaPro to 2 scoops of IsaLean Shake for each shake you consume.
About the Author
Dr. Ina Nozek
Dr. Ina S. Nozek is a clinical nutritionist; was in private practice from 1987 until 2009; specializing in stubborn weight loss and detoxification. She holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College. She and her husband, Dr. Glenn Nozek owned and directed the Lifeline Center for Holistic Health. They were also the co-hosts of a cable TV series entitled, Lifeline; and a radio show entitled, Listen for your health. She and her husband live in Toms River, New Jersey, with their three children, Max, Arielle, and Jake.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Going Back to School
Q: Is there any college degree that offers even the possibility of retiring at $50,000 a year or better within five years after graduating?
Now consider this alternative…
“Go back to school” for five to ten hours a week for six months. Not your local college, but be taught by a team of Lifestyle Trainers and begin building a home-based business. Six months to a year after that you could be making $2,000-$6,000 per month, residual—meaning you are paid whether you get out of bed or not—on top of what you are currently earning.
Could you see yourself “going back to school” for five to ten hours a week for six months to have that kind of income? If so, fill out the questionnaire on the next page to see if you qualify.
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living Longer
How one responds to daily stresses like stage fright may affect telomeres, study shows
“Put a ‘stop-loss’ order on your worries. Decide just how much anxiety a thing may be worth—and refuse to give it any more.”
This timeless advice given from Dale Carnegie is not just good for your peace of mind; new research suggests it could help you age gracefully.
Previously, researchers at the University of California at San Francisco discovered that too much daily stress could speed up aging at the level of telomeres, those protective caps on chromosomes. Now, these same investigators have dug deeper into how anticipation of stress—in other words, worry, panic, or anxiety—affects telomeres in women.The researchers, led by Nobel laureate molecular biologist Elizabeth Blackburn, Ph.D.,* and psychologist Elissa Epel, Ph.D., found that women who responded to a “stressor” such as public speaking or solving a math problem with higher levels of perceived threat had significantly shorter telomeres in their white blood cells (leukocytes) in comparison to women who anticipated less of a perceived threat.
The study, to be published in the May issue of the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, evaluated telomere length and anticipation of stressful situations in 50 women, about half of whom suffer from chronic stress as caretakers for relatives with dementia. The results showed that women serving as caregivers felt more threat than the non-caregivers when asked to perform public speaking and solve math problems.
The study suggests people who are exposed to chronic stress are more likely to see small stressors as more threatening, such as losing keys, leading a meeting at work, or getting stuck in traffic. In addition, their greater perceived threat to constant stress can increase their risk for shorter telomeres.
“Psychological stress exposure leads to exaggerated threat sensitivity, which drives more frequent and prolonged threat perception in daily life, which in turn promotes activation of the biological stress responses that can drive telomere shortening,” the researchers wrote.
The scientists explain that a better understanding of how stress promotes biological aging, or telomere shortening, could lead to improved stress management methods for those with chronic stress and help to reduce the compounding effects of perceived stress.
A few tried-and true stress reduction techniques include meditation, exercise, getting adequate sleep, and supplementation with adaptogens. These can also be complemented by healthy diet and lifestyle behaviors that provide greatest support for telomeres.
To age gracefully without worry, however, the best advice may be from Carnegie: “If you have a worry problem, do these three things: 1. Ask yourself: ‘What is the worst that can possibly happen?’ 2. Prepare to accept it if you have to. 3. Then calmly proceed to improve on the worst.”
“Put a ‘stop-loss’ order on your worries. Decide just how much anxiety a thing may be worth—and refuse to give it any more.”
This timeless advice given from Dale Carnegie is not just good for your peace of mind; new research suggests it could help you age gracefully.
Previously, researchers at the University of California at San Francisco discovered that too much daily stress could speed up aging at the level of telomeres, those protective caps on chromosomes. Now, these same investigators have dug deeper into how anticipation of stress—in other words, worry, panic, or anxiety—affects telomeres in women.The researchers, led by Nobel laureate molecular biologist Elizabeth Blackburn, Ph.D.,* and psychologist Elissa Epel, Ph.D., found that women who responded to a “stressor” such as public speaking or solving a math problem with higher levels of perceived threat had significantly shorter telomeres in their white blood cells (leukocytes) in comparison to women who anticipated less of a perceived threat.
The study, to be published in the May issue of the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity, evaluated telomere length and anticipation of stressful situations in 50 women, about half of whom suffer from chronic stress as caretakers for relatives with dementia. The results showed that women serving as caregivers felt more threat than the non-caregivers when asked to perform public speaking and solve math problems.
The study suggests people who are exposed to chronic stress are more likely to see small stressors as more threatening, such as losing keys, leading a meeting at work, or getting stuck in traffic. In addition, their greater perceived threat to constant stress can increase their risk for shorter telomeres.
“Psychological stress exposure leads to exaggerated threat sensitivity, which drives more frequent and prolonged threat perception in daily life, which in turn promotes activation of the biological stress responses that can drive telomere shortening,” the researchers wrote.
The scientists explain that a better understanding of how stress promotes biological aging, or telomere shortening, could lead to improved stress management methods for those with chronic stress and help to reduce the compounding effects of perceived stress.
A few tried-and true stress reduction techniques include meditation, exercise, getting adequate sleep, and supplementation with adaptogens. These can also be complemented by healthy diet and lifestyle behaviors that provide greatest support for telomeres.
To age gracefully without worry, however, the best advice may be from Carnegie: “If you have a worry problem, do these three things: 1. Ask yourself: ‘What is the worst that can possibly happen?’ 2. Prepare to accept it if you have to. 3. Then calmly proceed to improve on the worst.”
How Does Whey Protein Signal Muscle Growth?
Scientists have found the signaling pathway of muscle growth induced by combination of whey protein and weight training
Sports physiologists know that maximizing muscle building requires adequate amounts of high-quality dietary protein—rich in branched-chain amino acids such as leucine—and a resistance training regimen such as weight lifting. Less known are the precise cellular and molecular signals that explain how these factors promote muscle growth.
A new study from New Zealand and Australian scientists reports that leucine-rich whey protein combined with resistance exercise stimulates muscle growth in young and older men by way of increasing the activation of molecular modification (mTOR signaling) of muscle proteins. Interestingly, while the combination of exercise and whey protein increased activation of some muscle proteins to a similar degree in young and old before training, the diet/exercise combination was distinctly blunted in the older subjects.
According to the authors of the study, just published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, while exercise and whey protein combined to effectively activate muscle proteins in young men, deficiencies in this signaling pathway were evident in muscles from older individuals.
“Strategies to improve muscle growth in the elderly should not dismiss the use of protein, particularly whole proteins high in leucine [such as whey protein], in conjunction with a resistance exercise program,” the researchers wrote.
The researchers compared the impact of whey protein supplementation (27 grams consumed after each of 36 resistance training sessions over 12 weeks) or a placebo on cell signaling protein activation. They also addressed the effects of aging on these specialized proteins by examining muscle from young (ages 18 to 25) and older (ages 60 to 75) males before and after the 12-week training program. The importance of understanding muscle growth and maintenance in aged individuals is particularly important considering the prevalence of sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) in elderly populations.
With this in mind, the IsaLean Shake containing 23 grams of protein per serving made up of primarily whey and IsaPro providing18 grams of whey protein per serving can be used advantageously by young and elderly for maximizing the signaling needed for maintaining or stimulating muscle growth when consumed along with a resistance training program.
Sports physiologists know that maximizing muscle building requires adequate amounts of high-quality dietary protein—rich in branched-chain amino acids such as leucine—and a resistance training regimen such as weight lifting. Less known are the precise cellular and molecular signals that explain how these factors promote muscle growth.
A new study from New Zealand and Australian scientists reports that leucine-rich whey protein combined with resistance exercise stimulates muscle growth in young and older men by way of increasing the activation of molecular modification (mTOR signaling) of muscle proteins. Interestingly, while the combination of exercise and whey protein increased activation of some muscle proteins to a similar degree in young and old before training, the diet/exercise combination was distinctly blunted in the older subjects.
According to the authors of the study, just published in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, while exercise and whey protein combined to effectively activate muscle proteins in young men, deficiencies in this signaling pathway were evident in muscles from older individuals.
“Strategies to improve muscle growth in the elderly should not dismiss the use of protein, particularly whole proteins high in leucine [such as whey protein], in conjunction with a resistance exercise program,” the researchers wrote.
The researchers compared the impact of whey protein supplementation (27 grams consumed after each of 36 resistance training sessions over 12 weeks) or a placebo on cell signaling protein activation. They also addressed the effects of aging on these specialized proteins by examining muscle from young (ages 18 to 25) and older (ages 60 to 75) males before and after the 12-week training program. The importance of understanding muscle growth and maintenance in aged individuals is particularly important considering the prevalence of sarcopenia (age-related muscle loss) in elderly populations.
With this in mind, the IsaLean Shake containing 23 grams of protein per serving made up of primarily whey and IsaPro providing18 grams of whey protein per serving can be used advantageously by young and elderly for maximizing the signaling needed for maintaining or stimulating muscle growth when consumed along with a resistance training program.
Friday, April 6, 2012
What would you do if you REALLY owned your life!
- When would you wake up?
- What work would you do?
- What would you do for fun?
- Where would you go on vacation?
- What house would you live in?
- What car would you drive?
Nature’s Answer to Stress
An essential part of staying healthy is managing chronic stress.
Everyone knows what it’s like to feel “stressed” or “threatened.” Stress sparks a surge of physiological changes in the body. Breathing quickens and the heart pumps harder. Pupils dilate, hair stands on end, and sweat glands open. Senses sharpen and so does judgment because the brain knows that this is the moment when it’s time to fight or to flee.
Stress is a normal part of being human. However, its very existence is one of duality as savior and killer. Few of us realize how stress affects our physiology—hence the reason why April is Stress Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about how stress makes an impact on our health.
Stress comes in two different packages: sudden stress (acute) and ongoing stress (chronic). Acute stressors are those perceptions of immediate threat or dangers. They bring the mental acuity, physical stamina, adrenaline, and the hormone cascade that prepares your body for “fight or flight.” But stress becomes chronic when it’s a constant factor and it can take a heavy toll on our health.
Our understanding of stress and its effects on physiology, in fact, is relatively new. The condition itself was not even named until 1936. Hanz Selye was the first scientist to define stress as “the non-specific response of the body to any demand” (1). Seventy-six years later, the physiology of the chronic stress response is well-studied, widely discussed, and thoroughly researched.
Chronic stress now plagues our modern society. Almost half of Americans suffer from stress-related health problems and an estimated 75 to 90 percent of all doctors’ visits are related to stress, according to The Stress, Anxiety & Depression Resource Center (2). Stress is also linked to the six leading causes of death in the U.S. (3). Nearly 40 percent of American workers report their job as “very or extremely stressful,” according to the Centers for Disease Control (3). Despite these statistics, most of us don’t even realize that stress can affect our bodies on the inside.
Chronic stress is a true antagonist to our health and it comes from a variety of sources such as finances, relationships, and career. What is the result? It causes a deterioration of the mind as well as the body. Symptoms can manifest as exhaustion, anxiety, and depression.
Long-term chronic stress produces an ongoing hormonal response that causes premature aging, adversely affects brain chemistry, causes sexual dysfunction, compromises metabolism, brings down energy, stores fat (in all the wrong places), and ultimately can lead to the development of chronic disease and death.
The link between chronic psychological stress and age-related disease is already well established. Chronic stress, for example, is directly associated with shorter telomeres, those protective caps on chromosomes whose length is considered a biomarker of aging (4).
As Dr. Selye would phrase it, stress is a generalized strain placed on the body. But today, most would agree that stress is generally negative. Just as people are seeking solutions for healthy weight loss, they are also seeking advice about how to manage the stress in their lives, how to decompress, and ultimately how to ‘de-stress.’ It is not just a goal, for many it has become a necessity, a matter of survival.
While small truths do reside in the newest exercise fads for reducing stress, as does time in meditation, books, or a few extra weeks of vacation—stress is not eliminated, but rather, managed every day.
With each daily challenge comes a new opportunity to find balance. The science behind Isagenix products is a great way to help you find that balance, and with it, your ideal health.
Beat Stress with Adaptogens
In 1947, former Soviet Union research scientists Nicolai Lazarev and Israel Brekhman devised the word adaptogen. From the Greek word adapto, meaning “to adjust,” the term was used to describe protective agents that helped neutralize the effects of stress.
The researchers drew inspiration from ancient Chinese and Siberian traditions whose followers made use of special herbs before a hunt or battle. Lazaref and Brekhman studied the herbs used in these traditions, some of which they classified as stimulants because they were harmful after prolonged use. The adaptogens, according to their criteria, normalized the body and increased resistance to stress without any noxious effects.
Attention to adaptogens in North America first came about in 1990 after former Soviet Union Olympic Coach Ben Tabachnik emigrated to the U.S. and revealed that Soviet athletes and cosmonauts had covertly used adaptogenic herbs throughout the 1970s.
It was out of the initial research of these scientists that Ionix Supreme was born. The research into adaptogens grows and several of the ingredients have been subject to clinical trials attesting to their effectiveness.
Deemed “nature’s answer to stress,” Ionix Supreme is a cocktail of adaptogens designed to work in synergy to protect the body against the harmful effects of stress.
Several adaptogenic botanicals protect against stress perhaps through a variety of mechanisms. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), for example, a short shrub also known as Indian ginseng, has been used for centuries in Asia to treat stress-related health conditions. In 2008, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (5) evaluated its use in adult men and women with high amounts of stress. After 60 days of treatment, those who received the adaptogen had reduced feelings of stress. In addition, they showed a reduction in circulating cortisol. The researchers attributed ashwagandha’s stress-reducing abilities at least in part to its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, a primary regulator of serum cortisol levels.
Ionix Supreme also contains rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea), schizandra berry (Schisandra chinensis), and eleuthero root (Eleutherococcus senticosus). These extensively studied adaptogens may similarly work by mimicking stress itself, according to Swedish researchers Alexander Panossian and George Wikman.
Adaptogens increase the state of resistance in stress and decrease sensitivity to noxious stressors, resulting in stress “protection.” Ref: Panossian & Wikman 2010.
Acting alike “stress vaccines,” they create an adaptive response in the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune and gastrointestinal systems. According to their recently published scientific review on adaptogens (6), the reason these herbs are effective may be because they stimulate biochemical pathways that help reduce the harmful effects of stress on the body.
The adaptogens work by increasing the work capacity of the body or brain by being “stress-protective” or “restorative.” This makes them different from stimulants like, say, caffeine, which works by “tricking” the brain to make it more alert, but depleting its energy and resources. Fortunately, what adaptogens won’t do is impair mental function or cause addiction. After Panossian and Wikman examined randomized, clinical trials on rhodiola, schizandra berry, and eleuthero root, they found that these and other adaptogens not only reduce stress and fatigue, but improve attention and focus.
Panossian and Wikman also suggest (7) in a second review that these adaptogens might normalize homeostasis (balance in the body) through several mechanisms akin to mild stress hormones. This reasoning is based on the similar chemical structure of the active components of the herbs to catecholamines–such as adrenaline–which are important regulators of stress. Components of the herbs may also resemble corticosteroids, which help to inactivate a stress response.
Additional botanical herbs in Ionix Supreme include wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) and bacopa (Bacopa monnieri). These herbs increase resistance against psychological stress (8-15). And, along with ashwagandha, they operate as antioxidants in the body and may even protect the brain from oxidative stress (8-15). By improving brain health, these herbs could help support normal working memory, mental clarity, and focus.
In today’s modern society, most people do little to protect themselves against the onslaught of chronic stress in their lives. A healthy diet, meditation, and exercise are among the essentials for managing chronic stress. Also essential is Ionix Supreme, and as an adaptogen-rich drink, it can be just what’s needed to best support memory, focus, attention, athletic performance, and healthy aging.
Everyone knows what it’s like to feel “stressed” or “threatened.” Stress sparks a surge of physiological changes in the body. Breathing quickens and the heart pumps harder. Pupils dilate, hair stands on end, and sweat glands open. Senses sharpen and so does judgment because the brain knows that this is the moment when it’s time to fight or to flee.
Stress is a normal part of being human. However, its very existence is one of duality as savior and killer. Few of us realize how stress affects our physiology—hence the reason why April is Stress Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about how stress makes an impact on our health.
Stress comes in two different packages: sudden stress (acute) and ongoing stress (chronic). Acute stressors are those perceptions of immediate threat or dangers. They bring the mental acuity, physical stamina, adrenaline, and the hormone cascade that prepares your body for “fight or flight.” But stress becomes chronic when it’s a constant factor and it can take a heavy toll on our health.
Our understanding of stress and its effects on physiology, in fact, is relatively new. The condition itself was not even named until 1936. Hanz Selye was the first scientist to define stress as “the non-specific response of the body to any demand” (1). Seventy-six years later, the physiology of the chronic stress response is well-studied, widely discussed, and thoroughly researched.
Chronic stress now plagues our modern society. Almost half of Americans suffer from stress-related health problems and an estimated 75 to 90 percent of all doctors’ visits are related to stress, according to The Stress, Anxiety & Depression Resource Center (2). Stress is also linked to the six leading causes of death in the U.S. (3). Nearly 40 percent of American workers report their job as “very or extremely stressful,” according to the Centers for Disease Control (3). Despite these statistics, most of us don’t even realize that stress can affect our bodies on the inside.
Chronic stress is a true antagonist to our health and it comes from a variety of sources such as finances, relationships, and career. What is the result? It causes a deterioration of the mind as well as the body. Symptoms can manifest as exhaustion, anxiety, and depression.
Long-term chronic stress produces an ongoing hormonal response that causes premature aging, adversely affects brain chemistry, causes sexual dysfunction, compromises metabolism, brings down energy, stores fat (in all the wrong places), and ultimately can lead to the development of chronic disease and death.
The link between chronic psychological stress and age-related disease is already well established. Chronic stress, for example, is directly associated with shorter telomeres, those protective caps on chromosomes whose length is considered a biomarker of aging (4).
As Dr. Selye would phrase it, stress is a generalized strain placed on the body. But today, most would agree that stress is generally negative. Just as people are seeking solutions for healthy weight loss, they are also seeking advice about how to manage the stress in their lives, how to decompress, and ultimately how to ‘de-stress.’ It is not just a goal, for many it has become a necessity, a matter of survival.
While small truths do reside in the newest exercise fads for reducing stress, as does time in meditation, books, or a few extra weeks of vacation—stress is not eliminated, but rather, managed every day.
With each daily challenge comes a new opportunity to find balance. The science behind Isagenix products is a great way to help you find that balance, and with it, your ideal health.
Beat Stress with Adaptogens
In 1947, former Soviet Union research scientists Nicolai Lazarev and Israel Brekhman devised the word adaptogen. From the Greek word adapto, meaning “to adjust,” the term was used to describe protective agents that helped neutralize the effects of stress.
The researchers drew inspiration from ancient Chinese and Siberian traditions whose followers made use of special herbs before a hunt or battle. Lazaref and Brekhman studied the herbs used in these traditions, some of which they classified as stimulants because they were harmful after prolonged use. The adaptogens, according to their criteria, normalized the body and increased resistance to stress without any noxious effects.
Attention to adaptogens in North America first came about in 1990 after former Soviet Union Olympic Coach Ben Tabachnik emigrated to the U.S. and revealed that Soviet athletes and cosmonauts had covertly used adaptogenic herbs throughout the 1970s.
It was out of the initial research of these scientists that Ionix Supreme was born. The research into adaptogens grows and several of the ingredients have been subject to clinical trials attesting to their effectiveness.
Deemed “nature’s answer to stress,” Ionix Supreme is a cocktail of adaptogens designed to work in synergy to protect the body against the harmful effects of stress.
Several adaptogenic botanicals protect against stress perhaps through a variety of mechanisms. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), for example, a short shrub also known as Indian ginseng, has been used for centuries in Asia to treat stress-related health conditions. In 2008, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study (5) evaluated its use in adult men and women with high amounts of stress. After 60 days of treatment, those who received the adaptogen had reduced feelings of stress. In addition, they showed a reduction in circulating cortisol. The researchers attributed ashwagandha’s stress-reducing abilities at least in part to its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, a primary regulator of serum cortisol levels.
Ionix Supreme also contains rhodiola (Rhodiola rosea), schizandra berry (Schisandra chinensis), and eleuthero root (Eleutherococcus senticosus). These extensively studied adaptogens may similarly work by mimicking stress itself, according to Swedish researchers Alexander Panossian and George Wikman.
Adaptogens increase the state of resistance in stress and decrease sensitivity to noxious stressors, resulting in stress “protection.” Ref: Panossian & Wikman 2010.
Acting alike “stress vaccines,” they create an adaptive response in the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine, immune and gastrointestinal systems. According to their recently published scientific review on adaptogens (6), the reason these herbs are effective may be because they stimulate biochemical pathways that help reduce the harmful effects of stress on the body.
The adaptogens work by increasing the work capacity of the body or brain by being “stress-protective” or “restorative.” This makes them different from stimulants like, say, caffeine, which works by “tricking” the brain to make it more alert, but depleting its energy and resources. Fortunately, what adaptogens won’t do is impair mental function or cause addiction. After Panossian and Wikman examined randomized, clinical trials on rhodiola, schizandra berry, and eleuthero root, they found that these and other adaptogens not only reduce stress and fatigue, but improve attention and focus.
Panossian and Wikman also suggest (7) in a second review that these adaptogens might normalize homeostasis (balance in the body) through several mechanisms akin to mild stress hormones. This reasoning is based on the similar chemical structure of the active components of the herbs to catecholamines–such as adrenaline–which are important regulators of stress. Components of the herbs may also resemble corticosteroids, which help to inactivate a stress response.
Additional botanical herbs in Ionix Supreme include wolfberry (Lycium barbarum) and bacopa (Bacopa monnieri). These herbs increase resistance against psychological stress (8-15). And, along with ashwagandha, they operate as antioxidants in the body and may even protect the brain from oxidative stress (8-15). By improving brain health, these herbs could help support normal working memory, mental clarity, and focus.
In today’s modern society, most people do little to protect themselves against the onslaught of chronic stress in their lives. A healthy diet, meditation, and exercise are among the essentials for managing chronic stress. Also essential is Ionix Supreme, and as an adaptogen-rich drink, it can be just what’s needed to best support memory, focus, attention, athletic performance, and healthy aging.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
9 Reasons to Start a Home-Based Business and Begin Owning Your Life Today!
Help eliminate debt
Spend more time with your family
Add to your retirement savingst
Take a longer vacation
Help save for a rainy day
Pay off your mortgage quicker
Be a stay-at-home parent or allow your spouse to stay at home
Earn additional money to help you buy the car or home of your dreams
Enjoy valuable tax savings
Chocolate is Unfailingly Good for Your Heart
Chocolate is a heart-healthy Valentine's gift, according to a systematic review
A box of chocolates this Valentine’s Day may be key for a long-lasting, healthy relationship… and heart, according to a systematic review and meta-analysis just published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
The study pooled data from 42 randomized controlled trials that included 1,297 subjects and found consistent short- and long-term cardiovascular benefits from intake of chocolate, cocoa, or cocoa flavanols—the antioxidant components of chocolate. Chocolate eating was associated with better toned blood vessels, blood flow, and maintenance of blood pressure. Additionally, chocolate eating was linked to better insulin sensitivity, a previously unreported finding.
The researchers evaluated several effects of cocoa flavanols on cardiovascular risk factors such as blood vessel elasticity (endothelial function), inflammation, and platelet function. Notably, chocolate appeared to help blood vessels become more elastic and flexible regardless of how much eaten per day.For most of us, the quantity of chocolate we eat is not a problem, but as usual, quality is the key. The study results are no reason to over-indulge in chocolate, the authors caution, as the sugar-and-fat calories can quickly add up. Unless the goal is to gain weight, there still needs to be moderation in chocolate-eating habits.
High Quality IsaDelight Plus
Getting cardiovascular benefits from chocolate can be as simple as eating a couple or more pieces of IsaDelight Plus Dark Chocolates, specially formulated to be rich in antioxidant flavanols yet be low in calories. The chocolates also come packed with metabolism-boosting green tea extract and brain-supporting amino acids to assist in weight management. Healthy snacking never tasted so good!
Feeling bitter about dark chocolate for your Valentine? Give your sweetie a sweeter version with the new IsaDelight Plus Milk Chocolates. Still packed with cocoa flavanols, green tea extract, and amino acids, IsaDelight Plus Milk Chocolates offer a delicious, antioxidant-rich alternative.
For chocolate lovers, the additional evidence confirming cocoa’s heart-health benefits is great news. However, note that chocolate will not undo years of inactivity and a poor diet. Yet it can help jump-start the journey towards a healthier heart and overall you, especially when combined with Cleanse Days and Shake Days of an Isagenix system.
The Top Ten Ways to Stay Focused on Your Objectives
Any worthwhile,
challenging goal requires sustained effort.Doing the things necessary
for a day or two isn't hard. Where most people fall down is in stringing
those days together and
thereby creating the progress, the momentum, and ultimately, the
What follows are ten ways to maintain your focus, your energy and your optimism while pursuing your goal. They've worked for
me and they'll work for you. When I've employed all of these components, I've never failed to achieve my intention.
1. Have Powerful Reasons. With a strong enough reason you can and will find the how and the wherewithal to achieve your
reward. Reasons plus belief keep you motivated. When you're excited about your goal, it doesn't seem like work. If you're
not excited, your efforts will require more discipline and energy. Make sure it's YOUR goal. Make sure it excites you. And
then act enthusiastically.
Ads by Google
2. Write Your Objectives Down. This is a critical step. Don't think it, ink it. When you write your goals down, they appear
not only on paper, but they become indelibly written upon your consciousness.
Visualize. "See" your objective already in existence. Nothing can
withstand the power of a clear, multi-sensory vision of what
you are intending. What does it look like? What will people be
saying about it? How will you feel? The more detailed and "real"
you can make your vision, the more powerful it will be. It will
operate like a magnet and draw forth all kinds of things you
never thought possible.
4. Affirm Your Success. Speak your goal into existence. An affirmation is a present-tense, positive statement of your
intended outcome. I now have achieved ______________ (fill in the blank). The more sensory rich you can make your
affirmations, the more effective they will be. All of these techniques help you to feel the presence of your objective and
build belief.
5. Make a
Plan of Action. To achieve and stay focused upon your objective, create
an action plan. What are the steps you will
take to get you from where you are to where you want to be? Your
strategies will likely change as you go along, so set your goals
in concrete and your plans in sand. Keep your eye on the goal, but
remain flexible in your path to it.
6. Measure Your Progress. You can't change what you don't measure. Create mechanisms that will allow you to see your
progress. Use charts. Log your actions. Use anything that will encourage you by allowing you to objectively track your
progress. We all need feedback—it's the breakfast of champions.
7. Maintain a Support System. Have a Master Mind Group. Use the Buddy System. Surround yourself with people who will encourage
and challenge you. Be accountable to someone other than yourself. Read positive books. Review past successes.
8. Focus On
Only a Few Goals at a Time. You can achieve anything you desire, but not
EVERYTHING you desire. Concentrate your
efforts and your energy on just a few. I might have dozens of
goals and projects, but I keep three key goals in the forefront
of my mind.
9. Take
Action Every Day. An important objective warrants daily attention. A
400-page novel is not written all at once. To many,
writing a 400-page novel would be overwhelming. But a little over a
page a day will get it done in a year. Every goal can be
broken down into doable tasks done consistently.
Celebrate Your Milestones. Mark your successes and
acknowledge yourself for your progress. As you achieve one goal,
you can see better and believe more easily in the accomplishment
of others. You deserve to succeed and you deserve to celebrate
your successes.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Can’t Make the Scale Budge? 11 Questions to Ask Yourself
March 20, 2012
by Ina Nozek, DC, MS, CCN
Losing stubborn weight is easier with these 11 tips.
Amazing transformational changes to our health and our body composition are seen with the Isagenix nutritional cleansing and fat burning systems, but every now and then we get “stuck.” Sometimes the weight seems to be coming off too slowly, or compared to other people’s results it doesn’t feel “up to par.”
What I’d like to do is give some tips on how to optimize weight/fat loss results so that you can reach both your health and your weight loss goals. Before you get discouraged, here are a few questions you can ask yourself:
1. Are you drinking enough water? The products do an amazing job at helping your body cleanse away toxins, but it’s your job to flush those impurities out with adequate hydration from pure, plain water. It is extremely important to consume at least eight to 10 full glasses of water each day, as is standard advice. On hot days or if performing physical activity, drink a few ounces more along with the sports drink Want More Energy?® that replenishes lost glycogen, vitamins and electrolytes.
2. Are you moving your bowels well each and every day? Constipation could hinder weight loss results. Rather than carrying around pounds that build up in the colon, regular and complete bowel movements are important in managing your ‘true’ body weight. If necessary, increasing the amount of IsaFlush! (containing magnesium) and fiber that you are taking each day will support regularity. FiberPro and FiberSnacks! can be used to get your required amount of daily fiber, which will certainly support gastrointestinal health.
3. Are you taking in enough or perhaps too many calories? Take a look at the meals and snacks that you consume on your Shake Days. Make sure to follow the program with 400- to 600-calorie meals consisting of whole, natural foods.
4. Are you letting too much time go by between your shakes and your meal and/or snacks? Timing is everything! Your shake or meal should hold your appetite for three to four hours. If there is more time than that between meals, you need to choose a healthy, balanced snack to curb hunger. This will keep your blood sugar stable and prevent your body from slowing your metabolism to conserve energy.
5. What are your food choices? Many of us may be absent-mindedly hindering results by reach for excess sugars and/or starches. Snacking on high-glycemic, low-fiber foods, or having a handful of this or that throughout the day can be enough to slow things down. Be aware of what you are choosing to eat.
6. Are you sleep deprived and/or stressed out? Either of these issues can cause your stress hormones to be out of balance and lead to increased fat storage—especially around the belly. If you are under a lot of stress and/or not sleeping restfully at night, I suggest you double up on your Ionix Supreme. Meditation and light physical activity may also be helpful in restoring your natural rhythms.
7. How often are you cleansing? For some of you, you may be cleansing too often and for others, you may not be cleansing enough. Keep your body guessing! Two consecutive Cleanse Days is the deepest advisable cleanse and the most effective way to burn fat. However, some people may do this too often. In which case, I recommend that you switch things up. Perhaps do double Cleanse Days every other week. Or, you can try one Cleanse Day one week and then a two Cleanse Days the next week. Maybe switch to drinking 1 or2 ounces daily (“daily cleansing”) for a while instead. Two to four ounces of Cleanse for Life before bed on an empty stomach may be helpful for many people, too. Remember to hydrate well throughout the day whether you are “deep” or “daily cleansing.” The key to all of this is to keep your body guessing by making sure to switch things up!
8. Are your foods settling? Food allergies and sensitivities may be playing a role in slowing weight loss results. Be aware of what foods you are eating and whether or not they are “jiving” with your body. Avoid any obvious foods sensitivities or intolerances.
9. Are you maximizing your meals? If not, consider Vanilla IsaPro! Adding 1 scoop of IsaPro to 1 or 1 ½ scoops of IsaLean shake can be helpful for optimizing your metabolism. The boost to protein can make a huge difference to anyone with a sluggish metabolism. Extra protein also keeps your appetite satisfied longer and promotes maintenance of muscle, a key element for plateau busting!
10. How many steps do you take every day? Get out there and move! Exercise is so important for our general health and it makes a huge difference in transforming our body composition. Daily exercise increases metabolism naturally as we build muscle. Incorporate strength and resistance training as well as cardio exercise for optimal fat burning results.
11. Are you following the plan? Are you committed to getting the best results? Are your food choices optimal? Are you adding too many extra calories to your shakes and to your snacking? Be honest with yourself. If we are honest with ourselves, sometimes we realize that we could be more committed and disciplined. For some of us, it’s this discipline that makes all of the difference in achieving our goals. Then maintenance becomes a lot easier. Stay strong in order to truly transform your body so that you can look and feel your absolute best!
About the Author
Dr. Ina Nozek
Dr. Ina S. Nozek is a clinical nutritionist; was in private practice from 1987 until 2009; specializing in stubborn weight loss and detoxification. She holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College. She and her husband, Dr. Glenn Nozek owned and directed the Lifeline Center for Holistic Health. They were also the co-hosts of a cable TV series entitled, Lifeline; and a radio show entitled, Listen for your health. She and her husband live in Toms River, New Jersey, with their three children, Max, Arielle, and Jake.
by Ina Nozek, DC, MS, CCN
Losing stubborn weight is easier with these 11 tips.
Amazing transformational changes to our health and our body composition are seen with the Isagenix nutritional cleansing and fat burning systems, but every now and then we get “stuck.” Sometimes the weight seems to be coming off too slowly, or compared to other people’s results it doesn’t feel “up to par.”
What I’d like to do is give some tips on how to optimize weight/fat loss results so that you can reach both your health and your weight loss goals. Before you get discouraged, here are a few questions you can ask yourself:
1. Are you drinking enough water? The products do an amazing job at helping your body cleanse away toxins, but it’s your job to flush those impurities out with adequate hydration from pure, plain water. It is extremely important to consume at least eight to 10 full glasses of water each day, as is standard advice. On hot days or if performing physical activity, drink a few ounces more along with the sports drink Want More Energy?® that replenishes lost glycogen, vitamins and electrolytes.
2. Are you moving your bowels well each and every day? Constipation could hinder weight loss results. Rather than carrying around pounds that build up in the colon, regular and complete bowel movements are important in managing your ‘true’ body weight. If necessary, increasing the amount of IsaFlush! (containing magnesium) and fiber that you are taking each day will support regularity. FiberPro and FiberSnacks! can be used to get your required amount of daily fiber, which will certainly support gastrointestinal health.
3. Are you taking in enough or perhaps too many calories? Take a look at the meals and snacks that you consume on your Shake Days. Make sure to follow the program with 400- to 600-calorie meals consisting of whole, natural foods.
4. Are you letting too much time go by between your shakes and your meal and/or snacks? Timing is everything! Your shake or meal should hold your appetite for three to four hours. If there is more time than that between meals, you need to choose a healthy, balanced snack to curb hunger. This will keep your blood sugar stable and prevent your body from slowing your metabolism to conserve energy.
5. What are your food choices? Many of us may be absent-mindedly hindering results by reach for excess sugars and/or starches. Snacking on high-glycemic, low-fiber foods, or having a handful of this or that throughout the day can be enough to slow things down. Be aware of what you are choosing to eat.
6. Are you sleep deprived and/or stressed out? Either of these issues can cause your stress hormones to be out of balance and lead to increased fat storage—especially around the belly. If you are under a lot of stress and/or not sleeping restfully at night, I suggest you double up on your Ionix Supreme. Meditation and light physical activity may also be helpful in restoring your natural rhythms.
7. How often are you cleansing? For some of you, you may be cleansing too often and for others, you may not be cleansing enough. Keep your body guessing! Two consecutive Cleanse Days is the deepest advisable cleanse and the most effective way to burn fat. However, some people may do this too often. In which case, I recommend that you switch things up. Perhaps do double Cleanse Days every other week. Or, you can try one Cleanse Day one week and then a two Cleanse Days the next week. Maybe switch to drinking 1 or2 ounces daily (“daily cleansing”) for a while instead. Two to four ounces of Cleanse for Life before bed on an empty stomach may be helpful for many people, too. Remember to hydrate well throughout the day whether you are “deep” or “daily cleansing.” The key to all of this is to keep your body guessing by making sure to switch things up!
8. Are your foods settling? Food allergies and sensitivities may be playing a role in slowing weight loss results. Be aware of what foods you are eating and whether or not they are “jiving” with your body. Avoid any obvious foods sensitivities or intolerances.
9. Are you maximizing your meals? If not, consider Vanilla IsaPro! Adding 1 scoop of IsaPro to 1 or 1 ½ scoops of IsaLean shake can be helpful for optimizing your metabolism. The boost to protein can make a huge difference to anyone with a sluggish metabolism. Extra protein also keeps your appetite satisfied longer and promotes maintenance of muscle, a key element for plateau busting!
10. How many steps do you take every day? Get out there and move! Exercise is so important for our general health and it makes a huge difference in transforming our body composition. Daily exercise increases metabolism naturally as we build muscle. Incorporate strength and resistance training as well as cardio exercise for optimal fat burning results.
11. Are you following the plan? Are you committed to getting the best results? Are your food choices optimal? Are you adding too many extra calories to your shakes and to your snacking? Be honest with yourself. If we are honest with ourselves, sometimes we realize that we could be more committed and disciplined. For some of us, it’s this discipline that makes all of the difference in achieving our goals. Then maintenance becomes a lot easier. Stay strong in order to truly transform your body so that you can look and feel your absolute best!
About the Author
Dr. Ina Nozek
Dr. Ina S. Nozek is a clinical nutritionist; was in private practice from 1987 until 2009; specializing in stubborn weight loss and detoxification. She holds a Master’s Degree in Human Nutrition from the University of Bridgeport and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Sherman College. She and her husband, Dr. Glenn Nozek owned and directed the Lifeline Center for Holistic Health. They were also the co-hosts of a cable TV series entitled, Lifeline; and a radio show entitled, Listen for your health. She and her husband live in Toms River, New Jersey, with their three children, Max, Arielle, and Jake.
Home Exercises
IsaLean Shake delivers
23 grams of protein.
Some shakes deliver about half of that. The correct amount of protein to trigger a protein synthesis response is at least 20 grams and is dependent upon the amounts of branched-chain amino acids that are highest in whey protein—not soy protein isolate, which is the first (and primary) ingredient listed in other shakes on the market. IsaLean Shake is truly the meal replacement of choice for losing weight while maintaining and building muscle.
Used and endorsed by doctors and athletes
¡ No artificial ingredients. Be wary of products touting “natural,” if you haven’t checked the ingredient list watch out for sucralose, mixing agents, and more.
¡ Isagenix uses only dairy
protein that is produced in New Zealand, where dairy cows are never given artificial hormones and enjoy a quality life on pasture. Their fresh milk, exceeding USDA organic standards, is guided through a series of fine filters under low heat to separate whey from other dairy components such as fats and lactose. This gentle system uses no acids, keeping the protein in a natural state, undenatured as they should be. Moreover, our Quality Assurance Department inspects all ingredients to test potency, amino acid profile, as well as the presence of microbial content, pesticides and heavy metals to ensure the purest product possible.
Go to IsaProduct.com for creative, fruity and fun IsaLean Shake recipes.
¡ Ionic AlfalfaTM. IsaLean Shake also contains Ionic Alfalfa, our proprietary blend of plant- complexed minerals, providing additional support for the body.
¡ While IsaLean Shake retails at around $3.64 per meal,
its cost is $2.78 at the Associate and Preferred Customer Price. Be wary of cost comparisons touted by competitors that are simply artificially-flavored soy protein supplements versus full- meal replacements. And don’t forget, water is free; many of the competitors require milk to be a suitable meal replacement.
IsaLean Shake tastes great and comes out on top in every way!
A safe and affordable way to satisfy hunger and reduce cravings
We are so confident in the quality of our products, we offer 100% satisfaction or your money back—guaranteed.
Isagenix is more than a weight-loss company. We offer a complete line of nutritional products for long- term health, providing products for cleansing, replenishing nutritional support, nutritional snacks and foods, anti-aging protection and skin care.
23 grams of protein.
Some shakes deliver about half of that. The correct amount of protein to trigger a protein synthesis response is at least 20 grams and is dependent upon the amounts of branched-chain amino acids that are highest in whey protein—not soy protein isolate, which is the first (and primary) ingredient listed in other shakes on the market. IsaLean Shake is truly the meal replacement of choice for losing weight while maintaining and building muscle.
Used and endorsed by doctors and athletes
¡ No artificial ingredients. Be wary of products touting “natural,” if you haven’t checked the ingredient list watch out for sucralose, mixing agents, and more.
¡ Isagenix uses only dairy
protein that is produced in New Zealand, where dairy cows are never given artificial hormones and enjoy a quality life on pasture. Their fresh milk, exceeding USDA organic standards, is guided through a series of fine filters under low heat to separate whey from other dairy components such as fats and lactose. This gentle system uses no acids, keeping the protein in a natural state, undenatured as they should be. Moreover, our Quality Assurance Department inspects all ingredients to test potency, amino acid profile, as well as the presence of microbial content, pesticides and heavy metals to ensure the purest product possible.
Go to IsaProduct.com for creative, fruity and fun IsaLean Shake recipes.
¡ Ionic AlfalfaTM. IsaLean Shake also contains Ionic Alfalfa, our proprietary blend of plant- complexed minerals, providing additional support for the body.
¡ While IsaLean Shake retails at around $3.64 per meal,
its cost is $2.78 at the Associate and Preferred Customer Price. Be wary of cost comparisons touted by competitors that are simply artificially-flavored soy protein supplements versus full- meal replacements. And don’t forget, water is free; many of the competitors require milk to be a suitable meal replacement.
IsaLean Shake tastes great and comes out on top in every way!
A safe and affordable way to satisfy hunger and reduce cravings
We are so confident in the quality of our products, we offer 100% satisfaction or your money back—guaranteed.
Isagenix is more than a weight-loss company. We offer a complete line of nutritional products for long- term health, providing products for cleansing, replenishing nutritional support, nutritional snacks and foods, anti-aging protection and skin care.
How to Use Your 30 Day Program
Pre-Cleanse Days (2 Days)
Important Note: If this is your first Isagenix program, start with this Pre-Cleanse prior to Day 1 of this program. Also, listen to Dr. Natrajan’s CD (included with your program).
Important Note: If this is your first Isagenix program, start with this Pre-Cleanse prior to Day 1 of this program. Also, listen to Dr. Natrajan’s CD (included with your program).
- IsaLean Shake or Soup—Two servings a day as meal replacements (preferably in place of your morning and evening meals). Mix two scoops with 8 oz. of purified water and blend.
- Ionix Supreme—Take 1-2 oz. (=2-4 tablespoons) daily.
- IsaFlush!—Take one capsule each day. Use two capsules if you experience constipation.
- One sensible meal (400-600 calories)—Choose low-fat, high-fiber meals (see Menu Ideas, p. 18).
Every Day
- Water—As a general guideline, drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of purified water daily. For a truer approach, drink at least half your body weight in ounces daily. For example, if you weigh 160 pounds, drink 80 oz. of water. On Cleanse Days and when exercising, increase this amount. Proper hydration supports the elimination of harmful impurities and helps your body to function more efficiently.
- Ionix Supreme—Take 1-2 oz. (=2-4 tablespoons) daily.
- IsaFlush!—Take one capsule daily. Use two capsules if you experience constipation.
- Natural Accelerator Capsules—Take two a day (preferably one in the morning
and one at noon). - Exercise—At least 20 minutes daily.
Cleanse Days (Once a Week for 4 Weeks)
- Cleanse for Life—Take 4 oz. (=8 tablespoons, or 1/2 cup) combined with 8 oz. of cold purified water four times daily. For added taste and energy, sprinkle a sparing amount of our electrolyte drink, Want More Energy?, in your Cleanse for Life drink and/or pour over ice. Note: You may prefer taking 4 oz. straight, followed by a large glass of water.
- Isagenix Snacks—As needed, up to six per day. Take up to two every few hours between your Cleanse for Life servings. If you must eat a little with each Snack, try low-calorie whole foods(see Snack Ideas, p. 18).
Shake and/or Soup Days (All Remaining Days)
- IsaLean Shake or Soup—Two servings a day as meal replacements (preferably in place of your morning and evening meals). Mix two scoops with 8 oz. of purified water and blend.
- One sensible meal (400-600 calories)—Choose low-fat, high-fiber meals (see Menu Ideas, p. 18).
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to “Own Your Life”?
This is what I think it means to “Own Your Life”...
When you subtract out the sleeping time, commuting time, working
time and things you have to do each and every day of your life, most
people don’t have more than one to two hours a day to do what they
would like to do; and then, would they have the money to do it?
We have discovered a way a person can learn how to “Own their Life”
by building a home-based business; and we have a system for doing it
that is so simple anyone can do it. It doesn’t require selling, and the
best part is, it won’t take much of your time.
This is what I think it means to “Own Your Life”...
When you subtract out the sleeping time, commuting time, working
time and things you have to do each and every day of your life, most
people don’t have more than one to two hours a day to do what they
would like to do; and then, would they have the money to do it?
We have discovered a way a person can learn how to “Own their Life”
by building a home-based business; and we have a system for doing it
that is so simple anyone can do it. It doesn’t require selling, and the
best part is, it won’t take much of your time.
Monday, April 2, 2012
Simple Techniques to Manage Stress
There are lots of things people can do to cut down on stress. Most people probably even know what they could do. It's not the lack of knowing what to do in order to cut down stress; it is doing what you know you have to do. The following techniques are geared to help you do what you know you have to do.
- Talk to someone. You don't have to fix the problem, just report it.
- Notice if any of the muscles in your body are tense. Just noticing that will often relax the muscle.
- Ask your boss if you're doing OK. This simple question can make a lot of difference and verify wrong impressions.
- Delegate.
- If you take on a technique to manage stress, tell someone else. They can help you be accountable to them and yourself.
- Cut down on caffeine and sweets. Take a walk instead. Tell someone that you're going to do that.
- Use basic techniques of planning, problem solving and decision making.
- Concise guidelines are included in this guidebook. Tell someone that you're going to use these techniques.
- Monitor the number of hours that you work in a week. Tell your boss, family and/or friends how many hours that you are working.
- Write weekly status reports. Include what you've accomplished last week and plan to do next week. Include any current issues or recommendations that you must report to your boss. Give the written status report to your boss on a weekly basis.
- "Wash the dishes". Do something you can feel good about.
Simple Techniques to Manage Time
There never seems to be enough time in the roles of management and supervision. Therefore, the goal of time management should not be to find more time. The goal is set a reasonable amount of time to spend on these roles and then use that time wisely.
- Start with the simple techniques of stress management above.
- Managing time takes practice. Practice asking yourself this question throughout the day: "Is this what I want or need to be doing right now?" If yes, then keep doing it.
- Find some way to realistically and practically analyze your time. Logging your time for a week in 15-minute intervals is not that hard and does not take up that much time. Do it for a week and review your results.
- Do a "todo" list for your day. Do it at the end of the previous day. Mark items as "A" and "B" in priority. Set aside two hours right away each day to do the important "A" items and then do the "B" items in the afternoon. Let your answering machine take your calls during your "A" time.
- At the end of your day, spend five minutes cleaning up your space. Use this time, too, to organize your space, including your desktop. That'll give you a clean start for the next day.
- Learn the difference between "Where can I help?" and "Where am I really needed?" Experienced leaders learn that the last question is much more important than the former.
- Learn the difference between "Do I need to do this now?" and "Do I need to do this at all?" Experienced leaders learn how to quickly answer this question when faced with a new task.
- Delegate. Delegation shows up as a frequent suggestion in this guide because it is one of the most important skills for a leader to have. Effective delegation will free up a great deal of time for you.
- If you are CEO in a corporation, then ask your Board for help. They are responsible to supervise you, as a CEO. Although the Board should not be micro-managing you, that is, involved in the day-to-day activities of the corporation, they still might have some ideas to help you with your time management. Remember, too, that good time management comes from good planning, and the Board is responsible to oversee development of major plans. Thus, the Board may be able to help you by doing a better themselves in their responsibilities as planners for the organization.
- Use a "Do Not Disturb" sign! During the early part of the day, when you're attending to your important items (your "A" list), hang this sign on the doorknob outside your door.
- Sort your mail into categories including "read now", "handle now" and "read later". You'll quickly get a knack for sorting through your mail. You'll also notice that much of what you think you need to read later wasn't really all that important anyway.
- Read your mail at the same time each day. That way, you'll likely get to your mail on a regular basis and won't become distracted into any certain piece of mail that ends up taking too much of your time.
- Have a place for everything and put everything in its place. That way, you'll know where to find it when you need it. Another important outcome is that your people will see that you are somewhat organized, rather than out of control.
- Best suggestion for saving time - schedule 10 minutes to do nothing. That time can be used to just sit and clear your mind. You'll end up thinking more clearly, resulting in more time in your day. The best outcome of this practice is that it reminds you that you're not a slave to a clock - and that if you take 10 minutes out of your day, you and your organization won't fall apart.
- Learn good meeting management skills. Meetings can become a terrible waste of time. Guidelines for good meeting management are included later in this section.
Role of "Gumption"
Everything good usually starts with gumption. It's picking yourself up, deciding that you could be happier, that you want to be happier - and then doing one small thing to get you started and keep you going. Boredom and blaming are the opposite of gumption. Stress and time management start with gumption. It's the trying that counts. Poor time and stress management often comes from doing the same thing harder, rather than smarter.
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