Wednesday, November 27, 2013

10 Ways to Avoid the Post-Holiday Weight Gain & Look Fabulous By New Year’s

You know the cycle at this time of year: Indulge in the treats that float around the office; enjoy just one more helping of that delicious meal; cozy up in a sweater on the couch and watch a movie or TV all day and simply relax.

After all, there’s always New Year’s.

Break the cycle and start the new you TODAY!

Stop giving into the temptation of calorie- and sugar-laden treats and discover how good it feels to be active, have energy and feel comfortable in your own skin no matter what time of year.

For many of us, the biggest eating holidays of the year are quickly approaching and rather than feeling guilty and unhealthy going into the New Year, you can embrace healthy habits and start feeling good now.

Here are 10 ways to avoid the post-holiday weight gain and look fabulous by New Year’s:

1. Get goal-oriented. Take 30 minutes and consider what you want to achieve and be specific! Do you want to exercise three days a week? Run a 5k? Fit back into your favorite jeans? Write it down and post it somewhere you will see it every day, like your bathroom mirror or your refrigerator.

2. Push “restart.” Maybe bad habits already got the best of you. That’s okay! Push “restart” by getting a plan together. Fasting is known to provide your body with immense benefits so start there. Build in one Cleanse Day a week to break bad habits and flood your body with nutrition. Mondays are great because they can help you re-center prior to the start of the week so you can keep your healthy ways going.

3. Start small. You don’t have to overhaul your entire routine and diet all in one fell swoop. Those who create true lifestyles take small, healthy steps and keep pushing forward a little at a time. So you don’t exercise right now—take a walk tonight! Even if it’s 15 minutes, just chip away at it. There’s a reason the Tortoise and the Hare fable resonates with all of us: slow and steady truly does win the race.

4. Get balanced. Maybe your diet is a bit out of whack with a little too much sugar or a little too much processed. Substitute breakfast with a healthy, nutrient-dense protein shake such as Isagenix® IsaLean® Shake, some water and your vitamins; take the processed foods with zero nutritional value out of your daily routine and see how you feel.

5. Think ahead. Studies show that those who work out in the morning, stick with it longer and even reduce their motivation for food. Studies also show that those who bring their lunch to work rather than eating out at lunch time are actually more productive than their counterparts. So, plan ahead! What will you do tomorrow? Lay your workout clothes out the night before and pack your lunch the night before. Think about that family gathering coming up and ask what will be served so you can bring a healthy side dish or determine what you will enjoy at the meal and how much. Just a little bit of focused time will help you develop those new habits you need to get on the road to success.

6. Give it time. Change takes time—you may or may not see the scale drop dramatically in your first week. That’s okay! It takes at least 27 days to develop a new habit, and new habits lead to real change, so commit to at least a month. Ultimate goal: aim for January 1 so you can inspire others to start a healthier lifestyle!

7. Get accountable. Don’t just keep your goals to yourself—share them with a friend and ask them to talk to you about them often. Or, better yet, ask them to join you on your journey! Having a buddy change their habits will give you a built-in support system on the days you just don’t feel like sticking with it.

8. Drink water. Most of us don’t realize how many calories we consume when we reach for something other than water. Fruit juices, mass-market energy drinks, alcohol and daily consumption of designer coffees are often repeat offenders for driving up your calorie intake. Replace those deterrents with water and give your body what it truly needs without the “extras.”

9. Don’t skip sleep. It’s often a battle, but sleep is one of the most crucial elements of your schedule that has to solid if you want to get healthy or lose weight. Here’s why.

10. Forgive yourself. Have a not-so-great day? Forgive yourself and start over! Don’t throw in the towel and focus your energy on negative thoughts that often begin with “I’ll never…” or “This is too hard…” You are WORTH IT and deserve the fun, vibrant life ahead of you. Forgive the imperfection and make a better decision the next time.

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