Sunday, December 23, 2012

The Connection Between Health and Wealth

The more I learn about health, the more it reminds me of wealth. In fact, the Bible even puts these two together in III John 2, "Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in health even as thy soul prospers." These two aspects of our lives can either free us or limit what we re able to accomplish, depending on our stewardship. It's amazing how the same principles for success apply to both health and wealth. Some of us have more experience, knowledge, and understanding in one area than the other, so it's beneficial to look at the similarities between the two in order to improve in both areas.
The first correlation to consider is that both health and wealth can be damaged by simply doing nothing. What happens when you neglect your health or your wealth? Let s say you spend your money with no regard for a budget or your income-level. One day you may wake up and realize that you re deep in debt. Now, let s apply that to health. What happens when you eat with no regard for the effects on your body? One day you may wake up and realize that you re sick and overweight. The good news is that when you purposely begin to do the right things in either area, you'll start to see short-term and long-term benefits. Here are some principles for improvement that apply to both health and wealth.
First, evaluate your current position. Regarding health, evaluate your current eating and exercise habits. What foods make up your diet? Are you exercising regularly? Are you overweight? Regarding wealth, evaluate your current spending habits. Are you spending more than you earn? Where are you spending your money? Are you in debt?
Secondly, develop a plan. In the area of health, set out a plan for stepping out of those bad eating and exercise habits. Some people call this plan a diet, but you could think of it as a health budget. A budget is a plan for purposely limiting some aspects of spending, or in this case eating, so you will have what you need or want for another area. For example, you could "pay yourself first" by eating a large raw-vegetable salad at lunch and dinner before eating any cooked food. This ensures that you re getting the most nutritious aspect of your meal first and limits the space available for less nutritious foods.
In the area of wealth, set out a plan for stepping out of those bad spending habits. Some people call this a budget, but you could think of it as a money diet. Debt is the wealth equivalent of fat. When you find yourself overweight, it basically means you have been ingesting more calories than your body has been able to expend over a period of time. Debt, especially credit card debt, is the result of spending more than you earn over time. To "lose" debt, you must either spend less than you earn, increase your income, or both. To "pay off" your fat, your caloric intake must be less than your body expends, you must increase your activity through exercise, or both.
Once you've evaluated your position and set out your plan, begin to take the steps you've outlined. Don t try to make all the changes overnight, but be consistent and be patient with yourself. For upgrading your health, you might first choose to add more fruits and vegetables and replace those junk-food snacks with fruit. After some success in this area, proceed to your next step, perhaps choosing an exercise activity that you enjoy and determining a timeslot that you can maintain. For your financial situation, you might begin by curbing those impulse spending sprees and refusing to go into debt over an unnecessary purchase. Then, once you've evaluated each category of expenditure for potential money savings, you can proceed to take the steps you've found to reduce spending in those areas.
Next, ride the momentum and continue to step to higher levels. As you re consistent with the changes you've determined to make, you'll find new freedom which will motivate you to continue in your efforts. As your health improves, those tight clothes will loosen up and you'll feel better. As your financial situation improves, you'll begin to feel less financial stress and those debts will begin to disappear. You'll find that you're able to spend money on those smaller clothes you'll need, now that, for example, your entertainment and debt budget categories aren't consuming more than their fair shares of the cash.
Once you begin to gain control of your health and wealth, you should continue to revise your goals to reach higher levels. For your health, you could target new aspects of your eating habits, like sugar consumption, and begin to add weight-lifting to your exercise routine. For your finances, you could begin to set up a contingency fund, start college funds for your children, and build your retirement investments. Take time regularly to manage your health and your wealth. Once you develop good habits and self-control, maintenance will just be a matter of choosing to be a good steward in both areas. There s a saying in the financial world that applies equally to health, "the longer term your perspective, the better your decision will be." Let s begin to exercise discipline now to invest in our future health and wealth.

Is Living Longer Worth It If You’re Not Living Healthy?

Is Living Longer Worth It If You’re Not Living Healthy?

People worldwide are living longer but sicker, according to a new report.
While more people are celebrating triple-digit birthdays than ever before, many have to take their insulin shot before enjoying a piece of birthday cake. Older adults are the largest consumer of medications with more than 40 percent of people over age 65 taking five or more prescriptions. While new medical interventions have significantly improved longevity, in some cases Western medicine may be a crutch for living with chronic diseases rather than making lifestyle changes.
According to seven papers published recently by the Lancet, people worldwide are living longer but sicker. Advances in medical science and drastic improvements in sanitation have decreased the amount of premature deaths and allowed people to live into old age—but at what cost?
The report is the first expansive, global look at life expectancy and health threats involving more than 480 researchers in 50 countries. Based on the data they gathered from surveys, censuses, and studies, the greatest global contributors to the health burden are chronic disease, injuries, mental health conditions, and joint and bone diseases. To give perspective, take a look at some of the eye-opening statistics presented in the report:
  • In people aged 15-49, diabetes is a bigger killer in Africa than in Western Europe (8.8 deaths vs. 1 death per 100,000).
  • Globally, heart disease and stroke remain the top killers.
  • Lung cancer moved to the 5th cause of death globally, while other cancers including those of the stomach, liver, and colon are also in the top 20.
This report begs the question, “Is living longer worth it if you are not living healthy?” Preventative medicine is a growing trend in which diet, exercise, and lifestyle play a major role. Instead of treating medical conditions when they arise, incorporating a healthy lifestyle may decrease your risk of health complications and increase your quality of life as you age.
With about four out of five seniors affected by a chronic condition such as heart disease, hypertension, and diabetes, decreased quality of life is not the only consequence—medical care is extremely costly. In the latest Trendwatch report from the American Hospital Association, Medicare costs are skyrocketing. “People with chronic disease are more likely to be hospitalized than those without, and the resources required for each episode of care are greater. This translates into higher spending overall,” states the report.
Adhering to a healthy lifestyle does not just add years to your life, but adds life to your years. In the end, your health is your choice. Choose wisely.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Is Isagenix Expensive?

Is Isagenix Expensive?

The Dalai Lama, when asked what surprised him most about humanity, he said:
“Man. Because he sacrifices his health in order to make money. Then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health.
And then he is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present; the result being that he does not live in the present or the future; he lives as if he is never going to die, and then dies having never really lived.”

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“So how much does it cost?” When we are out there connecting with people and sharing Isagenix the first question people typically ask is money-related. One of the most important skills we can develop is the ability to communicate the value of these products and empower people to get out of their own way. Below are eight concepts designed to assist you do just that.
Concept #1  People Operate from A Place of Fear
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It is crucial that we understand the real issues that lead to the question because a lot of the time “cost” is a surface symptom of deeper-rooted (and often sub-conscious) beliefs.The majority of us have a relationship with money that, putting it kindly, is extremely dysfunctional.
Don’t get me wrong, many people are experiencing financial hardships, but more often than we think, this is not the real issue holding someone back. What we are exposed to at a young age by our parents, the media and our experiences leads to a lack mentality around money and beliefs that do not really serve us. In her amazing book, “The Soul of Money,” Lynne Twist talks about how most of us operate from a place of scarcity. She also shows many examples of extremely wealthy people who no matter how much they accumulated were terrified of losing it all.  People commonly get seduced in to thinking finances are a zero-sum game. For us to be rich others must be poor and this “us vs. them” mentality leads to countless amounts of unnecessary suffering. Lynne exposes these beliefs as a fallacy and shows how prosperity actually flows from the recognition of enough recources for all, gratitude for our blessings and a focus on collaboration and abundance.
These inherent beliefs combined with the amount of fear the news and media bombards us with can be overwhelming. Bad news sells and their is no shortage of it. This past week I have been told 15% of Americans are living in poverty, Europe is about to collapse, the world is ending in 2012, stock market is crashing etc. The real scary part is I don’t even watch the news. I heard all of this second-hand from people the last 7 days.
Why is it so important to understand this?
The point of understanding that many of us operate from a place of fear is realizing that some of us instantly default to saying, “that is too expensive” and say no to an opportunity without even stopping to think what we are rejecting. Literally we can become so caught up in our thoughts and conditioning that we our almost walking around in a trance state and our mind is trained to just say “I can’t afford it.” If we don’t dig a deeper past this default response we are selling the person we are connecting with short.
Concept # 2  It is not a matter of price, it is a matter of value.
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When we really think about it, asking the price of something before we understand it does not make much sense. It is the old quality versus quantity debate, you always get what you pay for. Many of the products on the marketplace have poor ingredients and an inferior delivery system leading to very low absorption. In extreme cases, the bottle or packaging costs more than the manufacturing of the actual products. My understanding is if we distributed a canister of Isalean shake though traditional retail centers like a GNC store, it would cost around $135. It is all about value.
For example if someone told me they would sell me their car for $30,000 if I could come up with the money by tomorrow, I would instantly say I did not have that kind of money. However, if I was then told the car was a mint condition Bentley with a blue book value of $350,000 I would have the money within 30 minutes. Plenty of our team members would pay 10 times what is required to get Isagenix products into their bodies. Why? Because they understand the value of them.
Concept # 3  We want to speak about the benefits of Isagenix not the features.
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         Feature                                      Benefit
It is very easy to start talking about how many meals someone will receive, the purity and potency of our no-compromise ingredients, the science etc. While all of that is wonderful these are features not benefits and is not the real reason someone is interested in Isagenix. Lets do another car analogy. I am not a car guy, pretty much I just want something that is comfortable, looks good and that I enjoy driving. When I buy a car and someone starts asking me about the engine, suspension system etc. they see a blank stare and hear crickets. Why? Because things like an engine are features, not benefits to me. At our essence we are all the same, we just want to feel better. This is going to look different depending on the person. Some may want to have the energy to play with their kids. Others want to lose weight to look their best for a wedding or other event. The point is we want to identify the core need that someone has and paint the picture to assist them to be thinking from a place of possibilities and what their life will look like once they achieve it. We do not do cleanse days for fun or how it tastes, but because the cleanse leads us to our end goal.
Concept # 4  Many people have misconceptions going in on what Nutritional Cleansing and Isagenix actually are.
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When I first heard that Isagenix was a cleansing product my mind instantly went to a friend I watched starve herself for days doing a “lemonade” cleanse a few years before. Most common cleanses out there are a single ingredient juice, product or something you can put together at home. This leaves many people not understanding how many meals and products we get in an Isagenix system as their cleansing reference point is very different from Isagenix. If they are matching the price we give them against lemons, maple syrup and cayenne pepper it is not going to make much sense.
Concept # 5  Most people do SAVE money or at a minimum break even on their Isagenix System.
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Putting all the information above aside, people DO typically save money on Isagenix. This is not an extra expense, we are just redirecting our grocery budget to Isagenix superfoods that allow us to become radically healthy. Many of us don’t realize how much we are spending on food because it has happening in small amounts daily and not in a lump sum. Very few people really track their expenses and are conscious of how quickly the little things add up. Grocery shopping is a little easier to calculate, but our meals out, pumpkin spiced lattes, energy drinks and snacks we consume are easy to miss. Consider the following:
The member price for our Isalean shake is $39 for 14 servings which breaks down to $2.78 a meal. The Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer survey showed in 2008 that the average American spent $539 a month on groceries and meals out. That is just under $18 a day and $6 a meal and this was 3 years ago. Grocery costs have significantly risen since then. Last night, I made tacos for dinner and as I was chopping up my $1.99 organic Avocado I started to calculate what I had spent putting the meal together. It was around $11. Even if we are being frugal and cooking at home it is almost impossible to put a meal together for under $6.
How our most popular programs break down JUST from a food perspective:
30 Day Program (Associate Cost $268)
  • 68 Meals (56 Meals + Replacing 12 meals on our 4 deep cleanse days)
  • Under $8.50 a day for 2 meals and all the other products.
  • Not counting the value of the supplements, ionix etc, the 30 day breaks down to $4.25 per meal.
Pacesetter Pack (Associate Cost $399)
  • 78 Meals (The same 68 plus 10 Meal Replacement Bars)
  • 44 Snacks (30 Isadelights and 14 Slimcakes)
  • Again this is just a food value perspective and does not include everything else you receive. If someone was going to consume the sample packs personally it would add another 10 meals and 10 snacks.
  • Just over $13 a day gets you two meals and two snacks per day
Based on the average American household here are the savings:
isagenix Savings Is Isagenix Expensive?Concept # 6  Expensive in Comparison to what?
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What are we comparing the price of Isagenix to? Having 10 years shaved off of our life expectancy? Feeling bad about ourselves because we are overweight or having a low quality of life due to medical challenges?  An Indiana University study suggested that our body could be worth as much as $45 million. Do we treat it like the asset that it is? The US spends a per person average of $6700 a year for healthcare. Putting our value and self worth into perspective is of paramount importance.
Sometimes people assume we are expensive in comparison to other programs out there. Here is how our 30 day system stacks up against the most popular ones:
Cost Per Week:
Jenny Craig                $137.65
Nutrisystem                $113.52
Atkins Diet                  $110.52
Weight Watchers       $ 96.64
Zone Diet                    $ 92.84
Ornish Diet                 $ 78.74
South Beach Diet       $ 78.61
Slim Fast                    $ 77.73
HCG                           $ 75.00
Meal Movement         $ 74.25
ISAGENIX                   $ 62.50
Concept # 7  Isagenix has a no questions money back guarantee on the first System.
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So to recap, Save money, get radically healthy and if it does not work I can get my money back? Yep (We have a 96% Success rate.)
Concept # 8  You don’t understand, I have no money in my bank account….
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Occasionally, someone understands the value, realizes they will save money but cannot pay the initial lump sum. These guys need Isagenix more than anyone else! Sometimes the products being so amazing can get in the way of us talking about the incredible opportunity that we have. This company has created more 6 & 7 figure earners per revenue capita than any predecessor in the history of the industry. A lot of people are struggling with their health, but even more are struggling financially. Name me a business that you can start for $19, eat your overhead and get healthy, save money on your groceries and taxes and have the potential to earn millions of dollars in passive income and leave the business to your children. All while being surrounded by a positive community of like-minded people that want to see you grow and win.
With people that fall into this category, I assist them identify two people that want to cleanse with them and earn their rebate (up to $370) by going consultant before they are even enrolled. Anyone can do this within 48 hours if they make a real decision to make it happen.
In Conclusion…..
Hopefully you are beginning to see that any excuse people give you is just that, an excuse or simple misunderstanding.  Obviously we don’t want to break all of this info down to someone, but hopefully this has given you a different perspective on why people ask the question and how to effectively communicate in a way that will empower them to get started. More important than the words we use is us having the conviction and belief that Isagenix can turn the possibilities they are envisioning for themselves into reality.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Top 5 Best Exercises to Lose Belly Fat

1. The Bicycle Exercise - best for targeting the six pack muscles and the obliques. To do this exercise, get into a supine position with hands at the back of your head. Bring knees to the chest while lifting shoulders off the floor. Slowly bring your right elbow towards your left knee as you straighten your right leg. Switch sides and continue in a pedaling motion. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions.

2. The Captain's Chair Leg Raise - This exercise requires a captain's chair, a rack with padded arms allowing for the legs to hang free that is commonly found in gyms or health clubs. To do this exercise, stand on the chair and grip hand holds. Press back against the pad then raise knees to the chest to contract the abs then lower them back down. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions.

3. Exercise Ball Crunch - For this exercise, an exercise ball is necessary. In this routine, the abdomen does more exerting but will still need the entire body to stabilize it throughout the routine. To do this exercise, lie on the ball with your lower back fully supported. Place hands behind the head. To lift the torso off the ball, contract the abs to pull the bottom of the rib cage towards the hips. Keep ball stable as you curl up, then lower back down to stretch the abs. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions.

4. Vertical Leg Crunch - Performing this exercise is similar to doing a leg crunch except that the legs are straight up, forcing the abs to work and adding intensity to the routine. To do this, lie on the floor with the legs straight up, knees crossed, and place the hands beneath the head for support. Contract abs lifting the shoulders off the floor and keep legs in a fixed position to crunch. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions.

5. Long Arm Crunch - This is a variant of the traditional floor crunch where the arms are held straight behind you, adding a lever to the move and making for a challenging exercise. To do this, lie on the floor or a mat then extend arms straight behind, keeping them clasped and next to the ears. Slowly contract abs and lift shoulders off the floor carefully to keep the arms straight. Do 1 to 3 sets with 12 to 16 repetitions.

The best strategy to weight loss is to observe a healthy diet coupled with exercise of at least an hour a day. Although there is no sure fire way to deal with belly fat, there are a number of activities from which to choose and enjoy. As long as you're having fun, you can lose weight without realizing it. It is important to look for an exercise you enjoy. If the suggested exercises above do not suit your taste, taking a hike, swimming or biking are just as effective in burning fat and toning muscles.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012


Science is catching on to something that regular exercisers already know—exercise is really good for you. Recent studies link regular physical activity to longevity, an enhanced immune system and fewer illnesses, reduction of stress and improved mood.

Exercise rules!

If getting started is a challenge, remember that doing something is better than doing nothing. If 20-30 minutes of walking is too much, start with just 10 minutes—or walk around the block after dinner instead of watching television. Then the next week, instead of walking around one block, extend it to two, then three and so on.

If walking sounds too boring, ask a friend to come with you. If that still isn't appealing, find a fun path or neighborhood, or do something you think will be fun, like riding a bike or swimming.

Just do something.

You may have days where you just want to plop down on your sofa and watch TV; but remember this: You’re making an investment in your health when you get out there and go for even just a brisk walk.

Don’t forget…
Stretching helps keep muscles flexible. To help avoid injuries, as well as aches and pains, stretching pre- and post-workout is a great idea.

Power Training for Athletes

You can improve your athletic performance by focusing on your brain every time you train your body.
by Michael Colgan, Ph.D
Questions we get and athletes we see busting their gut in the gym show us that many folk get little bang for their buck. Yet the human body is an exquisitely sensitive instrument—bursting to grow in response to every good bit of stimulation. Here are a few of our basics that transform gym training into an effective training tool.
1. Train the Brain
All movements are neuromuscular. The neural component is primary. It is created by the brain and occurs first. The muscle contractions follow the brain’s instructions.
The neural component of every movement completely controls the speed, force, coordination, rhythm, and balance of the muscular component. Without the response of the brain first, muscles do not contract. If you are serious about athletic training, you will get further, faster, if you focus on your brain every time you train your body.
To illustrate how important the brain is to movement, I will use the case of a depressed young man paralyzed from the waist down by an accident who was referred to our clinic for a strength program to better use his wheelchair. He had been through the usual rehab for a spinal cord injury, and was two years on from the accident, as far recovered as his doctor thought he would get. So we gave him an arm, shoulder, chest, and upper back power program using all the muscles he could still contract. Over months of training he slowly got stronger.
One of my trainers noticed that the guy’s left quadriceps sometimes twitched when he was doing cable pulldowns. I realized that there must be a live nerve there, so I told him to lie in bed at night and think of twitching his quad. After a few weeks he could twitch it on command. Then, with no training, the right quad began to twitch. No real surprise there. Numerous controlled studies show that the brain causes gains of strength and movement in the contralateral muscle when the muscle of one limb is trained (1). To cut the story short, one muscle led to another, and after eighteen months more training he could walk on crutches – smiling.
2. Train the Brain to Power Free Movement
The case illustrates the complexity of what you are trying to do with power training. The bulk of conventional weight training does not improve athletic performance at all because it does not give the brain the right information. We know from some of the world’s best coaches (1,2) and because we have measured the performance of more than 20,000 athletes from Olympians to weekend warriors at the Colgan Institute over the last 30 years.
The brain learns exactly what you teach it. All those weight machines with comfy seats that you see in most gyms, allow only restricted, partial, uni-planar, isolation movements. It matters not a whit that makers try to make the movement a bit more free with oscillating knuckles and whatever. Weight machines were developed to grow muscle size and shape. They develop only restricted, uni-planar, isolated, seated strength, and that is exactly what they teach the brain. If your trainer directs you to use these machines – get another trainer and switch to a decent gym.
Machine training prevents the full flexion, extension, and rotation of the limbs and core that occurs in natural movement. They prevent movement in the way the body is designed to move, the very movement you are trying to achieve. If you use them – stop now. No Olympian I have ever worked with uses weight machines. As you watch the London Olympics this coming week, resolve never to use them again.
Every time you use a weight machine that restricts standing free movement, you are teaching your brain the wrong stuff. You should not be surprised to see that machine training produces only slow, weak, un-coordinated, athletes, useless at the free movements of sport. We do not allow athletes to sit and exercise, or to use any device that restricts free movement.
Remember, you are training your brain to move. Do not do any movement in training unless it forms part of a correct movement that you do for your sport. Even one set of a wrong movement, is teaching the brain to do it wrong. Once a wrong movement is well learned, it takes at least 10,000 reps to learn the right one to override it. Teach your brain to do it right the first time.
Use standing free movement exercises or go home. Aim for whole body movements that train muscle chains. Think pinkie to toes with every effort. Train for explosive concentric contractions, controlled eccentric contractions. Train for whole body coordination, rhythm, and balance every set.
3. Train the Brain for Maximum Power per Pound of Muscle
When you begin a good power program, both strength and speed in any movement increase in about five days. This is a change in the brain, because the muscle does not show changes for about three weeks (4). How strong is this brain component? If you train one arm only, the other arm will gain almost as much strength, although its muscles do not grow larger (5).
By correctly training the brain, you can vastly increase the power of a muscle without increasing its size very much at all. Train for maximum power per pound of muscle, not for muscle mass or for absolute strength. Power is simply the speed at which you can move mass from rest.
It may not look like it, but even Usain Bolt has an instant every stride when his legs turn over where he is stationary and has to accelerate from rest. Training with the power principle yields such a big edge it has been almost kept secret among top athletes. Train always for power, not for strength, never for mass.
I first saw this power in action at a Los Angeles exhibition bout in 1964. Bruce Lee, who was 5’-7’’, and never weighed more than 135 lbs, knocked down a 200 lbs black belt, who had braced himself for it, with a two-inch punch to the gut. I sought out and was fortunate to spend some time with one of Bruce Lee’s teachers, Master William Cheung, and have taught many world champions the same principles since, including two world boxing champions, and some of the strongest and fastest athletes in the world (6).
You can get the principles of this dynamic power training free from Study them with care. Your brain is exact in what it learns, and that sets limits to how you perform thereafter.

Monday, December 10, 2012

SAVE $ How I Love Mondays!

Sign up and Save….what does that mean?
When you sign up as an associate with Isagenix, you will receive the wholesale pricing for an entire year!  This is an enormous savings.  When you compare the retail price and the sign up and save price on any item, the difference is exciting.
Signing up is easy.  You will be signing up as a member of Isagenix and you will receive member pricing.  We call our members “Associates”.  It’s just like signing up with Costco to get the great discounts.  Only it’s waaaaay better.  Our Associates also receive a personalized website that is customizable.  With your website you can place orders and track orders.  It’s also an online STORE!  And, if anyone purchases products from YOUR online store, you will get paid from Isagenix!  Woo Hoo!  When Isagenix pays you for the very first time, you will receive an Isagenix Visa Card with YOUR name on it.  KEEP THIS CARD!  Every time Isagenix wants to give you money, they will put it on this card.  Our paydays are every Monday. Oh how I love Mondays!
If you love your personal results from your own Isagenix program, send your referrals to your OWN website to order.  I’d be happy to help you with this.  You can receive enough money to get your orders paid for or you can earn money in your own business.  You will OWN your own online store after all!  The sky is the limit on earnings.  Take the 30 day challenge, 5K in 5 weeks!
And, this will make you MY PARTNER!  So, let’s work together to make YOUR dreams a reality!

Learn To Love Mondays

Monday’s are the best day of the week!
Mondays are the start of something new and possibly great.
Monday’s give you a chance at something new every single week.
Monday will determine the rest of your week.
If you start Monday with a kick-ass take no prisoners attitude and you bust your ass to get shit done you can bet your week will start on a good note.
If you dread your Monday and don’t get anything productive done then you can bet your week is going to be just as sour.
If you dread Mondays because that means you have to go back to work I’d say that’s a clear sign you need to change your profession. I love Mondays and I get somewhat annoyed at the weekends because I know there will be a dip in productivity.
Tips to make your Mondays more productive:
Rise early on Monday. Be up before everyone to get a head start. Benjamin Franklin said Early to bed, early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise and nowhere is that truer than on Monday morning.
Start your day with a nice walk, jog, or lifting session to clear your head a little.
Make a to-do list over the weekend and get everything done early in the morning. There is no better feeling in the world knowing you have been hyper-productive and have everything done before most people even have a cup of coffee.
Love Mondays and Mondays will love you back. Dread Mondays and that will become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think your day is going to suck, guess what, it probably will.

More than a Safe Sleep Aid: Melatonin Every Night Could Save Your Brain

Evidence shows that melatonin is extremely safe when taken in the correct form, dose, and at the right time.
Sleep is a more active process than you may think. It’s a time for the brain—as well as the rest of the body—to repair, grow, and develop. Sleep disturbances can lead to poor sleep quality and ultimately accelerated aging of your organs, including the brain. With one in three Americans suffering from sleep related problems, many people are supplementing with melatonin—a hormone naturally produced by the tiny pineal gland in the brain to induce and sustain sleep—to get that much-needed shuteye. But is it safe to use every night?
Based on numerous studies and clinical use, melatonin is extremely safe when taken in the correct form, dose, and at the right time. Since the ability to make melatonin declines with age—with levels dropping below a maximal level by about age 35—many suffer from poor sleep. Evidence supports melatonin’s ability to help people fall asleep faster, sleep longer, and enables those who wake too early to fall back asleep (1). Contrary to what many believe, if melatonin is taken properly it does not act as a pharmaceutical sedative and will not induce a “hangover” effect in the morning. Moreover, if taken correctly (prior to bedtime) it will not affect your libido, as some media sources claim. Rather, it helps to reset the body’s sleep-wake cycle and improve the overall quality of sleep.
In a combined analysis of controlled clinical trials (2), researchers examined the efficacy and safety of melatonin supplementation in middle-aged and elderly patients with insomnia and hypertension—commonly found in people with insomnia. Scientists found those taking melatonin had significantly improved sleep quality and next-day alertness. Long-term benefits were also identified with significantly greater improvements in sleep duration. Additionally, there were no significant complications in vital signs of those taking melatonin, and those taking the supplement had a lower rate of adverse events compared to the placebo group!
Melatonin is not just a sleep aid. In fact, it plays a large role in maintaining the brain. Neurogenesis—the growth of brain cells or neurons—occurs during sleep and dramatically decreases with sleep deprivation. Studies show that melatonin supplementation can re-establish an optimal sleep-wake cycle and increase neurogenesis in the hippocampus—the area of the brain that forms memories (3, 4).
Melatonin also acts as a powerful antioxidant, with a particular role in supporting several intracellular antioxidants including glutathione. According to studies, melatonin is superior in comparison to other antioxidants for limiting the consequences of oxidative stress in the body (5). When taken by athletes, for example, melatonin has shown to ameliorate oxidative stress and improve immune defense that can improve fitness (6). To maximally protect cells, including brain cells, and support the body’s immune function, it’s recommended that people supplement every night.
With Isagenix Sleep Support & Renewal you can be sure you are getting safe and effective amounts of for your brain by increasing natural sleep time, resetting the body’s sleep-wake cycle, and promoting healthy aging. The fast-acting, spearmint-flavored spray contains additional ingredients such as theanine and chamomile that have shown to promote a calm and relaxed state, making this product unique to any other product on the market. To reap the benefits of Sleep Support & Renewal, first start with the recommended dose of one spray and increase only as needed to a maximum of three sprays per use. You can rest easy knowing that Isagenix always puts your health and safety first and foremost.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Banishing the Deadliest Fat

Belly fat
The most dangerous form of body fat is intra-abdominal fat, or visceral fat, which contributes to total belly fat.
If you’re like many Americans, when you were younger you were able to eat with gusto and without a care in the world. Even if you weren’t working out or exercising on a regular basis many of us could seemingly consume whatever, whenever. But now, the days and nights of youth-filled binges are long gone and you may actually exhibit the dreaded “middle-age spread.” Or worse, you are overweight or obese. Today, obesity is the single most important health issue facing the United States. More than one-third of adults and almost 17 percent of children and adolescents are obese. That’s according to new data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, released from The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The excess adiposity (“fatness”) that exists in obese individuals is associated with serious adverse health effects including increased susceptibility to cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes. With obesity-related healthcare spending at about 5 to 10 percent of all health care costs, it’s a problem that clearly stresses an already unstable economy.
Obesity is a complex, dynamic process involving genes and hormones; however, the most amendable lifestyle factor is simply our excessive calorie consumption relative to our energy expenditure. Not surprisingly, according to a 2010 consumer survey, 55 percent of us are actively trying to lose weight. But to address the issues of prevention, treatment, and lifestyle factors, you need to understand body fat–what it is, what it does, and how different types of body fat are associated with health and disease.
Body Fat is an Active Endocrine Organ
Previously, body fat was thought to be just that: fat. However, scientists have known for some time that body fat is indeed no less an organ than the liver or kidney due to its metabolic activities, its target by hormones, and its ability to secrete cytokines—those proteins with hormone-like effects. Body fat comes directly from our diet. Foods contain varying levels of carbohydrates, proteins, and, of course, fat. Alcohol, too, provides potential energy, more than the other macronutrients except for fat, that contributes to body fat.
Now, when examining body fat and body composition, researchers have generally divided fat into either subcutaneous or visceral fat. Subcutaneous fat is fat accumulated in the lower body, often visualized as producing a “pear shaped” appearance. This body shape is more frequently associated with the adiposity of women. In contrast, visceral fat is the fat within your belly (not the fat hanging over your belt) and is associated with the “apple shaped” appearance observed more frequently in men. Visceral fat is also known as central or abdominal fat.
In general, visceral fat is a relatively small proportion of total body fat. Why is it so important? It is chiefly because, unlike subcutaneous fat, visceral fat bathes the liver, kidneys, pancreas, and other organs that are necessary for maintaining optimal health and wellness. Because of its proximity, this type of fat has serious implications on health.
Visceral Fat is Inflammatory
Visceral fat is deleterious to health also because it is metabolically very active, causing low-grade inflammation within the body. In obese individuals, visceral fat consists of fat cells (adipocytes) that stimulate and secrete a variety of potent chemicals as well as activating cellular pathways that are implicated in disease. For example, visceral fat can stimulate the production and release of adipokines such as tumor necrosis factor and interleukins, which are potent pro-inflammatory mediators. These molecules travel to both neighboring and distant cells stimulating recruitment of other cells, generating yet more pro-inflammatory mediators and causing a profound cascading event. Visceral fat accumulation is also associated with insulin resistance, which is a primary factor in type 2 diabetes and other obesity-related conditions. Adipocytes in visceral fat can also increase proteins that promote additional fat storage, a process known as adipogenesis. Visceral fat accumulation in the liver is also a precursor to much more serious liver problems such as scarring (cirrhosis), and even liver cancer. The cumulative effect of these pathophysiological events causes glucose impairment, increased triglycerides, altered lipoprotein balance, and high blood pressure—collectively comprising the metabolic syndrome, a hallmark for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes among other associated health risks.
What Can Be Done to Reduce Visceral Fat?
Luckily, there are things that can be done to reduce visceral fat, but not without effort. First, the individual must lose weight. Exercise is certainly one of the most effective lifestyle interventions for reducing visceral fat. In one recent study, researchers found that aerobic exercise alone significantly reduced visceral fat by 12 percent (1). Next, loss of visceral fat requires modifications from a typical high fat, high-calorie consumption pattern.
Among nutrients targeted for assisting us in promoting fat loss are dietary fiber and protein. In fact, a recent study found that intake of soluble fiber was directly associated with reductions in visceral fat (2). Additionally, consumers of Isagenix products already know about the great features of our whey protein-based products such as IsaLean Shakes and IsaPro. Among the myriad of benefits of whey protein that will help individuals reduce their visceral fat include whey’s satiating properties, compared with carbohydrates, and its positive effects on metabolism. An increase in dietary protein also facilitates muscle protein synthesis, which has the additional benefit of stimulating body metabolism. Even better would be to incorporate the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System into an overall dietary strategy to metabolize visceral fat. In fact, a review of the literature by Krista Varady at the University of Illinois-Chicago has found that either daily caloric restriction or intermittent fasting reduces stubborn visceral fat by 5 to 15 percent (3). Since both the 30- and 9-day fat burning and nutritional cleansing systems feature aspects of caloric restriction and intermittent fasting it makes perfect sense that the Isagenix way would help reduce toxic, health-robbing visceral fat.

Nutrition for Athletes: Bottom Line

Your cells are limited in function by the nutrition they receive when they are formed.
Your blood cells replace themselves every three to four months. Your muscle cells replace themselves about every six months. Brain cells can take a year or more to replace themselves.
Right when each of these types of cells are formed, they use the nutrition the person is giving their body at that time. In other words, the cells are limited in function for their whole lifetime by the nutrition they receive when they are formed. If you eat garbage proteins, you cannot help but grow a garbage body. And you are stuck with that body for the next six months.
Once formed, the cells can make only small variations in their performance throughout their lifetime, because their performance is strictly limited by the nutrition they received to build their initial structure. To make large variations in health and performance, we have to wait for these cells to die off and new cells to grow in an improved nutrition and lifestyle environment.
It is exactly like a neglected house plant whose yellow shriveled leaves and poor growth make it a sorry sight. When you first start to revive it with “T.L.C.”, regular water, and microbe–rich plant food, nothing much happens. It may perk up a bit, but it takes months for all the old leaves and stems to die off and new, vigorous, leaves to grow in response to the improved nutritional environment.
Anyone who says they “tried” Isagenix products and didn’t see “much difference,” is likely talking about using the products for perhaps a few days or a few weeks. Especially for athletes—who are tuned to their bodies more than most folk—basic physiology demands that they use the products consistently for at least three months. That is the minimum to show a significant improvement in their blood.
The complete structure of the new blood cells formed during those three months is made of proteins. Even the hemoglobin that carries your oxygen is a protein. If an athlete has been eating the usual eggs, fish, and meats, and one of the hundreds of poor protein shakes out there as their main protein sources, and then they switch to IsaLeanPro, after three months they will grow superior blood cells in the superior protein environment. (In the average American—who eats mostly junk food—a three-month change to a diet dominated by IsaLeanPro will produce spectacular results.)
Even in the most elite athletes, who are already at the top of their nutritional game, we see consistent improvements in hemoglobin, hematocrit, and red-blood-cell count (the three common indicators of oxygen uptake capacity) within just three months use of the Isagenix whey protein concentrate.
To get significant improvements in strength and power, however, you have to use the IsaLeanPro consistently (every day) for six months, so that the old muscle cells can die off, and be replaced by new muscle cells that grow in the improved protein environment.
To get significant improvements in balance, rhythm, coordination, and speed—all of which are dependent on changes in the brain—it takes longer. You have to go “IsaLean healthy” for 12 months, so the old brain cells can die off and be replaced by superior cells grown in the improved protein environment. Remember, the whole structure of brain cells is made of many thousands of different proteins. All the enzymes that work the brain are proteins too, every one. And every one is made from the proteins you eat.
I’m sure we would all like protein turnover to be quicker—and many people love to claim it is quicker than explained above—but that is the basic bottom line biochemistry of the way the human body works.
Even the “miracle” losses of body fat work the same way. The structure of the fat cells is all proteins. You can drain off some of the fat by exercise and intermittent fasting (i.e. 2-day cleanses); however, to be successful you have to stay consistently on the program for at least six months, until those fat cells die and are replaced by new, smaller, fat cells. Otherwise, the old cells will just fill up with fat again.
That’s why it takes a healthy, long-term, lifestyle change to be successful in changing your body for the better. Isagenix promotes that healthy lifestyle better than any other company on the planet. That’s why they are so successful. That’s why I support them.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Isagenix Brain Boost & Renewal Improves Cognitive Function in Middle-Aged Adults

To view the PDF Flyer about how to “Save Your Brain with Isagenix,” click the image above.
If you thought cognitive decline was only a problem for the elderly, think again.
Recent research has shown that cognitive decline begins decades before symptoms actually appear. In fact, scientists have found progressive declines in memory, learning, attention, and decision-making in people as young as 35 years old (1).
Because of this looming threat, Michael Colgan, Ph. D., expert in brain aging, along with Isagenix scientists collaborated on finding a solution for preserving brain health. More than 1,000 animal studies and human clinical trials have identified a number of individual nutrients that support different aspects of brain function (2-7). One of the major findings gleaned from these studies was that a synergistic blend of nutrients multiplies the power to support brain function beyond the use of individual nutrients alone.
Unlike other companies who use only one or two individual nutrients to support one or two brain functions, Isagenix has sought the best synergistic combinations to support multiple brain structures and functions. Taking from the most significant research, the Isagenix team came up with three different formulas of synergistic combinations of eight nutrients. By testing three different formulations in a clinical pilot study, the team was able to assess which product showed the greatest improvements in various cognitive tests.
Thirty-eight subjects ages 35 and older received one of three developed brain products. All subjects were also given Product B, IsaOmega Supreme, and IsaLean Shakes. Baseline cognitive evaluation of the subjects consisted of tests designed to analyze:
  • Balance: Determines the accuracy that the brain receives, interprets, and processes information from various systems that control balance.
  • Brain speed: Analyzes how quickly the brain can process information and convert it into an action.
  • Working memory: Assesses how well the brain can actively hold multiple pieces of information.
  • Cognitive flexibility: Determines accuracy of hand-eye coordination.
After supplementation for 3 and 6 weeks, subjects returned for their cognitive re-evaluations.

A pilot study finds that Isagenix Brain Boost & Renewal improves cognitive function in adults aged 35 and older.
In just six weeks, the Isagenix Brain Boost & Renewal formula showed improvement in brain fitness, especially in memory and cognitive flexibility, compared to the other formulations.
Isagenix introduced Brain Boost & Renewal, at the 10thannual Isagenix Celebration this past August in Phoenix, and it could not have come soon enough. More and more research is showing that early action is key in delaying the onset of cognitive decline.
This comprehensive brain protecting formulation is designed to protect mitochondria (the powerhouses of our cells) from oxidative stress, combat cellular reactivity, slow glycation (sugar toxicity on the brain and a major cause of premature aging), stimulate growth of neurons, and boost neurotransmitter function. (For information on how each of the ingredients work, see our article “Superhero Nutrients for Your Aging Brain”.)
Through these mechanisms, Isagenix Brain Boost & Renewal helps maintain memory, promotes mental focus, concentration, and decision-making, and supports healthy brain aging.
“It’s never too early or late to start giving your brain everything it needs to build a long, healthy and sustained life,” states Colgan. “The best investment you will ever make is in the future health of your brain.”

Whey Protein Throughout the Day Builds More Muscle in Young Men

Enchance lean body mass by consuming whey protein throughout the day.
Eating 20 or more grams of quality whey protein at balanced meals scheduled throughout the day maximizes muscle building in young men, according to a new study.
The study, published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism, found that whole body protein metabolism is influenced by the pattern of protein intake, and not just by the total daily amount consumed.
The study randomly assigned 24 resistance-trained young men to a daily total of 80 grams of whey protein in the amount of 10 grams eight times per day, 20 grams four times per day, or 40 grams two times per day. Protein balance was then measured over a 12-hour period following a session of weight training. In the end, eating 20 grams of whey protein four times per day was shown to be superior to the other protein meal patterns in enhancing whole body protein balance.
The researchers highlighted the importance of their findings in relation to recommendations for building muscle. The authors wrote, “the present data could suggest that individuals wishing to enhance or maintain lean body mass could obtain a benefit from the repeated ingestion of moderate amounts of dietary protein at regular intervals throughout the day.”
This latest research falls in line with the Isagenix message that 20 to 35 grams of protein consumed over balanced meals each day is superior for building muscle and to slow age-related muscle loss. In addition, Isagenix uses high-quality whey protein in all of IsaLean Shakes and Bars, making eating the right amount of protein at the right time throughout the day easy and convenient.
Because of a blunted anabolic response and lower basal rate of muscle synthesis in aging muscles, the amount of whey protein per meal may need to be higher in older people. A previous study in 33 older men found that the amount of 35 grams of whey protein improved whole body protein balance and muscle building. In either case, make sure you are getting the protein you need.

Visceral Fat May Shrink Your Brain

High amounts of belly fat linked to small brain volume in new studyStopping or beating the middle-age spread comes with a number of health benefits for a variety of the body’s organs—including your brain.
Weight gain in middle age has long been associated with faulty memory and thinking. However, researchers have only recently found the underlying causes for these brain-related problems. What’s to blame? In two words: visceral fat—belly fat, but not the kind you can pinch; it’s the fat within the belly that bathes your internal organs.
As heralded on previous occasions, visceral fat’s health-robbing nature is explained by its tendency to release all kinds of pro-inflammatory compounds reaping havoc on the entire body. There’s now plenty of reason to believe the brain suffers from visceral fat’s antics, too.
In a recent study by the National Institute for Health, visceral belly fat was directly linked to faster brain shrinking.
Researchers sampled 733 middle-aged participants and collected various body composition measures including waist-to-hip ratio, visceral fat tissue, and volumetric brain MRI scans. They found that those with higher abdominal fat measurements had significantly decreased brain volume. Greater amounts of visceral fat had the strongest and most robust correlation of all.
The findings lend support to what researchers have warned of consistently: cognitive decline may be directly related to visceral fat accumulation.
Lifelong health for you and your brain begins with an Isagenix system. One of the key findings of University of Illinois of Chicago clinical study was that subjects on an Isagenix system decreased visceral fat twice as much as those on a leading “heart-healthy” diet.
Add on other key brain products—Ageless Essentials Daily Pack with Product B and Brain and Sleep Support System—and what you have is a comprehensive solution for melting away visceral fat and saving your brain with Isagenix!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Nutrient Timing with Isagenix For Athletes

Nutrient timing with Isagenix products can give athletes an edge over their competition.
For athletes, when you eat may be nearly as important as what you eat. Nutrient timing is a popular concept among athletes and fitness gurus and refers to the timing of meals and supplements in relation to workouts. By strategically eating certain things at certain times, top athletes and fitness competitors can gain an edge over their competition.
Nutrient timing strategies will be different from athlete to athlete, depending on their goals. Here is a breakdown of how Isagenix products and nutrient timing can be a competitive advantage for different types of athletes:
Bodybuilders/Fitness Competitors
Bodybuilders and fitness competitors strive to build large, well-defined muscle groups that are in optimal proportion to one another. Gains in strength and muscle mass result from the repair of muscle that is torn and damaged during intense workouts, and the body needs protein to repair muscle. Because blood flow to the muscles increases during training, the best time for eating protein is as close to the end of a workout as possible—known as the “protein window” (1). Bodybuilders should look to consume around 30-40 grams of protein within 30 minutes of finishing a workout.
Remember, not all protein sources are created equal. IsaLean Pro is the ideal post-workout protein source for many reasons. Not only does it contain the perfect amount of protein at 35 grams, but it supplies whey protein, which is digested and absorbed more quickly than other sources (2). Whey’s amino acids rapidly enter the blood and reach the muscles so that they can initiate growth and repair right away. In addition, the carbohydrate in IsaLean Pro will work with the protein to stimulate an increase in levels of insulin. Extra insulin after exercise encourages storage of simple sugars in the form of glycogen that will fuel activity for the next weight-training session.
Even though the post-workout period is the best time for getting protein to the muscles to fuel growth, protein should be eaten throughout the day as well. Protein is used for many other things aside from just repairing and building muscle, including being a major structural component in all cells in the body and necessary for the formation of red blood cells.  When protein is needed by the body between meals, it’s taken from muscle, which can result in muscle loss. To avoid this, consume high-protein meals throughout the day such as IsaLean and IsaPro shakes.
Using antioxidant supplements to help speed muscle recovery is another favorite strategy used by bodybuilders. By consuming products rich in antioxidants before a workout and directly after, they can give their bodies the best chance to fight the free radicals created by exercise-induced stress. Ageless Actives is a great product for supplying the body with antioxidants such as resveratrol and CoQ10. CoQ10, in particular, has been shown in studies to reduce oxidative stress caused by exercise, which can help speed muscle recovery. The form of CoQ10 used in Ageless Actives is ideal because it’s eight times more absorbable than the dry powdered forms used in most other antioxidant supplements.
High-Intensity Athletes (Football Player, Sprinter, etc.)
High-intensity athletes are similar to bodybuilders in that they aim to build strength. But unlike bodybuilders, who are more interested in proportion and appearance, high-intensity athletes are trying to become more powerful so that they can improve quickness, agility, and technique.
Like bodybuilders, high-intensity athletes need to maximize muscle growth and repair. They should make use of the 30-minute “protein window” in addition to eating three-to-four high-protein meals and snacks throughout the day. To help speed muscle repair and recovery after training sessions, high-intensity athletes will also want to use an antioxidant supplement such as Ageless Actives before and after they exercise.
What differs between the strategies of high-intensity athletes and bodybuilders has to do with carbohydrates. Both need simple sugars after their workouts to spike insulin for replacing glycogen stores for later activity (3). However, high-intensity athletes tend to place a higher priority on eating more complex carbohydrates, because short bouts (usually taking place over a period of less than 30 seconds) of explosive exercise are their main focus. The body mostly draws on carbohydrates during these repeated, explosive bouts. Bodybuilders, on the other hand, will use glycogen stores to lift weights, but their cardio sessions are more fueled by fat because they often tend to be more slow and sustained. So, for high-intensity athletes such as sprinters and football players, there is a much higher reliance  on carbohydrates to fuel nearly everything they do, making it especially important for them to use carbohydrate timing as a strategy to improve athletic performance.
Endurance Athletes (Swimmer, Runner, Cyclist, etc.)
The goals of endurance athletes are different than that of bodybuilders or high-intensity athletes. Cyclists and marathon runners, for example, expect to improve performance by increasing stamina. Traditionally, endurance athletes have not placed the same degree of emphasis on protein intake and timing as other types of athletes, because of their concern that too much muscle will be gained causing them to be heavier and less efficient at their sport. Unfortunately, this view has been harmful to endurance athletes of the past because protein does so much more than just stimulate muscle growth. Repetitive movements and long strenuous training sessions are hard on the bodies of endurance athletes. By ingesting optimal amounts of protein and strategically using the concept of protein timing to enhance performance, endurance athletes can benefit from faster and more efficient repair of muscles allowing them to have more frequent and higher quality training sessions.
Unlike bodybuilders and high intensity athletes, endurance athletes rely on carbohydrate timing as a strategy for delaying fatigue and improving performance. Endurance athletes use both carbohydrate and fat to fuel their activity, but since they are often moving for hours at a time without a break, their glycogen stores will eventually become depleted.
To increase the amount of glycogen stored in their muscle, endurance athletes often do something called “carbohydrate loading.” Carbohydrate loading involves trying to maximize glycogen stores by eating a large amount of carbohydrate in the days leading up to an endurance race, and by also taking advantage of the 30 minute-post workout window to rebuild lost glycogen.
Another advantage of consuming carbohydrate during and after training is that the stress hormone cortisol will be reduced, which helps prevent excessive suppression of the immune system that can occur as a result of prolonged and strenuous exercise (4,5). IsaLean Shake makes for a great meal replacement for endurance athletes. But instead of the two scoops as typically recommended, endurance athletes should use three scoops for about 36 grams of protein and 36 grams of carbohydrate. In addition, they should supplement with antioxidants to manage oxidative stress and support the immune system.
The Recreational Athlete
Because recreational athletes only work out one or two times a week, their bodies aren’t prepared to cope with the physical consequences of hard exercise. They are at increased risk of suffering from muscle soreness, damage from oxidative stress, and longer repair times because they have not adapted defenses to deal with these things. It may seem that because they are not exercising as often as other types of athletes, their needs would not be as high. This is not true. Like other athletes, they should consume carbohydrate and protein in the 30-minute post exercise window. Particular attention should be placed on antioxidant consumption to help prime their defenses to hasten muscle recovery.
Nutrition is a critical aspect of any athlete’s training regimen. This fact continues to be recognized among college teams and even professional sports, who are now including nutritionists and dietitians on their staff. Athletes must receive quality nutrition to perform optimally and prevent injury. Nutrient timing in combination with high-quality products that Isagenix has to offer is a sure way for competitive athletes can to be at the top of their games.

TopBallerz Wealth, Health and Fitness: SCULPT Away Your Deadly Belly Fat Get ch...

TopBallerz Wealth, Health and Fitness: SCULPT Away Your Deadly Belly Fat
Get ch...
: SCULPT Away Your Deadly Belly Fat Get chiseled abs and SCULPT away visceral fat with Isagenix. Are you working hard to...

SCULPT Away Your Deadly Belly Fat

Get chiseled abs and SCULPT away visceral fat with Isagenix.
Are you working hard to get those chiseled abs? Even more importantly, do you want to live a long, healthy life without the burden of disease? Remember to SCULPT your physique using these six strategies and carve away toxic visceral fat for good:
Soluble Fiber. Soluble fiber—found in oatmeal, beans, apples, and carrots—attracts water and forms a gel in the intestines, slowing digestion and increasing satiety. Feeling fuller longer can help with weight loss and contribute to visceral fat reduction. Soluble fiber also works to reduce belly fat by binding to dietary fat in the intestine and clearing it from the blood stream. In a five-year study, researchers found a 4 percent decrease in visceral fat for every 10 grams of soluble fiber consumed (1). Isagenix IsaLean Shakes, FiberPro, SlimCakes, and FiberSnacks are great sources of fiber (soluble and insoluble) to help combat belly fat.
Cleanse. When you get on an Isagenix system involving Cleanse Days, you spark greater metabolism of fat, including visceral fat. As you may know, the system incorporates Shake Days and Cleanse Days. A review by Krista Varady, Ph.D., from the University of Illinois-Chicago shows that both daily calorie restriction, as on Shake Days and, especially, intermittent fasting as on Cleanse Days can reduce stubborn visceral fat by as much as 5 to 15 percent (2). Cleanse Days also add in Cleanse for Life, which is specially formulated to help the body detoxify. Detoxification is a major plus when long-term health is the ultimate goal.
Unwind. Constantly biting your finger nails, clenching your jaw, or shaking your leg? Those may be physical manifestations of high stress hormone levels. Studies have shown that chronically high levels of stress hormones such as cortisol have been linked to increased visceral fat. Luckily, new findings suggest that “mindful intervention” (such as mediation or yoga) can decrease cortisol levels and, in turn, visceral fat. And don’t forget Ionix Supreme, deemed “nature’s answer to stress,” as a cocktail of several adaptogenic botanicals to protect the body against the harmful effects of stress. Finally, the most important stress-management tool is sleep, a time when your brain and body renew. With all-natural Isagenix Sleep Support and Renewal system, you can fall asleep more easily, improve quality sleep, and increase total sleep time.
Lose Your Breath. Regular physical activity is one of the fastest ways to tackle belly fat. In fact, studies have shown that aerobic exercise significantly reduced visceral fat by up to 12 percent (3). Aerobic exercise (or “cardio” in gym lingo) is any activity that you can sustain for more than just a few minutes while your heart, lungs, and muscles work overtime. Work up a sweat, get your heart thumping, and burn away that belly fat.
Protein. Dietary protein not only helps you create muscle, but also revs up the body’s metabolism. In addition, muscle tissue takes more energy to maintain compared to fat or bone. This means that having more muscle will increase the overall amount of calories you burn every day. When your body has this increased metabolic need, visceral fat is likely to be used first as an energy source—what a win-win situation! In particular, research shows that whey protein has the best amino acid profile (high in branched-chain amino acids) for building lean tissue and increasing thermogenesis and fat burning. Isagenix IsaLean Pro (now in both vanilla and chocolate!) delivers a mega-dose of whey with 36 grams of the highest-quality protein to build and maintain lean muscle along with healthy fats and energy-boosting carbohydrates.
Take Vitamin D and Calcuim. Isagenix Ageless Essentials Daily Packs have the right vitamins and minerals in the right amounts to keep you healthy, including belly fat-busting vitamin D and calcium. In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin D supplementation along with calcium had significant reductions in visceral fat in overweight and obese individuals (4). It can be difficult to meet your calcium and vitamin D needs simply through diet and sunlight exposure, so don’t forget to take your A.M. and P.M. packs!
Belly fat is more than just unattractive; it is deadly. Visceral fat—not the fat you can pinch, but the fat within the belly that bathes your internal organs—is metabolically active tissue that secretes pro-inflammatory mediators, stimulates fat storage, and has been linked to insulin resistance, abnormal blood lipids, and cardiovascular disease risk. It’s crucial to get rid of toxic visceral fat to protect your body from its vicious attacks.
Lucky for us, there’s good news from the scientific literature on how to more quickly rid the body of the deadliest fat. With Isagenix, you can make it happen by remembering SCULPT, which can serve as your acronym to remember six strategies backed by science to help you carve away health-robbing visceral fat, gain back a sexier physique, and live healthier, longer.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Soy Protein About as Good as Plain Water for Muscle Building

According to a new study, soy protein does not compare to whey protein when it comes to muscle growth.
Need another reason to choose whey protein over soy when trying to preserve and build lean muscle mass? A new study (1) from McMaster University in Canada found that when compared to whey protein, ingesting soy protein after a workout or at rest does about as much as plain water for muscle protein synthesis.
The study randomized 30 elderly men into three treatment groups to test the effects of ingesting 0 grams of protein, 20 grams of soy protein, or 40 grams of soy protein at rest and after a bout of resistance exercise. These effects were then compared to previous responses in similar aged men who had ingested 20 grams or 40 grams of whey protein at rest and after resistance exercise.
Results showed that rates of muscle protein synthesis for ingesting 20 grams of soy protein were no different than ingesting 0 grams of protein. The higher dose of soy protein, 40 grams, only modestly increased rates of muscle protein synthesis after exercise in comparison to people who consumed no protein.
In contrast, previous data from the study authors showed that consuming whey protein at rest and after exercise has shown to induce muscle protein synthesis whether in a dose of 20 or 40 grams, with the larger dose having a greater effect.
“We report that soy protein isolate is relatively ineffective in its capacity to stimulate MPS [muscle protein synthesis] in the elderly when compared to whey protein,” wrote the researchers.
The findings from this study should speak to aging adults who are looking to avoid the muscle-wasting effects of sarcopenia, as protein source and dose are showing more and more to be critical in avoiding age-related muscle loss. Even though both whey and soy proteins are considered high-quality proteins based on the digestibility of their amino acids, and both are considered ‘fast’ proteins because they cause a rapid increase in amino acids available to be utilized by muscles, the actual digestion and muscle-building potential of whey and soy protein are quite different.
For one, whey protein has a higher percentage of the amino acid leucine, which has shown to be the “master” amino acid for the synthesis of muscle. What’s more, the current study found that a greater proportion of soy’s amino acids—including leucine—are diverted towards oxidation, making them unavailable for muscle synthesis. This goes along with the findings of prior studies (2, 3) that revealed the amino acids contained in soy protein are metabolized in the body by gut proteins. The amino acids in whey protein, on the other hand, are partitioned for use by skeletal muscle tissue—leading to greater rates of muscle synthesis. To top it off, soy protein products do not usually exceed 20 grams per serving and research is showing that we need closer to 30 grams of protein per meal (4).
Whey protein is not just for older adults looking to preserve their muscles. Whey protein has shown to be superior to soy in increasing muscle protein synthesis after exercise in young adults too (5).
Whether young or old, Isagenix has the whey protein needed for maximal muscle growth and maintenance for everyone. Maintain muscle mass by enjoying an IsaLean Shake with 24 grams of protein or an IsaLean Bar with 18 grams of protein. Older adults or those looking to maximize their muscle growth may also benefit from having IsaLean Pro with a supercharged dose of 35 grams protein.
There are many choices to consider when looking for the right protein supplement in your diet. Rest assured that at Isagenix we look to the science to bring you the right protein in the right amounts to maintain, repair, and build muscle.

Keep the Holiday Stress Beast Caged

Control holiday stress so it doesn’t end up controlling you.
Ah, the holidays. ‘Tis the season for giving thanks, celebrating with loved ones, enjoying festive food and drink, and…managing stress? Yes, it’s true—amid all of the joyous happenings of the season there lurks a stressed-out beast waiting to escape from us all should we let it.
Holiday stress is normal… What with all the unavoidable time-consuming tasks of the season—shopping in overcrowded stores, searching for the “perfect” presents, preparing the “perfect” roast dinner, and making too numerous (or endless) holiday engagements involving family and friends, all while trying not to wreak havoc on your finances? Who doesn’t get overwhelmed?  How does someone make it through without freaking out a little?
With some strategic planning and the help of natural stress-regulating compounds, the holiday beast inside us all can be kept in its cage. Setting realistic budgets, limiting holiday events, being sure to get workouts in, and trying some meditation all can help you to stay sane, as can boosting your body’s natural stress-fighting power with adaptogens!
Adaptogens—compounds from plants that help increase the body’s resistance against stressors—can help normalize your response to, say, navigating through traffic to get to that crowded shopping mall, in which is that last-minute gift you had in mind for your aunt, whose dinner party you’re late to. With adaptogens, you can reach that dinner party with a smile on your face and a calm, cool composure. Holiday happenings can retain their joy!
The longstanding science behind adaptogens tells us that their stress-protective effects happen through multiple mechanisms. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), for instance, has been used for centuries in Asia to treat stress-related health conditions. In 2008, a study showed that highly stressed men and women who took ashwagandha for 60 days had reduced feelings of stress (1). The study’s authors attributed the stress-reducing effects partly to ashwagandha helping consumers maintain normal levels of circulating cortisol (aka “the stress hormone”). Higher levels of circulating cortisol are usually caused by being chronically stressed and not doing anything about it, which can lead to a whole host of health problems (2).
Adaptogen researchers Alexander Panossian and George Wikman, of Sweden, suggest that adaptogens act like “stress vaccines,” meaning they mimic a stress response throughout the body and therefore strengthen the body’s capacity to deal with real stressors when they come along (similar to performing exercise) (3). In this way, they decrease fatigue and improve focus and attention.
Add to that the natural antioxidant power of adaptogens and their ability to combat oxidative stress and potentially enhance the immune system (4-6) and it’s a wonder why everyone isn’t incorporating adaptogens into their daily routine—especially during the holidays!
Why wait? Get a head-start on handling the holiday stress and be sure to add adaptogens to your daily routine with Ionix Supreme, the elixir deemed “nature’s answer to stress.” The cocktail of adaptogens and all the healthy effects that come with are not to be missed—stress protection, improved performance, and raising antioxidant status. By getting your adaptogens in every day—now and through the new year—you might surprise yourself on just how jolly you can be this holiday season.