Friday, November 29, 2013

If you are not making enough money, why is that?

Before you blame the economy, your parents, your community or anything else I would highly recommend that you look in the mirror first.  
The overwhelming majority of our problems and success can be directly linked back to choices that we make every minute of every day. 
If you are not making enough money, chances are you may be choosing bad work habits, choosing to hang out with people that are negative influences or you choose to lack personal conviction.  
First off, you need to believe that you are not only capable of achieving massive levels of success but you also deserve it. 
Did you know that more people fear success than they fear failure?  
It is about a 3 to 1 ratio actually and that is sad.  Self doubt and lack of self confidence are two of the primary reasons that hold us back from achieving our goals.
If you want to get more out of life and out of your business you have to be willing to put more into it.  Whether it's more energy, more money, more intelligence or whatever, know that you have to give in order to receive.  
Complaining about your parents, the economy, your boss, your spouse or anything else is not going to make your business any stronger.  Do not focus on what you do not want or what is wrong! 
Do focus on what you do want and what is right. 
Complaining, feeling sorry for yourself and any other negative minded activities will only hold you back from achieving your goals.  In order to be successful, you must think with an open mind, focus on positives, and make a commitment to be successful.  Also, there is some risk involved and you have to be willing to take some risks.
Today is your day to take control of your life, your business, your finances and your success!  It all starts with a belief and then you need to follow through with the action steps needed to succeed.  
Do you need marketing because your business isn't where you want it to be?  Then start marketing!  
Do you need to talk to more people to get your name out to more people?  Then start today!  Don't wait until tomorrow because that is a slippery slope.
If you want success, take it upon yourself right here right now to make it happen. 

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