Monday, December 16, 2013

Creative Ways to Teach Children How to Make Money

When it comes to financial education, most parents usually focus on teaching their young children the basic principles of giving, saving and spending. That’s great, but what about earning income?

Here are few ideas to consider:
Ages 4-7
1. A weekly reward system: A simple way to start would be to teach your children to take care of their space. Let them own their room and their bathroom. Create a daily and a weekly work chart where you can check off responsibilities like making the bed, picking up toys, putting their dirty clothes in the hamper, etc. Weekly routines could include taking the trash bag out of the trash can and dusting. Establish a reward system where on a weekly basis your child gets the opportunity to earn a “job well done” reward. Be careful how you establish the reward system since you don’t want your child to assume that every time they make the bed or pick up toys they should expect a payment. Rather it should be a reward where only when expectations are met, the reward is received.

2. Serving others: Meal times can be a great way to give your child the opportunity to work beyond their own space and serve others at the house. How about asking them to clear off the table by bringing all of the dirty dishes back to the kitchen? Not just their own, but everyone’s. Sure, they may need some extra assistance from your side, or from their older siblings at the beginning, but sooner than you know it they’ll be able to complete these tasks on their own.

Ages 8-12
1. Ask your child to choose toys they don’t play with anymore and clothing they don’t use as items to be sold at a yard sale. Work with your child to put together a sale, have them work it from start to finish, then agree on splitting the proceeds accordingly.

2. Do you live in a neighborhood that does neighborhood-wide yard sales? How about doing a refreshment stand during the yard sale? You can decide to invest $20-$30 to purchase muffins, coffee and other breakfast items and your child can tend the refreshment stand. After the sale, recoup your investment and allow your child to keep the remaining proceeds. This will be a great lesson on investing and generating returns.

3. If you live in a neighborhood that has a community pool, ask about the possibility of your child running a poolside refreshment bar with popsicles, lemonade and cookies. This is another great way to engage them in creative income generation and honing their interpersonal skills. This time you may encourage your child to invest a portion of their saved money to teach them about investment and risk.

It’s not really about money, but about helping your children, even as young as 3 and 4 years old, acquire skills that will benefit them for a lifetime. By doing this, you may discover an entrepreneurial potential that you would have otherwise missed. Overcoming fears, learning principles of investing, risk management, saving and generous giving – all from their hard-earned money - will be priceless!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

The End of Natural Health

Giant agribusiness companies are slowly and quietly spreading their scientifically altered seeds (also known as genetically modified organisms or GMO) to so many farms that nearly half of all foods on supermarket shelves now contain some ingredient that has had its DNA tampered with by science.

These franken-foods have never been tested – except in Big-Agra’s secret labs – but they’ve been approved for your dinner table.

The facts – well, the few facts we’re allowed to know – are scary.

Did you know their “mutant soy” is clinically documented to cause depression, fatigue, infections, brain fog, nausea... even cancer?

And soy is just the start of their plans. They’re trying to make sure you never drink milk, eat a chicken, or enjoy a Christmas ham that they don’t own.

And the government is helping them do it.

You need to protect yourself from the giant corporations that are experimenting on you without your permission, or you even knowing what they’re doing. That’s why I strongly urge you to read this free report from my colleague Dr. Al Sears called “Frankenstein Set Free On The Farm.”

In it, he shows you how and why this horror show is unfolding and what you can do to avoid the crippling side effects and take back your health.

You need this information that’s being kept from you in order to protect yourself and your family – because your government and Big-Agra certainly aren’t going to.

And, in his report, you'll find out how to get these franken-foods off of your dinner table, eat healthy foods and restore the natural diet that you were meant to have.

Click here to get your free report today.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

How Champions Are Made

One of my favorite expressions of all time is, "hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard".  To be a champion it takes a commitment to excellence, the willingness to go further than what others are willing to go and to never quit no matter how tough times can be.  We all face challenges every day of our lives and everyone's challenges are different. 
Whether your goal in life is to be a world champion of some type, a multimillion dollar business owner or you just want to have a kick ass business there are certain things that you will need to do in order to achieve your goals.
First and foremost, don't quit!!!  No matter how challenging life and business can become; do not quit...ever!  If you want something bad enough you will find a way to accomplish your goal.  If it's not that important to you, you will find an excuse of why it can't be done.  
There is no shame in "losing" if you are truly giving 100% effort.  One of the reasons why champions become champions is because they were able to outlast the other folks that couldn't hack the challenges and the pain associated with the hard work, dedication, sacrifice, etc.  As a matter of fact, even if your skill set is not as good as some of your competitors, if you are willing to outlast them by not quitting, you will eventually win. 
One of the primary reasons why people fail is not because they lack talent, it's because they lack perseverance.  Everyone wants to be successful but very few are willing to put forth the amount of effort that is necessary to achieve the type of success that they want.  
Rather than adjusting their action plan and their actions; they lower their goal to make it easier to achieve.  They didn't achieve the actual goal that they really wanted so they will always feel a bit incomplete inside their soul.
Challenge yourself everyday so you can always get better.  Without challenge, there is no change so do something to push yourself out of your comfort zone to make your business more successful and your life more fulfilling.  
For example, if you are looking to grow your business, what are you going to do differently to grow?
If what you are doing now isn't getting you the results that you would like, it is obvious that you need to make some changes.  
What changes do you need to make to become more successful?  
How many leads do you get every week?  
How many clients must you sign this month in order to achieve your business goals?  
What is working for marketing?  
What isn't working?  
What changes do you need to make in order to achieve your goals?
In order to be a champion you must be willing to outwork, outsmart and outperform other personal trainers.  You must be persistent and resilient no matter how challenging life will be. 
Quitting is never an option...ever!  
Step outside your comfort zone and challenge yourself.  You may be amazed at what you will accomplish if you are willing to do what others are unwilling or unable to do.  You will be a champion when you do what a true champion needs to do. 

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Vision – See Your Success

"All successful people, men and women, are big dreamers. They imagine what their future could be, ideal in every respect, and then they work every day toward their distant vision."
- Brian Tracy

Successful people have a clear vision that pulls them forward into the future they desire. Vision, passion and action is your secret to success. When you can see your goals clearly, you become inspired, enthusiastic and passionate about achieving your dream. When the path to your achievement is visible, action steps become obvious and there is less struggle and greater ease involved in success.

The best way to get real clarity around your dream is to create a visual representation of your written goals. Whether your vision board consists of drawings, photographs or images taken from magazines or downloaded from the internet, the visual aspect of your goal is crucial to your success.

There is a maxim that says “ a picture is worth a thousand words”, but apart from saving you from writers cramp by trying to write every detail of your goals and dreams, there is another reason why it is crucial to give your written goals and dreams a visual component.

It has to do with your own brain.

40% of the most advanced part of the brain is devoted to visual processing, which means the spoken and written word are converted into images. Our minds see the words we hear and write, as if it is running a movie in our minds. But there is a problem that many people are completely unaware of... and that is the mind has a tendency to default to a memory and a picture that may not accurately portray the goal.

The mind will very possibly see your written goal, whether it be of a certain income, building a team, enjoying a certain lifestyle... yet instantly and automatically remember a past failure and all the reasons why you may not be able to achieve that goal. It may conjure up pictures of a friend, family member or teacher from the past who may have given you negative feedback which has chipped away at your self-confidence so that you may start to feel fear or doubt yourself when embarking on the action plan to your dream.

These thoughts and images flash instantly onto the screen of the mind and sabotage the goal. Unless you are aware of this and have an accurate visual end result goal to focus on, excite you and to help you believe in YOU, you may never understand why you struggle and endure hardship while trying so hard to succeed.

The visual goal board will help you grow into the person who naturally has what is on the board by helping to reprogram your subconscious mind, as well as giving you a whole brain planning process. As you see and enjoy your vision daily, and if you choose to use some creative visualization techniques, the brain will create new neural pathways and start to get hardwired for the success that you envision.

As the new neural networks develop according to the vision, ideas and flashes of inspiration will seemingly pop into your mind, giving you new and quicker ways to succeed. Einstein asked, “Why do I get my best ideas in the shower?”

We all have these “light bulb” moments of clarity, focus and inspiration. The idea with a vision board is to invite them to come more often. Your intuition will be awakened and you may find that you are becoming “luckier” as coincidences and opportunities start to present themselves. This phenomenon is a well-known psychological principle, that “what you focus on expands” into your awareness and consciousness, and this can lead you to being in the right place at the right time, meeting the right people and saying the right things to achieve your dreams in less time and with less effort. Hence your road to success starts to evolve from your own newly programmed “auto pilot.”

The main components on creating a vision board are to design and arrange the images that represent the end result, not the journey towards your dreams, but the end result of them on your board in a way that excites and motivates you when you look at it, because you want a resounding “yes” to surge through your body every time you see the board.

To learn more about creating a vision board and achieving success, please visit and you will receive a free report and youtube link on the 7 Easy Steps to Creating YOUR Powerful Vision Board.

"First comes thought; then organization of that thought, into ideas and plans; then transformation of those plans into reality. The beginning, as you will observe, is in your imagination."
— Napoleon Hill

Double up on your Fish Oil for your Health

A new study shows that doubling your dose of fish oil may bring greater heart health benefit.
Get more fish oil and your heart will thank you.

Doubling your daily dose of fish oil could be better for your heart, especially if paired with exercise and a weight management program, according to a new study.

The study, published in the Journal of the American Heart Association, found that daily supplementation with 2 grams of fish oil derived of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids—docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA)—provides even greater heart health benefits than 1 gram.

To reach these conclusions, Penn State researchers separated 125 people into five groups. Each group received daily doses ranging from 0 to 1.8 grams of fish oil. After five months, the group supplementing with about 1 gram of long-chain omega-3s (EPA and DHA) per day had improved cardiovascular risk factors, but the group taking the most, almost 2 grams per day, had maximum benefits.

The researchers based their findings on a new method of measurement, known as the Omega-3 Index. When fish oil is digested and broken down in the body, a certain amount of omega-3 is incorporated into red blood cells. The Omega-3 Index measures the level of omega-3 in red blood cells, showing how well a given amount of fish oil is absorbed and used by the body.

Along with showing that more fish oil is better, the new research also found that body weight and exercise influence omega-3 needs. Interestingly, people who exercised more responded better to fish oil supplementation. Compared to more sedentary people, active participants absorbed more fish oil into their red blood cells for any given dose, suggesting that exercise may somehow enhance omega-3 use in the body.

The study also showed that weight should be considered when figuring out fish oil needs, as heavier people were found to need more omega-3 than smaller people. Based on their findings, the study authors estimated that a person weighing about 120 pounds would need only about 0.9 grams of fish oil per day to improve cardiovascular health, whereas 1.2 grams per day would be needed for a person weighing about 165 pounds.

The typical American consumes far short of fish oil recommendations, getting less than 0.1 grams each day. For best cardiovascular protection, recommendations are that a person should consume fatty fish twice per week, exercise regularly, and supplement with at least 1 gram of fish oil daily.

Taking Isagenix IsaOmega Supreme provides 1.2 grams of total omega-3 fatty acids (.6 grams EPA and .48 grams DHA) ensuring that omega-3 recommendations are met. However, based on these scientific findings, you might gain greater heart-health benefits from it by exercising and doubling your dose for 2.4 grams total per day.k

4 ways to help you children succeed in life

"Be careful to leave your sons well instructed rather than rich, for the hopes of the instructed are better than the wealth of the ignorant." - Epictetus

Here are four basic principles that, if taught and practiced on a regular basis, will give you the desired result – a financially savvy and ready for the real world next generation.

1. Generosity matters.

Generosity is one of the best ways to gain a proper and balanced attitude towards money. Learning contentment and the ability to show gratitude will help your child be better prepared to combat upcoming financial pressures. So how do you practically teach your children the joy of giving and to appreciate what they have? Every time they earn an allowance teach them to set aside a portion for a specific cause. Maybe there is a special project in your community to which they would enjoy giving, or a family in need. Let them own this process!

2. Let them earn it.

Teaching children, even as young as four to six years old, to work for their allowance is a great way to teach them a good work ethic and to have an appreciation for the money they’ve earned. Access to “easy money” may prevent them from learning this valuable lesson. You may decide that certain responsibilities like cleaning their room, making their beds and clearing dishes from the table after dinner are just part of daily life. If they want to earn money there are specific jobs outside of the regular “life routine” they can do. Create your own “job” list, name the price for each job and let them enjoy earning the money, as long as the job is done well.

3. Teach them to save.

This is your opportunity to help them learn delayed gratification. Label three jars as Give, Save, Spend. Every time allowance is earned or birthday money is received, teach them to save a portion of that income. Savings can be used to purchase bigger items they really want but require a much larger sum of money. It can also be used for teaching investment principles.

4. Let them decide.

This is a hard one—allowing your children to make decisions with their earned money. This is only half the battle. You must also allow them to experience the consequences of bad financial decisions. No bailouts allowed! If your child wants to spend their hard-earned money on a silly toy just because they have to have something now, let them, but also teach them that the toy they really wanted can’t be bought until they save for it. This is the only way to help them understand that in life we make choices, and those choices have real consequences.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Keep the Holiday Stress Beast Caged

Control holiday stress so it doesn’t end up controlling you.

Ah, the holidays. ‘Tis the season for giving thanks, celebrating with loved ones, enjoying festive food and drink, and…managing stress? Yes, it’s true—amid all of the joyous happenings of the season there lurks a stressed-out beast waiting to escape from us all should we let it.

Holiday stress is normal… What with all the unavoidable time-consuming tasks of the season—shopping in overcrowded stores, searching for the “perfect” presents, preparing the “perfect” roast dinner, and making too numerous (or endless) holiday engagements involving family and friends, all while trying not to wreak havoc on your finances? Who doesn’t get overwhelmed?  How does someone make it through without freaking out a little?

With some strategic planning and the help of natural stress-regulating compounds, the holiday beast inside us all can be kept in its cage. Setting realistic budgets, limiting holiday events, being sure to get workouts in, and trying some meditation all can help you to stay sane, as can boosting your body’s natural stress-fighting power with adaptogens!

Adaptogens—compounds from plants that help increase the body’s resistance against stressors—can help normalize your response to, say, navigating through traffic to get to that crowded shopping mall, in which is that last-minute gift you had in mind for your aunt, whose dinner party you’re late to. With adaptogens, you can reach that dinner party with a smile on your face and a calm, cool composure. Holiday happenings can retain their joy!

The longstanding science behind adaptogens tells us that their stress-protective effects happen through multiple mechanisms. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), for instance, has been used for centuries in Asia to treat stress-related health conditions. In 2008, a study showed that highly stressed men and women who took ashwagandha for 60 days had reduced feelings of stress (1). The study’s authors attributed the stress-reducing effects partly to ashwagandha helping consumers maintain normal levels of circulating cortisol (aka “the stress hormone”). Higher levels of circulating cortisol are usually caused by being chronically stressed and not doing anything about it, which can lead to a whole host of health problems (2).

Adaptogen researchers Alexander Panossian and George Wikman, of Sweden, suggest that adaptogens act like “stress vaccines,” meaning they mimic a stress response throughout the body and therefore strengthen the body’s capacity to deal with real stressors when they come along (similar to performing exercise) (3). In this way, they decrease fatigue and improve focus and attention.

Add to that the natural antioxidant power of adaptogens and their ability to combat oxidative stress and potentially enhance the immune system (4-6) and it’s a wonder why everyone isn’t incorporating adaptogens into their daily routine—especially during the holidays!

Why wait? Get a head-start on handling the holiday stress and be sure to add adaptogens to your daily routine with Ionix Supreme, the elixir deemed “nature’s answer to stress.” The cocktail of adaptogens and all the healthy effects that come with are not to be missed—stress protection, improved performance, and raising antioxidant status. By getting your adaptogens in every day—now and through the new year—you might surprise yourself on just how jolly you can be this holiday season.

What I Notice About Successful People...

Here are traits I see in ambitious successful people in life...
1. They take action right away and always do the best they can to put themselves in position to create more success.
2. They don't make excuses and they don't blame others for their problems.
3. They return phone calls and emails quickly and professionally.
4. They take calculated risks with their business and their money.
5. They don't waste money on buying things that they "want".  However, they are very aggressive when it comes to spending their money on things that they "need" to create more success. 
6. They make it a point to associate with other successful people.
7. They are willing to do the things that others are not willing to do.
8. They read a lot more than they watch TV.  When they do watch TV, they tend to watch shows that are somewhat educational in some capacity and not shows like The Bachelor, American Idol and that kind of junk.
9.  They don't waste their time.  They utilize their time to the best of their abilities so that they can continue to grow in life and in business.
10. They have a burning desire to be the best and most successful at what they do.

Monday, December 9, 2013

First thing to do to get new clients

Build a website with SEO keywords 
One of the top priorities for finding new clients is to create a website of at least five pages. With a professionally designed and written website in place, potential clients can actually find you through specific keyword search terms like "San Francisco personal trainers," "New York City fitness coach," or whatever location you're in.  
Use one page to tell prospects about yourself and your background. Use another page to list your services. Use testimonials to show potential clients what your current and past clients have said. And add a contact page that makes it easy for people to tell you about their needs.
Broadcast your successes in social media 
Write a brief bi-weekly email newsletter with a valuable information that your audience will enjoy, then link it to a one-sentence summary on your Facebook page, on Linked In, on Twitter, and on any other social media network that you use. This kind of social media marketing has resulted in ongoing business for tens of thousands of personal trainers worldwide and hundreds of thousands of new clients.  
Ask your current clients for introductions 
About 10 years ago, I started training a client who owns a very successful car warranty business and he knows half of the city of Tampa.  After I asked him to introduce me to his peers, he referred me to at least 3-4 prospective clients per month. Each became a client of mine for months or even years!
Network through word-of-mouth referrals - Ask trusted clients for word-of-mouth referrals to people you want to meet in certain industries or companies. The more specific you are, the better your referrals will be. Networking has become a huge part of my business success in finding new clients.  
For example, if you train a doctor, have them introduce you to a couple of their doctor friends.  If you train a wealthy business owner, have them introduce you to their peers.  Ask and you shall receive.  Don't ask and the answer will always be "no". 
Create a great "infomercial" 
No, I'm not talking about a Shake Weight or a Thigh Master.  I'm referring to somewhat of a script that works well for you in regards to selling prospective clients personal training.  Once you have it down, use it at the appropriate time when you are doing consultations and/or meeting someone at a networking event.  
Everyone needs an elevator speech to use when people ask, "What do you do?" Make it 20 to 30 seconds long and make it interesting so they'll ask you for a business card or for more information.  At that point, if you play your cards right, you will have a new client very soon but it's up to you to close the deal.
Form strategic "power partnerships" 
Maybe you're great at what you do but you're not great at marketing or selling your services.  Try forming a partnership with a local business owner, doctor's office or some other professional group where they can send you their customers, clients or patients.  
"Shake Hands and Kiss Babies" 
Any of my coaching clients are very familiar with this term.  Shaking hands and kissing babies was a term used in regards to politicians many years ago that were trying to butter people up and get them to vote for them.  Later, it was adopted by professional salesmen in regards to building rapport with prospective clients or customers.  
This basically means that you talk to people, build rapport, get them to like you and trust you and can establish a relationship with that person.  In this case we are most certainly talking about professional relationships with potential clients.  
Smile, make good eye contact, speak clearly and get people to like you as a person before you try to sell them anything...or at least build very strong rapport with them.  

Global Diabetes Crisis Driven by Visceral Fat

Excess visceral fat contributes to the increased number of people living with diabetes.

Recent news about the on-going fight to stop the diabetes epidemic is discouraging, to say the least. Medical experts from the International Diabetes Federation announced on World Diabetes Day that a record 382 million people are living with diabetes this year—and that doesn’t even account for the estimated 175 million diabetic cases that are undiagnosed.

While cases of diabetes are skyrocketing around the world, China tops the charts with the caseload expected to rise to 142.7 million in 2035 from 98.4 million presently. Experts blame many factors for this increase including the expansion of high-calorie fast food restaurants and increased sedentary lifestyles.

Although research shows an association between obesity (BMI >30) and increased diabetes risk, having a normal BMI (<25) doesn’t necessarily mean you aren’t at risk for developing diabetes. In fact, many with type 2 diabetes in China are considered to be normal weight. A recent study with more than 98,000 Chinese adults with a mean BMI of 23.7 found that 11.6 percent of the subject had diabetes (1). Body composition—the ratio of body fat to lean body mass—is possibly a better indicator for disease risk, including diabetes, than BMI.

Normal-weight obesity, or being “skinny fat”, is a growing problem in China. While those who are “skinny fat” do not appear to be unhealthy or overweight, they have a high percentage of body fat, especially visceral fat or the fat that surrounds vital organs. Numerous studies show that increased visceral fat leads to increased risk of chronic disease.

One study examined body fat and BMI of a sample of multi-ethnic (Asian, Caucasian, Hispanic, and other) college-aged men and women and found that Asian women, while having the lowest BMI, had the second highest percent body fat (2). The researchers concluded that, “The high percent body fat with low BMI pattern exhibited by Asian-American women suggests that they could escape detection for obesity-related disease if BMI is the sole measure that estimates body composition.”

With the growing number of people with diabetes around the world, it seems as if the battle is being lost. Current measures to educate and provide resources about the benefits of a healthy diet and lifestyle are not effectively slowing the progression of diabetes. With 5.1 million deaths per year attributed to diabetes (or one death every six seconds), there is still a lot of work to do.

Friday, December 6, 2013


 Always be mindful that you're a product of your environment.

So choose an environment that will best develop you toward your objective.

Analyze your life in terms of your environment.
Are the things around you helping you toward your success, or are they holding you back?

The first step toward getting somewhere is to decide that you're not going to stay where you are. You're not a captive of your environment.

If you don't like where you are, you can make some changes. You're not planted permanently in the ground like a tree. Don't say, "You would, if you could," start saying, "You will, because you can."

When you become a part of anything it becomes a part of you.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

7 Ways to Help Your Immune System Now

Don’t forget nutritional support for your immune system this winter

They say you never truly appreciate the value of a well-functioning machine until it breaks down. So it goes for your immune system. Its complex network of cells, tissues, and organs protect your body on a daily basis from bacteria, microbes, viruses, and toxins. But if compromised, as when under attack by pathogens or lacking supporting nutrients, the system can become overwhelmed and fail to accomplish the tasks to keep you healthy.

During the winter months, your body’s immune system is presented with greater challenges—it’s the annual time when new, unrecognized pathogens quickly spread from person to person. The standard advice from your doctor is to wash your hands regularly, receive your annual vaccines, and avoid unnecessary contact with those who may carry pathogens. These steps are all effective.

Unfortunately, however, a balanced diet and nutritional support is often overlooked for best immune support. While no nutritional product or supplement can ever prevent you from having allergies, catching a cold or flu, or treat those illnesses or symptoms once you get them, like any of the other bodily organs or systems, a continuous supply of specific nutrients is critical for your immune system to function optimally.

A balanced diet should provide you with all the sustenance your body needs. But studies continue to show that most diets lack vitamins and minerals, such as zinc and vitamin C, which play a special role in our bodies’ immune systems. Special ingredients within food and in supplements also can help your body in its fight against foreign invaders while protecting against their harm. The following seven nutrients and bioactives support your immune system through a variety of ways:

Zinc, in particular, is a mineral that plays an important role in the function and development of immune cells, specifically, T-cells. Studies have shown that humans and animals deficient in zinc have increased oxidative stress and a compromised immune system (1-7). Even a minor deficiency of zinc has been shown to result in a compromised immune system (1-7). Zinc in the form of gluconate has also been shown to maintain reserves to guard against a compromised immune system.
Vitamin D affects nearly all your body’s cells, including those in the immune system. During the winter months, however, levels tend to drop in most people (depending on latitude) because they no longer create it from exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays. Vitamin D receptors are expressed on immune cells (B cells and T cells) and growing evidence is finding that the hormone-like vitamin plays a key role in balancing immune response (8).
Vitamin C is closely tied to the immune system. Along with guinea pigs and other non-human primates, humans are not able to produce vitamin C. Instead, we rely on the foods we consume such as kiwi, bell peppers, and citrus fruits. Scientists are speaking up about the suboptimal recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamin C, saying that it should be increased to 200 milligrams per day to ensure tissue and cell saturation and promote better overall long-term health (9). This is more than double the current recommendation of 75 milligrams per day for women and 90 milligrams per day for men. Researchers argue that the current RDA levels are based on the prevention of vitamin C deficiency or the disease, scurvy. However, the present recommended level may not be adequate for people to reap the powerful antioxidant benefits of vitamin C that can support the body’s immune system.
Bovine colostrum is the first form of milk produced by a cow after giving birth. It immediately provides the calf with a host of immune-protecting substances. Research shows that colostrum supplementation in humans may have a similar impact and strengthen immune system defenses (10-12). A good colostrum supplement should have a range of immune-protecting substances within it including immunoglobulins, proline-rich polypeptides, and lactoferrin.
Echinacea is a flowering plant from the daisy family. The plant’s roots and leaves have been used for centuries by Native Americans for their medicinal qualities. Randomized controlled studies support Echinacea’s beneficial effect on the immune system (13-15).
Reishi Mushroom (pronounced Ray-She) is commonly consumed in Japan as either a tea or powder and reputed to increase youthful vigor and vitality. Multiple studies have also shown that Reishi mushroom supports the function of the immune system and benefits overall health. What’s more, multiple studies suggest the immunomodulatory effects of reishi mushroom and overall health benefits (15-19).
A good melatonin supplement can help guard against lack of sleep and poor sleep, helping to keep your immune system functioning nicely. Getting adequate sleep is probably the most important habit to support the immune system. Without proper sleep, the immune system is one of the first things to suffer. In fact, in a study done by Surrey Sleep Research Centre in the UK, researchers evaluated the consequences of one week of insufficient sleep on 26 men in which they found that the men had altered activity of some 700 genes. A number of the genes affected by sleep deprivation included several genes involved in immune system response.
Proactive Measures with Isagenix

When it comes to the immune system, it’s much more effective to be proactive rather than reactive, meaning you should be supporting the immune system every day rather than stepping up care once you are already sick. A healthy diet, along with daily supplementation with Ageless Essentials Daily Pack—containing zinc, and vitamins C and D—can keep your immune system properly nourished daily. Isamune Plus—containing zinc gluconate, colostrum, echinacea, and reishi mushroom—is a convenient spray that can be used daily to bolster defenses. In addition, Isagenix Sleep Support spray provides convenience in a quality melatonin supplement to make getting enough sleep easier nightly. Feel confident that you are protected with the best immune system support with Isagenix this winter.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

5 things successful people do that unsuccessful people don't...

Here are 5 things successful people so that unsuccessful people don't...
Go to Work to Prosper, Not Just to Work 
The successful go to work to get something accomplished. They work to make their dreams a reality not just to get their 8 hours in. There is a drive, even a hunger or self centered push to get something done.
Be Driven 
The most successful people I know are driven and push and shove until the job is done and goals are hit and then they go again. They don't get lost in how others feel or what feels good, but are able to stay focused on getting results. They are driven to do the hard things long after others are only doing those things that are comfortable.
No Excuses 
Successful people know that regardless of how many excuses they make, it will not change the outcome. Even justified excuses will not make a project or person successful. When things go wrong the successful person sees it as an opportunity.
Successful people are always focused on success. For years, the first thing I do in the morning is write down my goals. It is my experience that if I can stay focused on what I want, I will get it no matter how absurd the goal. Make the things you want and have not yet accomplished so real in your mind that they become real in your world.
Willing to Fail 
The old saying, "no risk, no reward" really applies to the successful. These people go for it with almost a willingness to fail. They aren't interested in failing, but know that if they don't put themselves in a position to fail, they never create the ability to win. At some point in life, you will have to go for it or, you will live the rest of your life regretting not doing so. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The Problem with Juicing and Juice Fasts

There’s no shortage of diet fads out there for losing weight quickly. Juicing and juice fasting is one that has been around for a while—its premise being to consume fresh-squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables daily or exclusively for a day or up to 10 days or more.
Juice fasting may seem like a good idea, but according to recent study that may be wrong.

Juice fasting may seem like a good idea, but a recent study may change your mind.
However, a recent study in the British Medical Journal found that people who consumed fruit in the form of juices (more than three glasses of fruit juice a week) actually increased their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 8 percent, while those who consumed their fruit whole lowered their risk of developing type 2 diabetes by 2 percent (1).
The problem is that the process of juicing extracts the nutrients and water from a vegetable or fruit and leaves behind the fibrous pulp. While the act of squeezing out some of the good stuff in fruits and vegetables—antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, etc.—screams healthy elixir, this processing also removes the nutrient-rich skin along with healthy fiber and a substantial amount of vitamins and minerals. There is also one other major caveat: sugar is squeezed out, too.
Depending on what fruits and vegetables are chosen to juice, the sugar content can climb pretty high. Without the fiber to slow down absorption, drinking the juice can send blood sugar levels spiking and crashing, leading to feelings of extreme hunger, irritability, and fatigue. For example, a juice containing three beets, two carrots, two stalks of celery, one cucumber, and one small apple is about 40 grams of sugar—compare that to the 39 grams of sugar in a 12 oz. coke (2;3). These high sugar amounts result in poor blood sugar control and increased risk of chronic disease over time.
What’s not in a juice during a juice fast is another matter. If calories during a juice fast remain low, you’re sure to stimulate fat metabolism. But with that breakdown of fat, there will be release of toxins and your body will need certain nutrients to help properly detoxify. For example, B vitamins and amino acids act as important co-factors for the detoxification process (4;5). Any juice fast lasting more than two days is also sure to lead to muscle breakdown because of lack of protein. Protein is vital for maintaining muscle while calories are being reduced, because any reduced-calorie diet, including juice fasts, can result in weight loss, but without proper protein, muscle will be lost as well (6-9).
In addition, getting adequate fiber – both soluble and insoluble fiber – is needed to help promote regularity, which is vital to overall detoxification goals. Juice fasts lasting a week or longer may actually hinder the elimination of toxins from your body because of lack of fiber.
Looking to obtain the benefits of cleaning up your diet, getting more fruit nutrients, and detoxification without the blood sugar spikes and under-nutrition? Look to Isagenix:
  • IsaFruits and Greens, for example, provide a hefty variety of antioxidants from whole fruits and green plant concentrates without the high amounts of sugar.
  • Cleanse for Life is especially designed to nourish your body (while not spiking your blood sugar), helping you safely lose weight and detoxify when used as part of Cleanse Days on a Cleansing and Fat Burning System.
  • Plus, IsaLean Shakes supply the necessary quality protein needed for helping you hold onto hard-earned muscle as you lose weight and maintain healthy blood sugar control, while also supplying you with needed nutrients and fiber.
The Isagenix system is also backed by clinical research—more healthy weight loss, more healthy fat loss, and twice as much visceral fat loss, while improving cardiovascular health markers in ways better than the leading “heart healthy” diet (see results here) (10). Suffice it to say, that’s an outcome far superior in comparison to what researchers reported for drinking juice in the British Medical Journal.
What to take away? Eating enough whole fruits and vegetables continues to be key, but try to skip the juice and avoid juice fasting. When it comes to choosing a reliable, safe, and convenient way to lose weight and cleanse safely, leave it to Isagenix.

Monday, December 2, 2013

7 Holiday Marketing Mistakes to Avoid... 

Here are the top seven marketing mistakes fitness professionals make during the holidays:
1.  No marketing plan going into the holiday season. 
Your holiday marketing should have been planned at least a month ago, but now it's the holiday season, so what do you do? Take some time today to decide what you are going to do and offer for the rest of the holiday season. 
If it's just too late (and it's not too late), then start with a New Year focus. For 2014, set a marketing calendar at the beginning of the year that can serve as a blueprint for your marketing plans year round.
2.  No communications. 
Many personal trainers mistakenly think that offices are closed or people are too busy to be bothered. If you choose not to follow up with leads or prospects because it's a busy time of year, you're making excuses. Although the holiday season is hectic for most, for some businesses it's actually the slowest and they will be more receptive to your offer. If it's not the holidays, it'll be the New Year, or Spring break, then summer. Now is the best time to market precisely because so many fitness pros don't.   
3.  No holiday offers. 
People, for the most part, love the holiday season; they like to focus on gift giving, vacations and family time. So if you don't provide a holiday special or offer that helps them with those goals, you are doing them--and your business--a grave disservice. Any of your services can be marketed with a holiday offer or theme. Search online to see what other companies are offering; it might spark an idea or two for your business.
4.  Not sending holiday greetings to clients. 
These are people that have been loyal, bought from you and supported your business for months or year round; you need to let them know that you are not only thinking about them over the holidays but that you are grateful for their business. Take some time out of your day and hand write a holiday greeting card.
5.  Forgetting to ask how clients are doing. 
This is something that most fitness pros completely miss the boat on; they do not survey clients and prospects from the current year to see how they can improve in the future. How are you going to know what worked and didn't if you don't ask? If you keep doing what you have always done, you'll keep getting what you've always gotten. 
Find out what worked and what didn't, look at your systems and your marketing, and then make improvements and enhance your current offerings. Offer a free gift or holiday discount to clients who take the time to complete your survey.
6.  No public relations. 
Many fitness professionals don't reach out to the media during the holidays because the fit pros are under the impression that media outlets shut their doors or are too busy to bother with new story ideas. This couldn't be farther from the truth. 
The media is always open and looking for the next great story or feature. If you can tie your story in with the season, all the better.  If you are doing a holiday fund raiser for a local charity and it's tied into your business, let the local news channels, newspaper and every other media group in your area know about it.  They generally love stuff like this and are looking for stories to cover such as yours.  
Never assume the answer is "no" without even asking.  Make them tell you "no" and if they tell you "no", move onto the next one until you get a "yes". 
7.  Not tapping into year-end budgets. 
There are thousands of companies that earmark holiday and year-end budgets--that money must be spent. These budgets are usually set prior to the holidays and focus on staff or client gifts and employee training as well as planning for the new year. 
What services can you offer to help them meet their budget and year-end goals?  This can help you plan and approach contacts with holiday offers.

SCULPT Away Your Deadly Belly Fat

Are you working hard to get those chiseled abs? Even more importantly, do you want to live a long, healthy life without the burden of disease? Remember to SCULPT your physique using these six strategies and carve away toxic visceral fat for good:

Soluble Fiber. Soluble fiber—found in oatmeal, beans, apples, and carrots—attracts water and forms a gel in the intestines, slowing digestion and increasing satiety. Feeling fuller longer can help with weight loss and contribute to visceral fat reduction. Soluble fiber also works to reduce belly fat by binding to dietary fat in the intestine and clearing it from the blood stream. In a five-year study, researchers found a 4 percent decrease in visceral fat for every 10 grams of soluble fiber consumed (1). Isagenix IsaLean Shakes, FiberPro, SlimCakes, and FiberSnacks are great sources of fiber (soluble and insoluble) to help combat belly fat.

Cleanse. When you get on an Isagenix system involving Cleanse Days, you spark greater metabolism of fat, including visceral fat. As you may know, the system incorporates Shake Days and Cleanse Days. A review by Krista Varady, Ph.D., from the University of Illinois-Chicago shows that both daily calorie restriction, as on Shake Days and, especially, intermittent fasting as on Cleanse Days can reduce stubborn visceral fat by as much as 5 to 15 percent (2). Cleanse Days also add in Cleanse for Life, which is specially formulated to help the body detoxify. Detoxification is a major plus when long-term health is the ultimate goal.

Unwind. Constantly biting your finger nails, clenching your jaw, or shaking your leg? Those may be physical manifestations of high stress hormone levels. Studies have shown that chronically high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol have been linked to increased visceral fat. Luckily, new findings suggest that “mindful intervention” (such as mediation or yoga) can decrease cortisol levels and, in turn, visceral fat. And don’t forget Ionix Supreme, deemed “nature’s answer to stress,” as a cocktail of several adaptogenic botanicals to protect the body against the harmful effects of stress. Finally, the most important stress-management tool is sleep, a time when your brain and body renew. With all-natural Isagenix Sleep Support and Renewal system, you can fall asleep more easily, improve quality sleep, and increase total sleep time.

Lose Your Breath. Regular physical activity is one of the fastest ways to tackle belly fat. In fact, studies have shown that aerobic exercise significantly reduced visceral fat by up to 12 percent (3). Aerobic exercise (or “cardio” in gym lingo) is any activity that you can sustain for more than just a few minutes while your heart, lungs, and muscles work overtime. Work up a sweat, get your heart thumping, and burn away that belly fat.

Protein. Dietary protein not only helps you create muscle, but also revs up the body’s metabolism. In addition, muscle tissue takes more energy to maintain compared to fat or bone. This means that having more muscle will increase the overall amount of calories you burn every day. When your body has this increased metabolic need, visceral fat is likely to be used first as an energy source—what a win-win situation! In particular, research shows that whey protein has the best amino acid profile (high in branched-chain amino acids) for building lean tissue and increasing thermogenesis and fat burning. Isagenix IsaLean Pro (now in both vanilla and chocolate!) delivers a mega-dose of whey with 36 grams of the highest-quality protein to build and maintain lean muscle along with healthy fats and energy-boosting carbohydrates.

Take Vitamin D and Calcuim. Isagenix Ageless Essentials Daily Packs have the right vitamins and minerals in the right amounts to keep you healthy, including belly fat-busting vitamin D and calcium. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin D supplementation along with calcium had significant reductions in visceral fat in overweight and obese individuals (4). It can be difficult to meet your calcium and vitamin D needs simply through diet and sunlight exposure, so don’t forget to take your A.M. and P.M. packs!

Belly fat is more than just unattractive; it is deadly. Visceral fat—not the fat you can pinch, but the fat within the belly that bathes your internal organs—is metabolically active tissue that secretes pro-inflammatory mediators, stimulates fat storage, and has been linked to insulin resistance, abnormal blood lipids, and cardiovascular disease risk. It’s crucial to get rid of toxic visceral fat to protect your body from its vicious attacks.

Lucky for us, there’s good news from the scientific literature on how to more quickly rid the body of the deadliest fat. With Isagenix, you can make it happen by remembering SCULPT, which can serve as your acronym to remember six strategies backed by science to help you carve away health-robbing visceral fat, gain back a sexier physique, and live healthier, longer.


Sunday, December 1, 2013

Do Kettlebells Improve Strength and Power?

Kettlebell training has experienced a resurgence of late. Going by the physical improvements the training can offer, is its popularity warranted? The answer is yes, according to a study published recently in the Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research (2012; 26 [8], 2228–33).

The scientists’ goal was to determine what effects the kettlebell swing had on maximal and explosive strength. They employed half-squat 1-repetition maximum and vertical jump height as assessment markers.

The study included 21 young men, aged 18–27, who were experienced at both the half-squat and the vertical jump. One group of men performed 12 minutes of exercises—12 rounds of 30-second exercise bouts alternating with 30-second rest periods—using a 12- or 16-kilogram kettlebell, depending on body weight. The other group performed at least 4 sets of 3 jump squats with varying loads (60% 1-RM to 0% 1-RM). Both groups trained twice per week.

At the end of the study, the two groups demonstrated similar improvements in maximal and explosive strength.

“The results of this study clearly demonstrate that 6 weeks of biweekly kettlebell training provides a stimulus that is sufficient to increase both maximum and explosive strength, offering a useful alternative to strength and conditioning professionals seeking variety for their athletes,” explained the study authors.

Want to help your clients stay safe during kettlebell swings? First, make sure you are educated in this type of training, says BJ Gaddour, CSCS, CEO of in Milwaukee. He suggests using the following exercises to prepare clients for swing training:

Hamstring stretch. Lack of hamstring flexibility will result in flexion of the lower back at the bottom of the swing pattern, putting the spine at great risk of injury. Gaddour’s favorite stretch for helping with swings is a progressive straight-leg hamstring stretch using a staircase. Start with the first step and keep working your way up the staircase until, ideally, you’re stretching your hamstring with more than 90 degrees of hip flexion, with no movement in the lumbar spine.

Hip hinge. With soft knees and heels loaded, hinge back at your hips as if trying to close a car door without squatting excessively. If you feel the movement in your thighs, you’re squatting too much.

Skier swing. In traditional kettlebell swings, you hold the bell(s) between the legs while adopting a wider foot stance. For skier swings, you hold the weights outside the thighs and stand with feet closer together. A closer stance makes it more difficult to squat, which forces you to hinge back more at the hips, cleaning up the form. You may want to start with lighter dumbbells before adding the pendulum effect created by the shape of the kettlebell.

Cleansing Benefits Beyond Weight Loss

In addition to weight loss, intermittent fasting may also support brain health.

While weight loss is an evidence-supported benefit of intermittent fasting, it’s not the only one. New research shows that regularly engaging in intermittent fasting (or Cleanse Days) can significantly improve cognition and possibly support brain health as we age—all the more reason why Cleanse Days should be thought of as lifelong habits rather than used as a short-term solution.

The recent study was conducted by researchers at Kaiser Permanente Colorado and reported at Obesity Week—a prestigious conference held annually. In the randomized, pilot study, 26 obese subjects were divided into two groups: an intermittent fasting group that fasted every other day with no calorie restrictions on “feeding” days and a group that followed a standard weight loss diet.

After two months, subjects in the fasting group lost the same amount of body weight than those who followed a standard diet without fasting (an average of 6.5 percent body weight compared to 5.75 percent, respectively). However, four months after the intermittent portion of the study was complete, researchers checked back in with the subjects and found that those who had engaged in intermittent fasting lost more weight, especially visceral fat, and had greater improvements in cognitive function than those who did not fast.

William Troy Donahoo, Ph.D., the lead researcher of the study, believes that one of two things could have caused this result. First, the people in the study could have continued some form of fasting after the study had ended. Second, fasting could have caused an improved metabolic state that offered delayed benefits. Per an article in Medpage Today, Donahoo theorizes that fasting could have altered the metabolism of subjects so they were, “more flexible shifting between carbs and fat for fuel, or less leptin resistant.”

In addition to continued weight loss, researchers found that subjects who fasted had significant cognitive improvements, specifically improvements in memory, compared to the other group. Also, fasting subjects showed trends of increased brain-derived neurotropic factor (BDNF), a marker of cognitive function.

Links between brain health and intermittent fasting have been studied for over a decade. Mark Mattson, Ph.D., of the National Institute on Aging has published many articles outlining cognitive improvements in mice; however, this is the first study showing similar outcomes in humans.

Donahoo went on to conclude that this research provides, “preliminary evidence of enduring visceral fat-reducing and cognition-enhancing alternate-day intermittent fasting in humans.”

Planning for the unexpected

“Go to the ant, you sluggard; consider its ways and be wise! It has no commander, no overseer or ruler, yet it stores its provisions in summer and gathers its food at harvest.” – Proverbs 6:6-8

 Anticipating the unexpected is never easy. Certain economic events are beyond our control. We can’t fully predict them nor prepare for them. Yet, if we pay close attention to God’s word, it encourages us to observe and anticipate certain “life changes” and then to prepare accordingly.  

The ant is a great example for us to follow. It recognizes that cycles of plenty and lack occur, therefore it stores its provision during the season of plenty, knowing that it will have to tap into those resources during the winter season of life.  
So what unexpected, yet probable, economic life events should we prepare for?

- Job loss: if your household currently has two incomes, could you make adjustments to live on one salary and save the other?

- Complete income loss: start a 6-month living expense fund you could tap into in case you experience a complete income loss.

- Health issues: medical insurance, although great, will rarely cover 100% of your medical expenses. Taking advantage of the Health FSA option at work is a great way to create that extra pre-tax protection. Just make sure that you don’t overestimate those needs since with FSA, if you don’t use it during the year, you’ll lose whatever you have left over.

- Transportation: cars do break and wear out. Set aside a monthly amount towards your car replacement fund. Once its time for a major repair or a complete replacement, you’ll have cash set-aside specifically for that purpose.

“True commitment will always be tested by the unexpected. No matter how well you plan, something unexpected will inevitably arise.” - Steve Smith, Finicity 

Practical challenge

If you lost 100% of your income, would you be able to survive for a period of 3-6 months? If the answer is no, take a look at your budget and make adjustmnents in order to start building your 3-6 month emergency fund .

"Failing to plan is planning to fail. " 

Winston Churchill