Thursday, May 10, 2012

The 45 second Presentation to Financial Freedom

 I've discovered the secret of helping people to become financially successful. I want to share a secret with you that is so simple that after you have read this letter you will say, "Why didn't I think of that?"
If you like what you read, you will begin to understand how to "Own Your Life." What do I mean by "Own Your Life?"
Let's examine the typical day of any person who has a job. (Remember ? J.O.B. stands for "Just Over Broke.") Subtract the time you sleep, work, commute and all the other things you have to do every day. What's the bottom line? How many hours are left to do whatever you like? These are the hours you own. Would you like to own the rest of them?
Most people who retire at 65 have the time but not the money. They are barely scraping by and are broke by the time they are 75.
Then there are the younger folks with jobs. They may have the money, but they do not have the time! Why don't you travel more? Is it the time? The money? Or both? Wouldn't it be better to have the time and the money to travel when you're still young enough to really enjoy it?
To "Own Your Life" simply means having the time and the money to be free to do what you would like to do when you want to do it. It also means the home of your dreams ? or the car, boat or plane ? whatever you want! Or spend more time with your family, your church, your community or your political party.
If you are willing to figuratively go back to school tuition-free (actually, you'll make some money along the way) five to ten hours a week for six months, I can teach you everything you need to know to retire in one to three years at better than $50,000 per year. "Going back to school" simply means learning how to build your own home-based business while doing it, by reading books, listening to CDs, watching DVDs, talking to your friends, attending rallies, etc. It means just getting involved.
A major publication said that the two least likely ways to become a millionaire were to be a "professional" (a doctor, lawyer, etc.) or to work for a corporation. The most likely way to become a millionaire was to be an entrepreneur, to have your own business. For most people, starting their own business is incomprehensible: it would cost too much money, they feel they lack business knowledge, and the risk would be too great to even think about.
There is, however, one business opportunity that I believe anyone can do, without capital, without sales talent, without risk. Even though it has been around for 60 years, most people who think they understand it really don't; they confuse it with selling so they don't even take a serious look at it. The business is called "Network Marketing." There are currently more than several thousand networking companies.
Tens of thousands of products and services are marketed through Network Marketing. Network Marketing is an ingenious method of moving merchandise, which works best when a lot of people all do just a little bit.
Network Marketing is definitely not a selling business; it is a teaching business. Historically, more schoolteachers have "made it big" in Network Marketing than any other group. Housewives have also done extremely well, because they have had experience teaching their children. Anyone tackling Network Marketing like a "selling business" will probably fail.
You can actually get started in your own business with no risk. You do not have to quit your job and in most Network Marketing companies you can usually get started for less than two hundred dollars ($200). You may have to give up a little TV, but I never made any money watching TV.
After reading this letter, the first step to "Owning Your Life" is to read The 45 Second Presentation That Will Change Your Life book. I have included the copy that you requested on my website for you to read.
After you have read the book, let's sit down and talk very briefly about a simple system already in place to help you build a large organization and start you on the path to start "owning your life!"
Remember, this is not selling, it is teaching, and because the tools do most of the teaching, anyone can do it.

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