Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What I Notice About Successful People...

Here are traits I see in ambitious successful people in life...
1. They take action right away and always do the best they can to put themselves in position to create more success.
2. They don't make excuses and they don't blame others for their problems.
3. They return phone calls and emails quickly and professionally.
4. They take calculated risks with their business and their money.
5. They don't waste money on buying things that they "want".  However, they are very aggressive when it comes to spending their money on things that they "need" to create more success. 
6. They make it a point to associate with other successful people.
7. They are willing to do the things that others are not willing to do.
8. They read a lot more than they watch TV.  When they do watch TV, they tend to watch shows that are somewhat educational in some capacity and not shows like The Bachelor, American Idol and that kind of junk.
9.  They don't waste their time.  They utilize their time to the best of their abilities so that they can continue to grow in life and in business.
10. They have a burning desire to be the best and most successful at what they do.

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